After all this time spent working on statistical questions, simpson's paradox still keeps catching me off guard ... that instinct about proportion must be a really efficient one, my brain just refuse to remember that it's wrong...
14.5.2024 15:25After all this time spent working on statistical questions, simpson's paradox still keeps catching me off guard ... that instinct about...Tomorrow will be my first presentation at GMDS. The topic is about sample overlap Problem in meta-analysis. @croever found this fishing rabbit :D
18.9.2023 20:06Tomorrow will be my first presentation at GMDS. The topic is about sample overlap Problem in meta-analysis. @croever found this fishing...Trying different ways to visualize the overlap structure among studies. This one looks pretty cool, although it won't work for 20 or 30 samples...
13.6.2023 09:21Trying different ways to visualize the overlap structure among studies. This one looks pretty cool, although it won't work for 20 or 30...