Content warning:sleep rhythm(-)
Just got up from sleeping for 15 hour and already thinking about going to bed again…
27.3.2025 16:09Content warning:sleep rhythm(-)Just got up from sleeping for 15 hour and already thinking about going to bed again…Content warning:pol
For that that I'm an anarchist I do quite enjoy reading law stuff! (I recently causally read all 80 pages of some law‽)
26.3.2025 22:40Content warning:polFor that that I'm an anarchist I do quite enjoy reading law stuff! (I recently causally read all 80 pages of some...Why is everytime I come back to fedi after just a couple of days (or even less) all hell loose‽
26.3.2025 15:31Why is everytime I come back to fedi after just a couple of days (or even less) all hell loose‽Content warning:HRT, injections/needles
Second injection today. The first time I was basically not scared at all and it worked all perfectly (the pain was (assuming there were any) so low that I now already spent nearly a week trying to remember whether there was even any at all), but today I was very scared and slightly messed it up. Out of fear I didn't push it in with the necessary speed and it barely went in, but because pushing it slowly further hurt I decided that this is surely deep enough (it obviously wasn't) and pressed the liquid in which caused it to flow down the leg. I tried again on the other leg (i.e. the same one as last week) and since I pushed it in quickly enough it barely hurt (and in general worked fine).
Takeaway: Even if it's scary, just push the needle in quickly!
26.3.2025 15:19Content warning:HRT, injections/needlesSecond injection today. The first time I was basically not scared at all and it worked all perfectly...Fedi bot idea: A bot that looks for posts starting with "LB: " (and maybe also "lb: "?) and automatically replies with a link to the last post the person has boosted (at least if this post is not already linked?).
24.3.2025 00:02Fedi bot idea: A bot that looks for posts starting with "LB: " (and maybe also "lb: "?) and automatically replies with a link to the last...My normal screen is temporarily broken, so now I use the (unreasonable large) TV screen here… Feels very weird!
22.3.2025 13:12My normal screen is temporarily broken, so now I use the (unreasonable large) TV screen here… Feels very weird!Turns out this was a bit pessimistic, I'm just gonna be not as active as usual (and not on as many platforms as usual).
22.3.2025 13:03Turns out this was a bit pessimistic, I'm just gonna be not as active as usual (and not on as many platforms as usual).Quick heads up: I'm probably gonna be not online for the next couple days (till Wednesday).
20.3.2025 16:51Quick heads up: I'm probably gonna be not online for the next couple days (till Wednesday).Content warning:re: HRT, injections/needles
Somehow I am only now – hours afterwards – starting to panic??
19.3.2025 21:06Content warning:re: HRT, injections/needlesSomehow I am only now – hours afterwards – starting to panic??Content warning:HRT, injections/needles
Pills became too annoying so I switched to injections now. The panic about stabbing myself was not really all that bad for me (only when I then had the needle in my hand and were about to do it I was shortly a bit unsettled that something should go into that (i.e. my tight)), but when the needle was in the only thing I felt was the very weird feeling of seeing something inside of me (felt as if the collision detection of the physics engine had a bug…).
19.3.2025 18:36Content warning:HRT, injections/needlesPills became too annoying so I switched to injections now. The panic about stabbing myself was not...Content warning:HRT question, needles
Weird question, but how does one remove the lid from an injection vial (the metal one, not the rubber the needle is supposed to pierce and therefor is not removable)? In all the videos it looks like no effort, but I don't get it off.
Edit: Worked after I used a knife to pry the sides open.
19.3.2025 18:17Content warning:HRT question, needlesWeird question, but how does one remove the lid from an injection vial (the metal one, not the rubber...Mal sehen, ob das funktioniert: Ich suche gerade eine remote Teilzeit-Stelle (wahrscheinlich¹) als Softwareentwickler in der EU (idealerweise Deutschland). Ich studiere aktuell Mathematik mit theoretischer Physik im Nebenfach und hab grob 9 Jahre Programmiererfahrung (hauptsächlich C und Rust, aber auch viele mit weniger Erfahrung). Ich sprech Deutsch und Englisch als Muttersprache bzw. auf einem solchen Niveau.
