* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Tests\ChoiceList\Factory; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ArrayChoiceList; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\ChoiceListInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\DefaultChoiceListFactory; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\LazyChoiceList; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceGroupView; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceListView; use Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView; class DefaultChoiceListFactoryTest extends TestCase { private $obj1; private $obj2; private $obj3; private $obj4; private $list; /** * @var DefaultChoiceListFactory */ private $factory; public function getValue($object) { return $object->value; } public function getScalarValue($choice) { switch ($choice) { case 'a': return 'a'; case 'b': return 'b'; case 'c': return '1'; case 'd': return '2'; } } public function getLabel($object) { return $object->label; } public function getFormIndex($object) { return $object->index; } public function isPreferred($object) { return $this->obj2 === $object || $this->obj3 === $object; } public function getAttr($object) { return $object->attr; } public function getGroup($object) { return $this->obj1 === $object || $this->obj2 === $object ? 'Group 1' : 'Group 2'; } public function getGroupAsObject($object) { return $this->obj1 === $object || $this->obj2 === $object ? new DefaultChoiceListFactoryTest_Castable('Group 1') : new DefaultChoiceListFactoryTest_Castable('Group 2'); } protected function setUp() { $this->obj1 = (object) array('label' => 'A', 'index' => 'w', 'value' => 'a', 'preferred' => false, 'group' => 'Group 1', 'attr' => array()); $this->obj2 = (object) array('label' => 'B', 'index' => 'x', 'value' => 'b', 'preferred' => true, 'group' => 'Group 1', 'attr' => array('attr1' => 'value1')); $this->obj3 = (object) array('label' => 'C', 'index' => 'y', 'value' => 1, 'preferred' => true, 'group' => 'Group 2', 'attr' => array('attr2' => 'value2')); $this->obj4 = (object) array('label' => 'D', 'index' => 'z', 'value' => 2, 'preferred' => false, 'group' => 'Group 2', 'attr' => array()); $this->list = new ArrayChoiceList( array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2, 'C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4) ); $this->factory = new DefaultChoiceListFactory(); } public function testCreateFromChoicesEmpty() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices(array()); $this->assertSame(array(), $list->getChoices()); $this->assertSame(array(), $list->getValues()); } public function testCreateFromChoicesFlat() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2, 'C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4) ); $this->assertObjectListWithGeneratedValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesFlatTraversable() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( new \ArrayIterator(array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2, 'C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4)) ); $this->assertObjectListWithGeneratedValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesFlatValuesAsCallable() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2, 'C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), array($this, 'getValue') ); $this->assertObjectListWithCustomValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesFlatValuesAsClosure() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2, 'C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), function ($object) { return $object->value; } ); $this->assertObjectListWithCustomValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesGrouped() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( array( 'Group 1' => array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2), 'Group 2' => array('C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), ) ); $this->assertObjectListWithGeneratedValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesGroupedTraversable() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( new \ArrayIterator(array( 'Group 1' => array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2), 'Group 2' => array('C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), )) ); $this->assertObjectListWithGeneratedValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesGroupedValuesAsCallable() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( array( 'Group 1' => array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2), 'Group 2' => array('C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), ), array($this, 'getValue') ); $this->assertObjectListWithCustomValues($list); } public function testCreateFromChoicesGroupedValuesAsClosure() { $list = $this->factory->createListFromChoices( array( 'Group 1' => array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2), 'Group 2' => array('C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), ), function ($object) { return $object->value; } ); $this->assertObjectListWithCustomValues($list); } public function testCreateFromLoader() { $loader = $this->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Loader\ChoiceLoaderInterface')->getMock(); $list = $this->factory->createListFromLoader($loader); $this->assertEquals(new