* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Output; use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; /** * ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT and STDERR. * * This class is a convenient wrapper around `StreamOutput` for both STDOUT and STDERR. * * $output = new ConsoleOutput(); * * This is equivalent to: * * $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stdout', 'w')); * $stdErr = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stderr', 'w')); * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class ConsoleOutput extends StreamOutput implements ConsoleOutputInterface { private $stderr; private $consoleSectionOutputs = []; /** * @param int $verbosity The verbosity level (one of the VERBOSITY constants in OutputInterface) * @param bool|null $decorated Whether to decorate messages (null for auto-guessing) * @param OutputFormatterInterface|null $formatter Output formatter instance (null to use default OutputFormatter) */ public function __construct(int $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, bool $decorated = null, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null) { parent::__construct($this->openOutputStream(), $verbosity, $decorated, $formatter); if (null === $formatter) { // for BC reasons, stdErr has it own Formatter only when user don't inject a specific formatter. $this->stderr = new StreamOutput($this->openErrorStream(), $verbosity, $decorated); return; } $actualDecorated = $this->isDecorated(); $this->stderr = new StreamOutput($this->openErrorStream(), $verbosity, $decorated, $this->getFormatter()); if (null === $decorated) { $this->setDecorated($actualDecorated && $this->stderr->isDecorated()); } } /** * Creates a new output section. */ public function section(): ConsoleSectionOutput { return new ConsoleSectionOutput($this->getStream(), $this->consoleSectionOutputs, $this->getVerbosity(), $this->isDecorated(), $this->getFormatter()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setDecorated(bool $decorated) { parent::setDecorated($decorated); $this->stderr->setDecorated($decorated); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter) { parent::setFormatter($formatter); $this->stderr->setFormatter($formatter); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setVerbosity(int $level) { parent::setVerbosity($level); $this->stderr->setVerbosity($level); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getErrorOutput() { return $this->stderr; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error) { $this->stderr = $error; } /** * Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to * STDOUT. * * @return bool */ protected function hasStdoutSupport() { return false === $this->isRunningOS400(); } /** * Returns true if current environment supports writing console output to * STDERR. * * @return bool */ protected function hasStderrSupport() { return false === $this->isRunningOS400(); } /** * Checks if current executing environment is IBM iSeries (OS400), which * doesn't properly convert character-encodings between ASCII to EBCDIC. */ private function isRunningOS400(): bool { $checks = [ \function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('s') : '', getenv('OSTYPE'), \PHP_OS, ]; return false !== stripos(implode(';', $checks), 'OS400'); } /** * @return resource */ private function openOutputStream() { if (!$this->hasStdoutSupport()) { return fopen('php://output', 'w'); } // Use STDOUT when possible to prevent from opening too many file descriptors return \defined('STDOUT') ? \STDOUT : (@fopen('php://stdout', 'w') ?: fopen('php://output', 'w')); } /** * @return resource */ private function openErrorStream() { if (!$this->hasStderrSupport()) { return fopen('php://output', 'w'); } // Use STDERR when possible to prevent from opening too many file descriptors return \defined('STDERR') ? \STDERR : (@fopen('php://stderr', 'w') ?: fopen('php://output', 'w')); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjEyNDY2NjQ5NTA4MTExMSA1Mjk3OTIwMDY3MzQxMzQwIDc4MDgxMzc5OTY2ODg2NjY=