more #artfight attacks that i didn't upload earlier
27.8.2020 00:24more #artfight attacks that i didn't upload earlier#art #mastoart#artfight attacks for alyssumart and Anatnem
11.8.2020 18:43#artfight attacks for alyssumart and Anatnem#art #mastoart#artfight attacks for octopi and Monofam
one detective and one waffle cat
18.7.2020 23:55#artfight attacks for octopi and Monofam one detective and one waffle cat#MastoArt#artfight attacks for DemiMon and star0rice
13.7.2020 22:20#artfight attacks for DemiMon and star0rice#mastoarta soft lewk ft. fenri for @Ellteo
5.7.2020 15:23a soft lewk ft. fenri for @Ellteo #artfight #mastoart#artfight attack for @renardroi
she bootiful, i lov her
4.7.2020 19:42#artfight attack for @renardroi she bootiful, i lov her#mastoart#artfight attack for @strawberry
4.7.2020 18:32#artfight attack for @strawberry #mastoartalso if anyone is interested, here's my #artfight link:
reappears on mastodon to post more #ocs
30.6.2020 18:16reappears on mastodon to post more #ocs #art #mastoarti watched #promare and i can't stop thinking about my arsonist bois
3.6.2020 01:10i watched #promare and i can't stop thinking about my arsonist bois#art #mastoart#mermay day 1+2
Absolute Unit and a smol baby
2.5.2020 18:53#mermay day 1+2Absolute Unit and a smol babyyou ever make a piece of art and then realize a year on that it's Cringe and Awful and you immediately delete it from every single place you've posted it
27.4.2020 21:23you ever make a piece of art and then realize a year on that it's Cringe and Awful and you immediately delete it from every single place...rude dad and rude babey creacher
24.4.2020 23:51rude dad and rude babey creacher#art #mastoart #ocsclothing ruffles are beyond science
23.4.2020 16:19clothing ruffles are beyond science#art #mastoart #ocsdrawing hands? nah, just cover em with big sleeves
20.4.2020 19:28drawing hands? nah, just cover em with big sleeves#art #mastoart #ocit's obvious i didn't spend more than 5 minutes on mine
17.4.2020 17:49it's obvious i didn't spend more than 5 minutes on mine#5minuteartistrude robit
15.4.2020 18:46rude robit#art #mastoart staff: we got an expensive printer so artists can sell prints on site for cheaper
me: real shit????
14.4.2020 staff: we got an expensive printer so artists can sell prints on site for cheaperme: real shit????some more spooky #angels
10.4.2020 20:03some more spooky #angels#art #mastoarttaking a research survey and
10.4.2020 00:04taking a research survey and