class Html implements HtmlContract
public const HTML_DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d';
public const HTML_TIME_FORMAT = 'H:i:s';
* Make an `a` tag.
public function a(?string $href = null, ?string $content = null): A
return A::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($href, 'href', $href)
* Make a `button` tag.
public function button(mixed $content = null, ?string $type = null): Button
return Button::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($type, 'type', $type)
* Make a checkbox input.
public function checkbox(?string $name = null, ?bool $checked = null, string|int $value = '1'): Input
return $this->input()
->attribute('type', 'checkbox')
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'name', $name)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'id', $name)
->attributeIfNotNull($value, 'value', $value)
->attributeIf((bool) $checked, 'checked');
* Parse and render `class` attribute.
public function class(iterable|string $classes): string
return ClassAttribute::make($classes)->render();
* Make a date input.
public function date(?string $name = null, ?string $value = null, bool $format = true): Input
$input = $this->input('date', $name, $value);
return $this->canFormatDateInput($input, $value, $format)
? $input->value(static::formatDateTime($value, static::HTML_DATE_FORMAT))
: $input;
* Make a datetime input.
public function datetime(?string $name = null, ?string $value = null, ?bool $format = true): Input
$input = $this->input('datetime-local', $name, $value);
return $this->canFormatDateInput($input, $value, $format)
? $input->value($this->formatDateTime($value, static::HTML_DATE_FORMAT . '\T' . static::HTML_TIME_FORMAT))
: $input;
* Make a div element.
public function div(mixed $content = null): Div
return Div::make()->addChild($content);
* Make a description list.
public function dl(array $attributes = []): Dl
return Dl::make()->attributes($attributes);
* Make a custom tag element.
public function element(string $tag): HtmlElement
return HtmlElement::withTag($tag);
* Make an email input.
public function email(?string $name = null, ?string $value = null): Input
return $this->input('email', $name, $value);
* Make a fieldset tag.
public function fieldset(mixed $legend = null): Fieldset
return $legend === null
? Fieldset::make()
: Fieldset::make()->legend($legend);
* Make a file input.
public function file(?string $name = null): File
return File::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'name', $name)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'id', $name);
* Make a form input.
public function form(string $method = 'POST', ?string $action = null): Form
return Form::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($action, 'action', $action);
* Make a hidden input.
public function hidden(?string $name = null, ?string $value = null): Input
return $this->input('hidden', $name, $value);
* Make an i tag.
public function i(?string $content = null): I
return I::make()->html($content);
* Make an input tag.
public function input(?string $type = null, ?string $name = null, mixed $value = null): Input
$hasValue = $name && $value !== null && $type !== 'password';
return Input::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($type, 'type', $type)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'name', $name)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'id', $name)
->attributeIf($hasValue, 'value', $value);
* Make an image tag.
public function img(?string $src = null, ?string $alt = null): Img
return Img::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($src, 'src', $src)
->attributeIfNotNull($alt, 'alt', $alt);
* Make a label tag.
public function label(mixed $content = null, ?string $for = null): Label
return Label::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($for, 'for', $for)
* Make a legend tag.
public function legend(HtmlElement|string|null $content = null): Legend
return Legend::make()->html($content);
* Make a mailto link.
public function mailto(string $email, ?string $content = null): A
return $this->a("mailto:{$email}", $content ?: $email);
* Make a number input.
public function number(
?string $name = null,
mixed $value = null,
mixed $min = null,
mixed $max = null,
mixed $step = null,
): Input {
return $this->input('number', $name, $value)
->attributeIfNotNull($min, 'min', $min)
->attributeIfNotNull($max, 'max', $max)
->attributeIfNotNull($step, 'step', $step);
* Make an ordered list.
public function ol(array $attributes = []): Ol
return Ol::make()->attributes($attributes);
* Make an option tag.
public function option(?string $text = null, mixed $value = null, bool $selected = false): Option
return Option::make()
* Make a paragraph tag.
public function p(HtmlElement|string|null $content = null): P
return P::make()->html($content);
* Make a password input.
public function password(?string $name = null): Input
return $this->input('password', $name);
* Make a radio input.
public function radio(?string $name = null, ?bool $checked = null, mixed $value = null): Input
return $this->input('radio', $name, $value)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'id', $value === null ? $name : ($name . '_' . Str::slug($value)))
->attributeIf(($value !== null) || $checked, 'checked');
* Make a range input.
public function range(
?string $name = null,
mixed $value = null,
mixed $min = null,
mixed $max = null,
mixed $step = null,
): Input {
return $this->input('range', $name, $value)
->attributeIfNotNull($min, 'min', $min)
->attributeIfNotNull($max, 'max', $max)
->attributeIfNotNull($step, 'step', $step);
* Make a reset button.
public function reset(mixed $content = null): Button
return $this->button($content, 'reset');
* Make a select tag.
public function select(?string $name = null, iterable $options = [], mixed $value = null): Select
return Select::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'name', $name)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'id', $name)
* Make a span tag.
public function span(mixed $content = null): Span
return Span::make()->children($content);
* Make a submit button.
public function submit(?string $text = null): Button
return $this->button($text, 'submit');
* Make a tel link.
public function telLink(string $phoneNumber, mixed $text = null): A
return $this->a("tel:{$phoneNumber}", $text ?: $phoneNumber);
* Make a text input.
public function text(string $name, ?string $value = null): Input
return $this->input('text', $name, $value);
* Make a textarea tag.
public function textarea(?string $name = null, ?string $value = null): Textarea
return Textarea::make()
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'name', $name)
->attributeIfNotNull($name, 'id', $name)
* Make a time input.
public function time(?string $name = null, ?string $value = null, bool $format = true): Input
$input = $this->input('time', $name, $value);
return $this->canFormatDateInput($input, $value, $format)
? $input->value(static::formatDateTime($value, self::HTML_TIME_FORMAT))
: $input;
* Make an unordered list.
public function ul(array $attributes = []): Ul
return Ul::make()->attributes($attributes);
* Format the date/time value.
protected static function formatDateTime(string $value, string $format): string
try {
if ( ! empty($value)) {
$value = (new DateTimeImmutable($value))->format($format);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Do nothing...
return $value;
* Check if the input can be formatted.
protected function canFormatDateInput(Input $input, ?string $value, bool $format): bool
return $format
&& $input->hasAttribute('value')
&& ! empty($value = $input->getAttribute('value')->value());