* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper; use Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue; /** * IcuResDumper generates an ICU ResourceBundle formatted string representation of a message catalogue. * * @author Stealth35 */ class IcuResFileDumper extends FileDumper { protected $relativePathTemplate = '%domain%/%locale%.%extension%'; public function formatCatalogue(MessageCatalogue $messages, string $domain, array $options = []): string { $data = $indexes = $resources = ''; foreach ($messages->all($domain) as $source => $target) { $indexes .= pack('v', \strlen($data) + 28); $data .= $source."\0"; } $data .= $this->writePadding($data); $keyTop = $this->getPosition($data); foreach ($messages->all($domain) as $source => $target) { $resources .= pack('V', $this->getPosition($data)); $data .= pack('V', \strlen($target)) .mb_convert_encoding($target."\0", 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8') .$this->writePadding($data) ; } $resOffset = $this->getPosition($data); $data .= pack('v', \count($messages->all($domain))) .$indexes .$this->writePadding($data) .$resources ; $bundleTop = $this->getPosition($data); $root = pack('V7', $resOffset + (2 << 28), // Resource Offset + Resource Type 6, // Index length $keyTop, // Index keys top $bundleTop, // Index resources top $bundleTop, // Index bundle top \count($messages->all($domain)), // Index max table length 0 // Index attributes ); $header = pack('vC2v4C12@32', 32, // Header size 0xDA, 0x27, // Magic number 1 and 2 20, 0, 0, 2, // Rest of the header, ..., Size of a char 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x42, // Data format identifier 1, 2, 0, 0, // Data version 1, 4, 0, 0 // Unicode version ); return $header.$root.$data; } private function writePadding(string $data): ?string { $padding = \strlen($data) % 4; return $padding ? str_repeat("\xAA", 4 - $padding) : null; } private function getPosition(string $data): float|int { return (\strlen($data) + 28) / 4; } protected function getExtension(): string { return 'res'; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTMzNzU0MTg0NTM2NTQ1MyAzMDA0MzUyMjI1NTI3NjQ5IDQ0ODkwNjMzNzA2NzU2OTE=