* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation; /** * Annotation class for @Route(). * * @Annotation * @Target({"CLASS", "METHOD"}) * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class Route { private $path; private $name; private $requirements = array(); private $options = array(); private $defaults = array(); private $host; private $methods = array(); private $schemes = array(); private $condition; /** * @param array $data An array of key/value parameters * * @throws \BadMethodCallException */ public function __construct(array $data) { if (isset($data['value'])) { $data['path'] = $data['value']; unset($data['value']); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $method = 'set'.str_replace('_', '', $key); if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Unknown property "%s" on annotation "%s".', $key, get_class($this))); } $this->$method($value); } } public function setPath($path) { $this->path = $path; } public function getPath() { return $this->path; } public function setHost($pattern) { $this->host = $pattern; } public function getHost() { return $this->host; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setRequirements($requirements) { $this->requirements = $requirements; } public function getRequirements() { return $this->requirements; } public function setOptions($options) { $this->options = $options; } public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } public function setDefaults($defaults) { $this->defaults = $defaults; } public function getDefaults() { return $this->defaults; } public function setSchemes($schemes) { $this->schemes = is_array($schemes) ? $schemes : array($schemes); } public function getSchemes() { return $this->schemes; } public function setMethods($methods) { $this->methods = is_array($methods) ? $methods : array($methods); } public function getMethods() { return $this->methods; } public function setCondition($condition) { $this->condition = $condition; } public function getCondition() { return $this->condition; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----ODI5NTA4Nzc4ODE4ODU5MyAyODE5Njk2MTQ3MzY2Mjg3IDk3NDk1Njc2NjY1MDY3MDg=