LazyChoiceList($loader), $list); } public function testCreateFromLoaderWithValues() { $loader = $this->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Loader\ChoiceLoaderInterface')->getMock(); $value = function () {}; $list = $this->factory->createListFromLoader($loader, $value); $this->assertEquals(new LazyChoiceList($loader, $value), $list); } public function testCreateViewFlat() { $view = $this->factory->createView($this->list); $this->assertEquals(new ChoiceListView( array( 0 => new ChoiceView($this->obj1, '0', 'A'), 1 => new ChoiceView($this->obj2, '1', 'B'), 2 => new ChoiceView($this->obj3, '2', 'C'), 3 => new ChoiceView($this->obj4, '3', 'D'), ), array() ), $view); } public function testCreateViewFlatPreferredChoices() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3) ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatPreferredChoicesEmptyArray() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array() ); $this->assertEquals(new ChoiceListView( array( 0 => new ChoiceView($this->obj1, '0', 'A'), 1 => new ChoiceView($this->obj2, '1', 'B'), 2 => new ChoiceView($this->obj3, '2', 'C'), 3 => new ChoiceView($this->obj4, '3', 'D'), ), array() ), $view); } public function testCreateViewFlatPreferredChoicesAsCallable() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this, 'isPreferred') ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatPreferredChoicesAsClosure() { $obj2 = $this->obj2; $obj3 = $this->obj3; $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, function ($object) use ($obj2, $obj3) { return $obj2 === $object || $obj3 === $object; } ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatPreferredChoicesClosureReceivesKey() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, function ($object, $key) { return 'B' === $key || 'C' === $key; } ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatPreferredChoicesClosureReceivesValue() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, function ($object, $key, $value) { return '1' === $value || '2' === $value; } ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatLabelAsCallable() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), array($this, 'getLabel') ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatLabelAsClosure() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), function ($object) { return $object->label; } ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatLabelClosureReceivesKey() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), function ($object, $key) { return $key; } ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatLabelClosureReceivesValue() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), function ($object, $key, $value) { switch ($value) { case '0': return 'A'; case '1': return 'B'; case '2': return 'C'; case '3': return 'D'; } } ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatIndexAsCallable() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label array($this, 'getFormIndex') ); $this->assertFlatViewWithCustomIndices($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatIndexAsClosure() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label function ($object) { return $object->index; } ); $this->assertFlatViewWithCustomIndices($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatIndexClosureReceivesKey() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label function ($object, $key) { switch ($key) { case 'A': return 'w'; case 'B': return 'x'; case 'C': return 'y'; case 'D': return 'z'; } } ); $this->assertFlatViewWithCustomIndices($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatIndexClosureReceivesValue() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label function ($object, $key, $value) { switch ($value) { case '0': return 'w'; case '1': return 'x'; case '2': return 'y'; case '3': return 'z'; } } ); $this->assertFlatViewWithCustomIndices($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByOriginalStructure() { $list = new ArrayChoiceList(array( 'Group 1' => array('A' => $this->obj1, 'B' => $this->obj2), 'Group 2' => array('C' => $this->obj3, 'D' => $this->obj4), 'Group empty' => array(), )); $view = $this->factory->createView( $list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3) ); $this->assertGroupedView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByEmpty() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index array() // ignored ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByAsCallable() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index array($this, 'getGroup') ); $this->assertGroupedView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByObjectThatCanBeCastToString() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index array($this, 'getGroupAsObject') ); $this->assertGroupedView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByAsClosure() { $obj1 = $this->obj1; $obj2 = $this->obj2; $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index function ($object) use ($obj1, $obj2) { return $obj1 === $object || $obj2 === $object ? 'Group 1' : 'Group 2'; } ); $this->assertGroupedView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByClosureReceivesKey() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index function ($object, $key) { return 'A' === $key || 'B' === $key ? 