* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Stopwatch; /** * Stopwatch section. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class Section { /** * @var StopwatchEvent[] */ private $events = array(); /** * @var null|float */ private $origin; /** * @var bool */ private $morePrecision; /** * @var string */ private $id; /** * @var Section[] */ private $children = array(); /** * @param float|null $origin Set the origin of the events in this section, use null to set their origin to their start time * @param bool $morePrecision If true, time is stored as float to keep the original microsecond precision */ public function __construct($origin = null, $morePrecision = false) { $this->origin = is_numeric($origin) ? $origin : null; $this->morePrecision = $morePrecision; } /** * Returns the child section. * * @param string $id The child section identifier * * @return self|null The child section or null when none found */ public function get($id) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { if ($id === $child->getId()) { return $child; } } } /** * Creates or re-opens a child section. * * @param string|null $id Null to create a new section, the identifier to re-open an existing one * * @return self */ public function open($id) { if (null === $session = $this->get($id)) { $session = $this->children[] = new self(microtime(true) * 1000, $this->morePrecision); } return $session; } /** * @return string The identifier of the section */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * Sets the session identifier. * * @param string $id The session identifier * * @return $this */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; return $this; } /** * Starts an event. * * @param string $name The event name * @param string $category The event category * * @return StopwatchEvent The event */ public function startEvent($name, $category) { if (!isset($this->events[$name])) { $this->events[$name] = new StopwatchEvent($this->origin ?: microtime(true) * 1000, $category, $this->morePrecision); } return $this->events[$name]->start(); } /** * Checks if the event was started. * * @param string $name The event name * * @return bool */ public function isEventStarted($name) { return isset($this->events[$name]) && $this->events[$name]->isStarted(); } /** * Stops an event. * * @param string $name The event name * * @return StopwatchEvent The event * * @throws \LogicException When the event has not been started */ public function stopEvent($name) { if (!isset($this->events[$name])) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Event "%s" is not started.', $name)); } return $this->events[$name]->stop(); } /** * Stops then restarts an event. * * @param string $name The event name * * @return StopwatchEvent The event * * @throws \LogicException When the event has not been started */ public function lap($name) { return $this->stopEvent($name)->start(); } /** * Returns a specific event by name. * * @param string $name The event name * * @return StopwatchEvent The event * * @throws \LogicException When the event is not known */ public function getEvent($name) { if (!isset($this->events[$name])) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Event "%s" is not known.', $name)); } return $this->events[$name]; } /** * Returns the events from this section. * * @return StopwatchEvent[] An array of StopwatchEvent instances */ public function getEvents() { return $this->events; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTA3NzQ1MzU3NzM4ODYzIDQyMjYyMjY3MzkwMDgxMDcgNTEyMzEyNzg4NzU2MTY2OQ==