Mein Code ist unter und (für älteres Zeug) verfügbar.
Für mehr Informationen bin ich per DM und E-Mail ( erreichbar.
(¹ Was mit direkterer Anwendung meines Studiums wäre auch nett, aber Softwareentwicklung ist wo meine Stärke liegt.)
19.3.2025 12:01Mal sehen, ob das funktioniert: Ich suche gerade eine remote Teilzeit-Stelle (wahrscheinlich¹) als Softwareentwickler in der EU...Let's see if this works: I'm currently looking for a remote part-time job (probably¹) as a software developer in the EU (ideally Germany). I'm studying mathematics with a minor in theoretical physics and have ~9 years of programming experience (mainly C and Rust, but also many others with a reduced amount of competence). I speak German and English native/native-like.
My code is available under and (for older stuff)
For more information, DM me here or write to
(¹ I also would enjoy something with a more direct application of my university education, but software development is my main strength.)
19.3.2025 12:01Let's see if this works: I'm currently looking for a remote part-time job (probably¹) as a software developer in the EU (ideally Germany)....Content warning:subpost, rant, pol, military
Can we please stop accepting people who were (or even still are) in the military as valued members of our community, at least as long as the don't explain themself and deeply regret it! The military is an even greater source of oppression than the police and we all know that every single cop is evil (i.e. ACAB), so why treat the system's murder henchmen any better?
18.3.2025 20:18Content warning:subpost, rant, pol, militaryCan we please stop accepting people who were (or even still are) in the military as valued...Content warning:lewd, hrt
I don't know if this is because my timeline has gotten more horny or because of the e or maybe just because this is what I happen to be doing right now, but recently I've been a lot more sensually sexual (or whatever the proper term is…).
18.3.2025 02:13Content warning:lewd, hrtI don't know if this is because my timeline has gotten more horny or because of the e or maybe just because this is...Content warning:light Arcane S1&S2 spoiler
Also very weird to me: I'm now old enough that these very much competent and mature (and much more badass than me) people now cause some protecting-younger-people instinct in me‽ When did I get so old‽
17.3.2025 23:57Content warning:light Arcane S1&S2 spoilerAlso very weird to me: I'm now old enough that these very much competent and mature (and much...Content warning:light Arcane S1&S2 spoiler
Just saw some pictures from season 1 again, and oh my goddess how young they look there compared to season 2!
17.3.2025 23:57Content warning:light Arcane S1&S2 spoilerJust saw some pictures from season 1 again, and oh my goddess how young they look there...Content warning:trans legal question, GDPR
The recent decision that the GDPR requires being allowed to correct ones gender markers is already very great, but I'm wondering now: What is the time frame of this? To take the country I live in as an example, in Germany it takes 3 months to get your legal gender (and name) changed, but certainly this is not something acceptable under GDPR, right? It cannot take more time than necessary, right? (and also the other restrictions (e.g. on names or how often one can change it) are not GDPR conforming, or?)
16.3.2025 17:26Content warning:trans legal question, GDPRThe recent decision that the GDPR requires being allowed to correct ones gender markers is already...Inhaltswarnung:ad hominem, re: Transphobischer Zeitungsartikel
Und warum überrascht es mich nicht, dass der Autor ein alter weißer Mann ist?
16.3.2025 16:32Inhaltswarnung:ad hominem, re: Transphobischer ZeitungsartikelUnd warum überrascht es mich nicht, dass der Autor ein alter weißer Mann...Inhaltswarnung:Transphobischer Zeitungsartikel
Die Zeit hat gestern einen sehr transphobischen Artikel ( veröffentlicht und ich würde allen, die Zeit (no pun intended) haben dagegen eine Beschwerde einzulegen, dies zu tun. Ich hab eine Beschwerde beim Deutschen Presserat und zu eingelegt (wobei ich keine Ahnung hab, ob dass der beste Weg ist).