'Group 1' : 'Group 2'; } ); $this->assertGroupedView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatGroupByClosureReceivesValue() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index function ($object, $key, $value) { return '0' === $value || '1' === $value ? 'Group 1' : 'Group 2'; } ); $this->assertGroupedView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatAttrAsArray() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index null, // group array( 'B' => array('attr1' => 'value1'), 'C' => array('attr2' => 'value2'), ) ); $this->assertFlatViewWithAttr($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatAttrEmpty() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index null, // group array() ); $this->assertFlatView($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatAttrAsCallable() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index null, // group array($this, 'getAttr') ); $this->assertFlatViewWithAttr($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatAttrAsClosure() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index null, // group function ($object) { return $object->attr; } ); $this->assertFlatViewWithAttr($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatAttrClosureReceivesKey() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index null, // group function ($object, $key) { switch ($key) { case 'B': return array('attr1' => 'value1'); case 'C': return array('attr2' => 'value2'); default: return array(); } } ); $this->assertFlatViewWithAttr($view); } public function testCreateViewFlatAttrClosureReceivesValue() { $view = $this->factory->createView( $this->list, array($this->obj2, $this->obj3), null, // label null, // index null, // group function ($object, $key, $value) { switch ($value) { case '1': return array('attr1' => 'value1'); case '2': return array('attr2' => 'value2'); default: return array(); } } ); $this->assertFlatViewWithAttr($view); } private function assertScalarListWithChoiceValues(ChoiceListInterface $list) { $this->assertSame(array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), $list->getValues()); $this->assertSame(array( 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b', 'c' => 'c', 'd' => 'd', ), $list->getChoices()); $this->assertSame(array( 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C', 'd' => 'D', ), $list->getOriginalKeys()); } private function assertObjectListWithGeneratedValues(ChoiceListInterface $list) { $this->assertSame(array('0', '1', '2', '3'), $list->getValues()); $this->assertSame(array( 0 => $this->obj1, 1 => $this->obj2, 2 => $this->obj3, 3 => $this->obj4, ), $list->getChoices()); $this->assertSame(array( 0 => 'A', 1 => 'B', 2 => 'C', 3 => 'D', ), $list->getOriginalKeys()); } private function assertScalarListWithCustomValues(ChoiceListInterface $list) { $this->assertSame(array('a', 'b', '1', '2'), $list->getValues()); $this->assertSame(array( 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b', 1 => 'c', 2 => 'd', ), $list->getChoices()); $this->assertSame(array( 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 1 => 'C', 2 => 'D', ), $list->getOriginalKeys()); } private function assertObjectListWithCustomValues(ChoiceListInterface $list) { $this->assertSame(array('a', 'b', '1', '2'), $list->getValues()); $this->assertSame(array( 'a' => $this->obj1, 'b' => $this->obj2, 1 => $this->obj3, 2 => $this->obj4, ), $list->getChoices()); $this->assertSame(array( 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 1 => 'C', 2 => 'D', ), $list->getOriginalKeys()); } private function assertFlatView($view) { $this->assertEquals(new ChoiceListView( array( 0 => new ChoiceView($this->obj1, '0', 'A'), 3 => new ChoiceView($this->obj4, '3', 'D'), ), array( 1 => new ChoiceView($this->obj2, '1', 'B'), 2 => new ChoiceView($this->obj3, '2', 'C'), ) ), $view); } private function assertFlatViewWithCustomIndices($view) { $this->assertEquals(new ChoiceListView( array( 'w' => new ChoiceView($this->obj1, '0', 'A'), 'z' => new ChoiceView($this->obj4, '3', 'D'), ), array( 'x' => new ChoiceView($this->obj2, '1', 'B'), 'y' => new ChoiceView($this->obj3, '2', 'C'), ) ), $view); } private function assertFlatViewWithAttr($view) { $this->assertEquals(new ChoiceListView( array( 0 => new ChoiceView($this->obj1, '0', 'A'), 3 => new ChoiceView($this->obj4, '3', 'D'), ), array( 1 => new ChoiceView( $this->obj2, '1', 'B', array('attr1' => 'value1') ), 2 => new ChoiceView( $this->obj3, '2', 'C', array('attr2' => 'value2') ), ) ), $view); } private function assertGroupedView($view) { $this->assertEquals(new ChoiceListView( array( 'Group 1' => new ChoiceGroupView( 'Group 1', array(0 => new ChoiceView($this->obj1, '0', 'A')) ), 'Group 2' => new ChoiceGroupView( 'Group 2', array(3 => new ChoiceView($this->obj4, '3', 'D')) ), ), array( 'Group 1' => new ChoiceGroupView( 'Group 1', array(1 => new ChoiceView($this->obj2, '1', 'B')) ), 'Group 2' => new ChoiceGroupView( 'Group 2', array(2 => new ChoiceView($this->obj3, '2', 'C')) ), ) ), $view); } } class DefaultChoiceListFactoryTest_Castable { private $property; public function __construct($property) { $this->property = $property; } public function __toString() { return $this->property; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----Nzc3MDU4ODgxMzI3MzE3NCA2Mzg5NTk5NDc3MjA4NzIgOTgyMTQ3MjIxODY0NDE3Mw==