* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher; use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event; /** * Event encapsulation class. * * Encapsulates events thus decoupling the observer from the subject they encapsulate. * * @author Drak * * @implements \ArrayAccess * @implements \IteratorAggregate */ class GenericEvent extends Event implements \ArrayAccess, \IteratorAggregate { protected $subject; protected $arguments; /** * Encapsulate an event with $subject and $args. * * @param mixed $subject The subject of the event, usually an object or a callable * @param array $arguments Arguments to store in the event */ public function __construct(mixed $subject = null, array $arguments = []) { $this->subject = $subject; $this->arguments = $arguments; } /** * Getter for subject property. */ public function getSubject(): mixed { return $this->subject; } /** * Get argument by key. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if key is not found */ public function getArgument(string $key): mixed { if ($this->hasArgument($key)) { return $this->arguments[$key]; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument "%s" not found.', $key)); } /** * Add argument to event. * * @return $this */ public function setArgument(string $key, mixed $value): static { $this->arguments[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * Getter for all arguments. */ public function getArguments(): array { return $this->arguments; } /** * Set args property. * * @return $this */ public function setArguments(array $args = []): static { $this->arguments = $args; return $this; } /** * Has argument. */ public function hasArgument(string $key): bool { return \array_key_exists($key, $this->arguments); } /** * ArrayAccess for argument getter. * * @param string $key Array key * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if key does not exist in $this->args */ public function offsetGet(mixed $key): mixed { return $this->getArgument($key); } /** * ArrayAccess for argument setter. * * @param string $key Array key to set */ public function offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value): void { $this->setArgument($key, $value); } /** * ArrayAccess for unset argument. * * @param string $key Array key */ public function offsetUnset(mixed $key): void { if ($this->hasArgument($key)) { unset($this->arguments[$key]); } } /** * ArrayAccess has argument. * * @param string $key Array key */ public function offsetExists(mixed $key): bool { return $this->hasArgument($key); } /** * IteratorAggregate for iterating over the object like an array. * * @return \ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator(): \ArrayIterator { return new \ArrayIterator($this->arguments); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NzA2MDk5ODI1MDMwMDQwNiAzODk2ODk1NzU4MjMxNTY5IDY1NTIxNzY4NDk5MjQ5NDM=