* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\CacheException; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas * @author Rob Frawley 2nd * * @internal */ trait FilesystemTrait { use FilesystemCommonTrait; /** * @return bool */ public function prune() { $time = time(); $pruned = true; foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->directory, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY) as $file) { if (!$h = @fopen($file, 'rb')) { continue; } if (($expiresAt = (int) fgets($h)) && $time >= $expiresAt) { fclose($h); $pruned = @unlink($file) && !file_exists($file) && $pruned; } else { fclose($h); } } return $pruned; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doFetch(array $ids) { $values = array(); $now = time(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $file = $this->getFile($id); if (!file_exists($file) || !$h = @fopen($file, 'rb')) { continue; } if (($expiresAt = (int) fgets($h)) && $now >= $expiresAt) { fclose($h); @unlink($file); } else { $i = rawurldecode(rtrim(fgets($h))); $value = stream_get_contents($h); fclose($h); if ($i === $id) { $values[$id] = parent::unserialize($value); } } } return $values; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doHave($id) { $file = $this->getFile($id); return file_exists($file) && (@filemtime($file) > time() || $this->doFetch(array($id))); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doSave(array $values, $lifetime) { $ok = true; $expiresAt = $lifetime ? (time() + $lifetime) : 0; foreach ($values as $id => $value) { $ok = $this->write($this->getFile($id, true), $expiresAt."\n".rawurlencode($id)."\n".serialize($value), $expiresAt) && $ok; } if (!$ok && !is_writable($this->directory)) { throw new CacheException(sprintf('Cache directory is not writable (%s)', $this->directory)); } return $ok; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MzA3MTY2MzQyMDA4MTc5MSA4NTQ0NTIzNjY1NDA2NDU3IDM4NzU2OTg2MTM3MjQ0MTE=