First full week of full-time FFF work done. Was productive and lots of fun! I am tired now, but much less tired than I used to be at the end of a week! And a far better kind of tired to be. Satisfied, and comfy. :3
29.3.2025 00:23First full week of full-time FFF work done. Was productive and lots of fun! I am tired now, but much less tired than I used to be at the end...It is very important to make creature noises at all opportunities :3
Waking up? Mrraaaa!
Big stretchie? Mrraaaawrrr
Confused by something? Mrrrrrr?
Dutifully working away at something? Mrp mrp mrp
Happy? Mrawrp!!!
First day finished :3 I had no idea how much random small (but important) stuff there was to do that I had fallen behind on! I was able to get through like, literally a week's worth of working in the evenings after day-job.
I can still work in the evening if I'm inspired to. But I don't have to!! Eeeeee!
20.3.2025 21:45First day finished :3 I had no idea how much random small (but important) stuff there was to do that I had fallen behind on! I was able to...Tomorrow is my last day at day-job. Thursday's my first going snout-first into FFF work. Fittingly, tomorrow is the last day of winter, followed by the first of spring. Not even intentional :3
Yes some external things are scary. But I've got a job to do, and responsibilities that transcend borders.
19.3.2025 00:02Tomorrow is my last day at day-job. Thursday's my first going snout-first into FFF work. Fittingly, tomorrow is the last day of winter,...I finally saw a full, real-deal astronomical event!!! (I missed previous ones…did see a partial solar eclipse but not full) And wow, this is beautiful and leaves me in awe.
14.3.2025 07:11I finally saw a full, real-deal astronomical event!!! (I missed previous ones…did see a partial solar eclipse but not full) And wow, this...I can't say "wanting to vandalize my own car" was an urge I expected to ever experience.
I will be selling my car this month, very soon after my last day at day-job (March 19th).
If anyone literally vandalizes it before then, suffice to say I won't press charges XD
12.3.2025 05:03I can't say "wanting to vandalize my own car" was an urge I expected to ever experience.I will be selling my car this month,...Got a blood test result back. Oh no, estradiol is AbOvE rEfErEnCe RaNgE O.-.O
8.3.2025 00:10Got a blood test result back. Oh no, estradiol is AbOvE rEfErEnCe RaNgE O.-.ODay job resignation notice handed in!! My last day is March 19th. My managers were really happy for me too, to work in earnest on this passion project. After that I’m going full speed on FFF volunteering and I am SO excited!!!
5.3.2025 01:47Day job resignation notice handed in!! My last day is March 19th. My managers were really happy for me too, to work in earnest on this...New desk setup is essentially complete! I HAVE NEVER HAD ERGONOMICS THIS GOOD AAAAAAA
27.2.2025 05:00New desk setup is essentially complete! I HAVE NEVER HAD ERGONOMICS THIS GOOD AAAAAAAAnd to be clear I’m only hoping that *I* get laid off of course! Hopefully a small trimming of only the one who wants it. ^.-.^;
25.2.2025 23:38And to be clear I’m only hoping that *I* get laid off of course! Hopefully a small trimming of only the one who wants it. ^.-.^;Saga continues:
I got a really good performance review for my work last year today! It was really nice to hear. But also means my company would really not want to lay me off. :<
HOWEVER. One of our main software tools that we use for time tracking disappeared today, which is veeeery suspicious and could conceivably be them trying to lock data before final layoff decisions.
Cmoooooon!!! *crossing claws*
25.2.2025 23:35Saga continues:I got a really good performance review for my work last year today! It was really nice to hear. But also means my company...I was unfortunately *not* laid off this past Friday ;.-.;
Hopefully this current week.
If not, I think I'll have to give 2 weeks' notice next Monday. I really can't last longer than that.
It's soooo boring. I'm out of stuff to do. It's gotten so bad that it's dulling my mind and leaving me less productive than normal in the weekday evenings.
25.2.2025 02:21I was unfortunately *not* laid off this past Friday ;.-.;Hopefully this current week. If not, I think I'll have to give 2 weeks'...I tried looking and so many things with dragons on them are just AI garbage. Some of the AI stuff even looks good. But gosh darn it I want art, and to support art, not feed the machine trying to eat our souls.
Anyone know an artist with dragoney posters/prints?
24.2.2025 06:56I tried looking and so many things with dragons on them are just AI garbage. Some of the AI stuff even looks good. But gosh darn it I want...It's neat setting up my new home office area. Since I'm leaving day-job soon to do some FFF work full-time (just volunteering for me; I really need to help get us some key deliverables out), I have an excuse to do this. Standing desk! Ergonomics! Good lighting! And a dragon desk mat/mouse pad :3
I've never had a good desk with proper ergonomics or anything beyond the bare minimum before. Never before at home, nor during grad school, nor in any day-job. Things have always been thrown together. No more. :3
24.2.2025 06:19It's neat setting up my new home office area. Since I'm leaving day-job soon to do some FFF work full-time (just volunteering for...Does anyone know a place where I can buy good art prints/pictures to hang on a wall? Ethical for artists, i.e., not Amazon. :P
24.2.2025 02:30Does anyone know a place where I can buy good art prints/pictures to hang on a wall? Ethical for artists, i.e., not Amazon. :PIt is now Zenny's bed time
They face a familiar foe
The heater is warm and comfy, a most inviting trap for reptiles.
Can Zenny escape, or will it yield to its base instincts to bask in pleasant warmth for the rest of time?
We shall see -.-
21.2.2025 07:29It is now Zenny's bed timeThey face a familiar foeThe heater is warm and comfy, a most inviting trap for reptiles. Can Zenny escape, or...Today feels like the first day of a new stage in my life.
A couple weeks ago, I decided to leave my day-job and focus on the FFF full-time imminently. I've taken the next few days off from my employer to burn my "floating holidays" (PTO that doesn't get paid out if you leave).
I'm also like 95% sure my employer is about to make some big layoffs due to large challenges in my employer's industry. Several unusual things they've done recently that suggests something is up.
Yesterday, some part of me felt like it may have been my last day working there.
We'll see if they do wind up doing layoffs Friday. I'm leaving soon anyway, so I'm looking on more with curiosity than anything else.
Today, I feel well rested, music's hitting differently, and I've got some fascinating science pulled up about the molecular composition of feathers for the integument project. I've also got a new, standing desk and other stuff on order because I'll be doing a *lot* more "WFH". :3
Hell yeah.
19.2.2025 18:15Today feels like the first day of a new stage in my life. A couple weeks ago, I decided to leave my day-job and focus on the FFF full-time...Oh no. I am in front of my heater again and it is warm. If I were to get up, I would be cold. I am trapped here. Again. Why does this always happen to me, a reptile. :<
14.2.2025 06:54Oh no. I am in front of my heater again and it is warm. If I were to get up, I would be cold. I am trapped here. Again. Why does this always...I heard there's some kind of big game tonight? I'd watch, but I'm too busy doing other stuff like...existing :3~
10.2.2025 00:09I heard there's some kind of big game tonight? I'd watch, but I'm too busy doing other stuff like...existing :3~I saw a post on here with someone being like, post-TF, how their friends wouldn’t even recognize them at first, but then recognizing them later from behaviors and figuring it out.
I think I will not have that challenge!!! Everyone I care about (including my parents!) already knows what I really look like, and folks would be like “oh it’s you, finally!!”
1.2.2025 07:03I saw a post on here with someone being like, post-TF, how their friends wouldn’t even recognize them at first, but then recognizing them...