RT @granawkins
You’ve seen the pictures, but you probably don’t know the full story.
It's the result of a 10-week engineering study at Stanford University in 1975, funded by NASA and led by Girard O’Neill - the most thorough study on free-space settlement to date.
RT @Mylovanov
There is a scandal about Amnesty International. In August 2022, Amnesty accused Ukraine of fighting tactics that endanger civilians. In response to the public outcry, Amnesty commissioned an independent review, and now have decided not to make its results public. 1/
RT @pevchikh
1/22 This is Svetlana Maniovich. She is your guide to the world of extreme Russian glamour. She radiates richness. Diamonds, furs, Rolls Royces - she has it all and more. In summer you can find her in St Tropez where she rents a villa for €150k/month, or on a yacht in Naples🧵
It's sad how downhill @heroku's support has gone in recent years.
30.3.2023 09:33It's sad how downhill @heroku's support has gone in recent years.Also pazi zdj k me desnicarji napadejo ker slabo govorim o njihovem vladarju, in levicarji ker se strinjam z eno njegovo izjavo (in ne z ostalimi 99,999%).
28.3.2023 21:20Also pazi zdj k me desnicarji napadejo ker slabo govorim o njihovem vladarju, in levicarji ker se strinjam z eno njegovo izjavo (in ne z...Povprecen twit tega osebka je nekje med bruhanjem in rezanjem zil, ampak s tem zapisom se je pac treba strinjat.
Po letu dni spet prijateljsko srečanje v #Kyiv s predsednikom Ukrajinske vlade @Denys_Shmyhal. Ukrajina 🇺🇦 je danes mnogo močnejša, podpora svobodnega sveta pa bistveno večja kot v temnih dneh marca 2022 takoj po brutalni ruski agresiji.
Vendar pa je pomoč Ukrajini še vedno… https://twitter.com/i/web/status…
RT @littlesnitch
This is insane. PayPal has restricted our business account because we have invoiced a license key containing the random letter sequence “ALEP”.
Now they ask us to provide an explanation of the reference to “Alep”.
If we don’t, they even threatened to close our account.
28.3.2023 08:38RT @littlesnitchThis is insane. PayPal has restricted our business account because we have invoiced a license key containing the random...RT @peterframpton
I have posted this before but ..
26 years ago, a gunman entered
Dunblane Primary School in Scotland,
killing 16 kids and a teacher. The UK
govt responded by enacting tight gun
control legislation. In the 9400+ days
since, there have been a total of O
school shootings in the UK.
RT @ZelenskyyUa
Zaporizhzhia. Right now, residential areas where ordinary people and children live are being fired at.
This must not become "just another day" in 🇺🇦 or anywhere else in the world. The world needs greater unity and determination to defeat Russian terror faster and protect lives.
Hey @zeddotdev, any plans on adding GitHub Copilot support?
16.3.2023 21:02Hey @zeddotdev, any plans on adding GitHub Copilot support?RT @visegrad24
The 14-year-old Catholic Polish girl Czesława Kwoka was murdered in Auschwitz with a phenol injection to the heart exactly 80 years ago today.
Main reason deterring me from buying an electric mountain bike: riding with eMTB friends means I have the solo climb, in peace, just me, myself and I. But then my eMTB friends catch up near the top and I can enjoy great company for the descent.
7.3.2023 20:14Main reason deterring me from buying an electric mountain bike: riding with eMTB friends means I have the solo climb, in peace, just me,...Ahh the smell of a clean slate when starting a new project ❤️
1.3.2023 21:15Ahh the smell of a clean slate when starting a new project ❤️RT @RexChapman
84-yrs ago today 20,000 Americans gathered in Madison Square Garden (Feb 20, 1939) and raised Nazi salutes toward a 30-ft tall portrait of George Washington flanked by swastikas.
Meanwhile, Hitler was finishing construction of his 6th concentration camp.
22.2.2023 10:41RT @RexChapman84-yrs ago today 20,000 Americans gathered in Madison Square Garden (Feb 20, 1939) and raised Nazi salutes toward a 30-ft tall...RT @waitbutwhy
My book What's Our Problem? is now available.
The book introduces a new framework for thinking about our chaotic political environment. With 303 drawings, it's a toolbox for understanding our societies, our group dynamics, and our own minds.
Get it here: http://waitbutwhy.com/whatsourproblem
21.2.2023 22:47RT @waitbutwhyMy book What's Our Problem? is now available.The book introduces a new framework for thinking about our chaotic political...RT @domenkozar
Since both me and @nzupan are still recovering from the previous http://oceansprint.org, we've decided to do the next sprint in autumn, most likely in November.
I know y'all have been looking forward to the next one!
21.2.2023 11:04RT @domenkozarSince both me and @nzupan are still recovering from the previous http://oceansprint.org, we've decided to do the next...RT @levelsio
Imagine having 4 cofounders at a VC funded startup 🥹
Selling for $100M
Diluted to 10% ownership by VCs
Tax takes 50%
Go home with $1.25M cash after 6 years working 7 days a week 12 hours per day or $47/hour
Many people on Upwork make more than that!
18.2.2023 11:03RT @levelsioImagine having 4 cofounders at a VC funded startup 🥹Selling for $100MDiluted to 10% ownership by VCsTax takes 50%Go home with...RT @teamniteo
In January, Niteans gathered for our bi-annual IRL meet, this time in Manila, Philippines!
13.2.2023 17:42RT @teamniteoIn January, Niteans gathered for our bi-annual IRL meet, this time in Manila, Philippines!...And, for anyone interested, there is branch that shows how to integrate https://pypi.org/project/SQLAlchemy-Continuum/ into Pyramid: https://github.com/zupo/tutorial/tree/exploration/sqlalchemy-continuum
11.2.2023 15:43And, for anyone interested, there is branch that shows how to integrate https://pypi.org/project/SQLAlchemy-Continuum/ into Pyramid:...RT @nicolasmerouze
How far are you from this?