It's still perfect that Scranton and Scantron are anagrams.
3.11.2023 02:36It's still perfect that Scranton and Scantron are anagrams.KYRIE ORBIS FACTOR
20.10.2023 00:26KYRIE ORBIS FACTORCultural Tutor is one of the reasons I still check in with my Twätter feed (though I've stopped engaging in any way - it's Read Only mode over there). This thread exemplifies why:
20.8.2023 03:43Cultural Tutor is one of the reasons I still check in with my Twätter feed (though I've stopped engaging in any way - it's Read...Out getting gelato tonight and my wife orders a small Death by Chocolate. I told her in France they'd call that Orgasm by Chocolate.
21.5.2023 01:58Out getting gelato tonight and my wife orders a small Death by Chocolate. I told her in France they'd call that Orgasm by Chocolate.1.5 years of Wordle and still no aces.
2nd day of A Little Wordy and bingo! (and yesterday I didn't even realize you could enter guesses without taking clues first)
19.4.2023 01:381.5 years of Wordle and still no aces.2nd day of A Little Wordy and bingo! (and yesterday I didn't even realize you could enter guesses...Not to brag but... first guess!
A Little Wordy #2 💯 100%
19.4.2023 01:35Not to brag but... first guess!A Little Wordy #2 💯 100% Umplification by the Bimulated Amission of Radiation
6.4.2023 04:57 Umplification by the Bimulated Amission of RadiationI think I've figured out UConn's strategy this tournament: play teams during their worst game of the season.
(And yes, I do recognize that this is not entirely coincidental)
4.4.2023 02:13I think I've figured out UConn's strategy this tournament: play teams during their worst game of the season.(And yes, I do recognize...Though I no longer post there, I still read my old twitter feed. Sometimes the juxtaposition of posts is just perfect @ZachWeinersmith
1.4.2023 18:29Though I no longer post there, I still read my old twitter feed. Sometimes the juxtaposition of posts is just perfect @ZachWeinersmithDrink more oolong tea.
27.3.2023 03:04Drink more oolong tea.The Spotify algorithm led me from The Bird and the Bee to Shugo Tokumaru today, who I absolutely am digging (fellow Kishi Bashi fans will notice immediate similarities).
Went over to Youtube to search for more Tokumaru and discovered I had previously viewed a video of his, many years ago. For whatever reason the song didn't stick with me at the time, but it's still a banger, as is the video itself:
23.3.2023 00:12The Spotify algorithm led me from The Bird and the Bee to Shugo Tokumaru today, who I absolutely am digging (fellow Kishi Bashi fans will...From an observation deck atop a Chicago skyscraper, the horror is first sighted. Peeking up out of Lake Michigan... two gigantic cat ears.
22.3.2023 01:07From an observation deck atop a Chicago skyscraper, the horror is first sighted. Peeking up out of Lake Michigan... two gigantic cat ears.I need more tea but my cat is curled up with me, so I guess I don't need more tea.
18.3.2023 20:30I need more tea but my cat is curled up with me, so I guess I don't need more tea.Definitely still on CST despite being back in EDT for several days...
15.3.2023 05:10Definitely still on CST despite being back in EDT for several days...Saw this video making the rounds:
It reminds me of my office plant whose soil doesn't retain a lot of water, so I have to be careful how much I add at a time. If the pot is very dry, I can only add a little water because it doesn't soak in and sneaks down the side and out the drain immediately. However if the soil is already moist I can add a lot more water as it will soak into and be trapped by the soil.
Capillarity, yo.
4.3.2023 18:28Saw this video making the rounds: reminds me of my office plant whose soil doesn't...Anyway, here's Kansas.
4.3.2023 01:06Anyway, here's Kansas.I've been meaning to try actually posting things more often rather than just lurking and boosting memes. The new instance might just be the excuse I need to start!
On the other hand, I picked a not great time to start, as I'll be traveling a bit in the next week and intentionally don't use social media on my phone.
4.3.2023 01:05I've been meaning to try actually posting things more often rather than just lurking and boosting memes. The new instance might just be...Switched instances to something a little less mainstream and as a bonus, got my 3ch handle back in the process!
I think everything went smoothly as far as migrating my follows and followers (all five of you!).
4.3.2023 01:00Switched instances to something a little less mainstream and as a bonus, got my 3ch handle back in the process!I think everything went...