day 12, and the end of the line! Wizard, Pluvo the Rainmaker. #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5e
1.3.2024 22:09day 12, and the end of the line! Wizard, Pluvo the Rainmaker. #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5eday 11 - Warlock, Archibald the Fool #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5e
29.2.2024 20:06day 11 - Warlock, Archibald the Fool #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5eday 10 - Sorcerer, Boaz the Taken #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5e
28.2.2024 23:54day 10 - Sorcerer, Boaz the Taken #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5eday 9 - Rogue, Michele de Lando #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5e
27.2.2024 21:18day 9 - Rogue, Michele de Lando #ttrpg #tabletop #rpg #dnd #dnd5ei don't really know why this is Horizon Walker other than the subclass looks fun so I'd probably make up some lore about the ruins having some extraplanar stuff going on
26.2.2024 21:11i don't really know why this is Horizon Walker other than the subclass looks fun so I'd probably make up some lore about the ruins...Day 8 - Ranger, Saman the Keeper #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e
26.2.2024 21:01Day 8 - Ranger, Saman the Keeper #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5eDay 7 - Paladin, Nestor the Spyglass #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e
25.2.2024 22:29Day 7 - Paladin, Nestor the Spyglass #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5ethis one owes a lot to Aang obviously but takes a different spin on it
24.2.2024 21:46this one owes a lot to Aang obviously but takes a different spin on itDay 6 - Monk, Lynatto the Reluctant Scion #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e
24.2.2024 21:44Day 6 - Monk, Lynatto the Reluctant Scion #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5ethis one was a bit harder, it's such a wide-open canvas of a class that I don't find "fighter" a great seed for inspiration. "Fighter" seems like what you come up with if you have something else to hang the character on and realize you want a martial generalist, not a starting point for a PC.
23.2.2024 22:12this one was a bit harder, it's such a wide-open canvas of a class that I don't find "fighter" a great seed for...Day 5 - Fighter, Mankiller the Champion. #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e
23.2.2024 22:02Day 5 - Fighter, Mankiller the Champion. #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5eDay 4 - Druid. Kubidon the Cowboy. #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5e
23.2.2024 17:52Day 4 - Druid. Kubidon the Cowboy. #tabletop #ttrpg #dnd #dnd5eDay 3 - Cleric. Ariana the Heretic. #tabletop #dnd #ttrpg #dnd5e
23.2.2024 17:51Day 3 - Cleric. Ariana the Heretic. #tabletop #dnd #ttrpg #dnd5eDay 2 - Bard. Harmoniax, the Living Synthesizer. #tabletop #dnd5e #dnd
23.2.2024 17:48Day 2 - Bard. Harmoniax, the Living Synthesizer. #tabletop #dnd5e #dndDay 1 - Barbarian. Darun of No House, disgraced prince of a mountain kingdom.#tabletop #dnd #dnd5e
23.2.2024 17:46Day 1 - Barbarian. Darun of No House, disgraced prince of a mountain kingdom.#tabletop #dnd #dnd5eSo because I’m on paternity leave and have some downtime and because I dearly miss my d&d campaign we were able to successfully wrap before the baby landed, I’ve been writing up a character concept per day to build up my bench for when I eventually return to the tabletop. Thread below; my goal is to do one per PHB class. I have done the first few days and will keep updating otherwise
23.2.2024 17:45So because I’m on paternity leave and have some downtime and because I dearly miss my d&d campaign we were able to successfully Thursday is the last session of my D&D game and the party is defending a town against an army of Yuan-Ti + their brainwashed servants + a dragon. God help them. #ttrpg #dnd
26.12.2023 19:04next Thursday is the last session of my D&D game and the party is defending a town against an army of Yuan-Ti + their humbug
I find the Christmas season vaguely depressing for reasons I cannot entirely pin down, a lot of how I feel right now is that thankfully it is almost over
24.12.2023 17:09cw humbugI find the Christmas season vaguely depressing for reasons I cannot entirely pin down, a lot of how I feel right now is that...just learned that there’s a specific place in Southern Italy you can go to if you want to see Santa’s bones:
23.12.2023 04:00just learned that there’s a specific place in Southern Italy you can go to if you want to see Santa’s bones:...Day 1 of a 2-day workweek, when my previous workweek ended with the stressful but successful deployment of several long-running projects, is not shaping up to be a productive vibe
18.12.2023 15:40Day 1 of a 2-day workweek, when my previous workweek ended with the stressful but successful deployment of several long-running projects, is...