
Zurückkehren Übergeordnet: webfan-objects-tree (

Technische Informationen

ASN.1-Notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) frdlweb(37553) weid(8) org(1) webfan(8) webfan-objects-tree(3) webdof(13) }
OID-IRI-Notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/Frdlweb/weid/Organization/Webfan/3/13
WEID-Notation: weid:1-8-3-D-7
DER-Kodierung: 06:0D:2B:06:01:04:01:82:A5:31:08:01:08:03:0D



What is "!webdof"?

!webdof is the next new Webfan concept for 2013+. As the project is still in dev status public infos maybe will be wasted time for now. The code will be proprietary an closed, so nothing intersting here to read further. Many names could be imaginable for what !webdof could stand for, the "official meaning" will be

Web-based Data Organisation Famework

Dev status will not be end before August 2013.

The !webdof project is intended to supply the following webfan applications initially:

  • ! - frontend for the users backend http://webfan.de/! (amazing !product name coming soon...)
  • rfrm - frontend servers (amazing !product name coming soon...)

so far...


FRDL/Webfan Registration Authority
E-Mail: PIDH0014-4469173bb18d0bae5e511972547cf6c886c4c851@alias.webfan.de
Till Wehowski
Webfan Homepagesystem
Wattenscheider Straße 59
44793 Bochum

Telefon: +492347921596
Mobil: +491744440298

Untergeordnete Objekte

Alternative Bezeichner

(Keine PIX erlaubt)
OIDplus Information Object Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
guid:5912e35b-0000-8000-a6d3-96a3b695389aOIDplus Information Object Individuelle UUID (RFC4122bis) Mehr Informationen
guid:af0ac88d-ae2a-3710-a505-21e43ca1125eNamensbasierte Version 3 / MD5 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:a405a6bd-e836-5295-bc3d-96e0eba20c25Namensbasierte Version 5 / SHA1 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:F2-0A-23-1D-F0-BBOIDplus Information Objekt Unicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
mac:F3-0A-23-1D-F0-BBOIDplus Information Objekt Multicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
weid:1-8-3-D-7WEID-Notation Mehr Informationen
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

REST API (Dokumentation)

Teilen Statischer Link zu dieser Seite

Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:login_webfan | Mittels Webfan anmelden
oidplus:webfan_goto_frdlweb | Frdlweb
oidplus:webfan_goto_webfan | Webfan
oidplus:resources$Tools/Whois.html | Whois Lookup
oidplus:system | System
pen: | IANA Enterprise Numbers
oid: | Objekt-Bezeichner (OID)
     oid: | -- webfan-objects-tree
          oid: | -- webdof
               oid: | -- webdof-item
               oid: | -- webdof-gui
               oid: | -- webdof-property
               oid: | -- webdof-server
               oid: | -- webdof-node
               oid: | -- webdof-wtree
               oid: | -- webdof-wgraph
               oid: | -- webdof-leaf-controller
               oid: | -- webdof-wgraph-root-node
               oid: | -- webdof-transaction
               oid: | -- webdof-desktop-icon
               oid: | -- webdof-shells
               oid: | -- thesaurus
               oid: | -- some-webdof-php-classes
               oid: | -- webdof-wgraph-root-controller
               oid: | -- webdof-zweitausendvierzehn
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
other: | Andere Objekte
php: | PHP-Namensräume
circuit: | Circuit Definition
uri: | URI objects
web+fan: | web+fan:// [#@resources]
mac: | MAC-Adressen (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
ipv4: | IPv4-Netzwerk-Blöcke
ipv6: | IPv6-Netzwerk-Blöcke
java: | Java Paket-Namen
domain: | Domain-Namen
aid: | Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816)
fourcc: | Vier-Zeichen-Code (FourCC)
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
alloc: | Allocation
service: | Services
oidplus:login | Anmelden
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Kostenlose OID registrieren
oidplus:search | Suche
oidplus:resources | Dokumente und Ressourcen
oidplus:contact | Administrator kontaktieren
com.frdlweb.freeweid | Kostenlose WEID as OID Arc registrieren