Here we go #googleio
14.5.2024 14:40Here we go #googleioAfter many years attending, and a long post-pandemic hiatus, I'm back at #GoogleIO in person next week! If you're around, ping me. I'm looking forward to connecting and reconnecting.
12.5.2024 17:13After many years attending, and a long post-pandemic hiatus, I'm back at #GoogleIO in person next week! If you're around, ping me....That time of the year when DC decides that 3D printing can wait.
17.1.2024 13:45That time of the year when DC decides that 3D printing can wait.You won't find a more satisfying video this week
4.11.2023 11:06You won't find a more satisfying video this week #Mapbox BUILD is coming up on November 16! We'll be sharing the latest on MapGPT.
1.11.2023 21:33Next #Mapbox BUILD is coming up on November 16! We'll be sharing the latest on MapGPT.'s my fifth anniversary here and this is only my second post O:-)
30.10.2023 18:01It's my fifth anniversary here and this is only my second post O:-)