* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\UnsetKeyException; /** * This class builds an if expression. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt * @author Christophe Coevoet */ class ExprBuilder { protected $node; public $ifPart; public $thenPart; public function __construct(NodeDefinition $node) { $this->node = $node; } /** * Marks the expression as being always used. * * @return $this */ public function always(\Closure $then = null) { $this->ifPart = function ($v) { return true; }; if (null !== $then) { $this->thenPart = $then; } return $this; } /** * Sets a closure to use as tests. * * The default one tests if the value is true. * * @return $this */ public function ifTrue(\Closure $closure = null) { if (null === $closure) { $closure = function ($v) { return true === $v; }; } $this->ifPart = $closure; return $this; } /** * Tests if the value is a string. * * @return $this */ public function ifString() { $this->ifPart = function ($v) { return is_string($v); }; return $this; } /** * Tests if the value is null. * * @return $this */ public function ifNull() { $this->ifPart = function ($v) { return null === $v; }; return $this; } /** * Tests if the value is empty. * * @return ExprBuilder */ public function ifEmpty() { $this->ifPart = function ($v) { return empty($v); }; return $this; } /** * Tests if the value is an array. * * @return $this */ public function ifArray() { $this->ifPart = function ($v) { return is_array($v); }; return $this; } /** * Tests if the value is in an array. * * @return $this */ public function ifInArray(array $array) { $this->ifPart = function ($v) use ($array) { return in_array($v, $array, true); }; return $this; } /** * Tests if the value is not in an array. * * @return $this */ public function ifNotInArray(array $array) { $this->ifPart = function ($v) use ($array) { return !in_array($v, $array, true); }; return $this; } /** * Transforms variables of any type into an array. * * @return $this */ public function castToArray() { $this->ifPart = function ($v) { return !is_array($v); }; $this->thenPart = function ($v) { return array($v); }; return $this; } /** * Sets the closure to run if the test pass. * * @return $this */ public function then(\Closure $closure) { $this->thenPart = $closure; return $this; } /** * Sets a closure returning an empty array. * * @return $this */ public function thenEmptyArray() { $this->thenPart = function ($v) { return array(); }; return $this; } /** * Sets a closure marking the value as invalid at validation time. * * if you want to add the value of the node in your message just use a %s placeholder. * * @param string $message * * @return $this * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function thenInvalid($message) { $this->thenPart = function ($v) use ($message) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf($message, json_encode($v))); }; return $this; } /** * Sets a closure unsetting this key of the array at validation time. * * @return $this * * @throws UnsetKeyException */ public function thenUnset() { $this->thenPart = function ($v) { throw new UnsetKeyException('Unsetting key'); }; return $this; } /** * Returns the related node. * * @return NodeDefinition|ArrayNodeDefinition|VariableNodeDefinition * * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function end() { if (null === $this->ifPart) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must specify an if part.'); } if (null === $this->thenPart) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must specify a then part.'); } return $this->node; } /** * Builds the expressions. * * @param ExprBuilder[] $expressions An array of ExprBuilder instances to build * * @return array */ public static function buildExpressions(array $expressions) { foreach ($expressions as $k => $expr) { if ($expr instanceof self) { $if = $expr->ifPart; $then = $expr->thenPart; $expressions[$k] = function ($v) use ($if, $then) { return $if($v) ? $then($v) : $v; }; } } return $expressions; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjEyNjk0MjI5NDc5NjgyMCAxMTYwMTQ3MzUzODM4OTM5IDkxNDQ5OTE3NjY1MTYzNTM=