McDonald’s panicking about killing ppl too fast is tuff 😤
24.10.2024 12:53McDonald’s panicking about killing ppl too fast is tuff 😤You see that stove, yea that’s where we would get it on
same stove mama cooked that thanksgiving chicken on
same stove, when the heat was off that shit was on
when the burners didnt work we lit a tissue to click it on …
10.9.2024 20:42You see that stove, yea that’s where we would get it onsame stove mama cooked that thanksgiving chicken on same stove, when the heat was...Today’s Mathematics
Wisdom & Equality manifested as Build/Destroy
Wisdom = manifestation of knowledge through one’s ways & actions
Equality = to be equal in all aspects of one’s true self
Build/Destroy =
Build, add on to life positive creation or education
Destroy, to know of what is untrue and add light to the knowledge
How you act, based upon your perception of internal balance, manifests as your ability to add positivity or teach while recognizing what’s untrue.
26.2.2024 15:38Today’s Mathematics2/26Wisdom & Equality manifested as Build/Destroy Wisdom = manifestation of knowledge through one’s ways &...