* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\Util\ValueExporter; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\ClonerInterface; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Stub; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner; /** * DataCollector. * * Children of this class must store the collected data in the data property. * * @author Fabien Potencier * @author Bernhard Schussek */ abstract class DataCollector implements DataCollectorInterface, \Serializable { protected $data = array(); /** * @var ValueExporter */ private $valueExporter; /** * @var ClonerInterface */ private $cloner; public function serialize() { return serialize($this->data); } public function unserialize($data) { $this->data = unserialize($data); } /** * Converts the variable into a serializable Data instance. * * This array can be displayed in the template using * the VarDumper component. * * @param mixed $var * * @return Data */ protected function cloneVar($var) { if ($var instanceof Data) { return $var; } if (null === $this->cloner) { if (class_exists(CutStub::class)) { $this->cloner = new VarCloner(); $this->cloner->setMaxItems(-1); $this->cloner->addCasters($this->getCasters()); } else { @trigger_error(sprintf('Using the %s() method without the VarDumper component is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and won\'t be supported in 4.0. Install symfony/var-dumper version 3.2 or above.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->cloner = false; } } if (false === $this->cloner) { if (null === $this->valueExporter) { $this->valueExporter = new ValueExporter(); } return $this->valueExporter->exportValue($var); } return $this->cloner->cloneVar($var); } /** * Converts a PHP variable to a string. * * @param mixed $var A PHP variable * * @return string The string representation of the variable * * @deprecated since version 3.2, to be removed in 4.0. Use cloneVar() instead. */ protected function varToString($var) { @trigger_error(sprintf('The %s() method is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will be removed in 4.0. Use cloneVar() instead.', __METHOD__), E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (null === $this->valueExporter) { $this->valueExporter = new ValueExporter(); } return $this->valueExporter->exportValue($var); } /** * @return callable[] The casters to add to the cloner */ protected function getCasters() { return array( '*' => function ($v, array $a, Stub $s, $isNested) { if (!$v instanceof Stub) { foreach ($a as $k => $v) { if (is_object($v) && !$v instanceof \DateTimeInterface && !$v instanceof Stub) { $a[$k] = new CutStub($v); } } } return $a; }, ); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTc1MDU3NTk5MzIxOTA3OCA1ODkzOTg1Mzg4ODU4OTU2IDYwMTY4ODgwMzUxMTA5NDg=