Automad = $Automad;
$this->collection = $this->Automad->getCollection();
* Generate breadcrumbs to the current page, if the page's level is > 0 (not homepage / search results / page not found).
* Options:
* - class: false (class of
* - excludeHidden: false (exclude hidden pages)
* @param array $options
* @return string The HTML of a breadcrumb navigation
public function breadcrumbs(array $options = array()): string
if (!$this->Automad->Context->get()->level) {
return '';
$options = array_merge(
'class' => false,
'excludeHidden' => false
$Selection = new Selection($this->collection);
if ($options['class']) {
$class = ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"';
} else {
$class= '';
$html = '';
return $html;
* Configure the filelist to be used in foreach loops.
* @param array $options
public function filelist(array $options = array()): void
* Place an image.
* Options:
* - file: false (filepath or glob pattern - when using a glob pattern, the first match is used)
* - width: false (width in pixels)
* - height: false (height in pixels)
* - crop: false (crop image)
* - class: false (class for the element)
* @param array $options - (file: path/to/file (or glob pattern), width: px, height: px, crop: 1)
* @return string The HTML for the image output
public function img(array $options = array()): string
$defaults = array(
'file' => false,
'width' => 0,
'height' => 0,
'crop' => false,
'class' => false
// Merge options with defaults
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
if ($options['file']) {
$files = FileUtils::fileDeclaration($options['file'], $this->Automad->Context->get());
$file = reset($files);
$img = new Image($file, $options['width'], $options['height'], $options['crop']);
if ($img->file) {
if ($options['class']) {
$class = ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"';
} else {
$class = '';
return '';
return '';
* Generate a list for the navigation below a given URL.
* Options:
* - context: '/' (The parent URL)
* - hompage: false (include homepage to first-level nav)
* - excludeHidden: true (exclude hidden pages)
* - class: false (class of the element)
* - active: false (class of the active - element)
* @param array $options
* @return string The HTML of a navigation list
public function nav(array $options = array()): string
$defaults = array(
'context' => '/',
'homepage' => false,
'excludeHidden' => true,
'class' => false,
'active' => false
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
// Prepare class attributes.
if ($options['class']) {
$class = ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"';
} else {
$class = '';
if ($options['active']) {
$active = ' class="' . $options['active'] . '"';
} else {
$active = '';
// Get pages.
$Selection = new Selection($this->collection);
$pages = $Selection->getSelection($options['excludeHidden']);
// Add Homepage to first-level navigation if context is the homepage and the option 'homepage' is true.
if ($options['context'] == '/' && $options['homepage']) {
$pages = array('/' => $this->collection['/']) + $pages;
// Create list.
$html = '';
return $html;
* Generate a list for the navigation below the current page.
* Options are the same like those for nav() except the 'context' option.
* @param array $options
* @return string The HTML of the navigation list
public function navChildren(array $options = array()): string
return $this->nav(array_merge($options, array('context' => $this->Automad->Context->get()->url)));
* Generate a list for the navigation below the current page's parent.
* Options are the same like those for nav() except the 'context' option.
* @param array $options
* @return string The HTML of the navigation list
public function navSiblings(array $options = array()): string
return $this->nav(array_merge($options, array('context' => $this->Automad->Context->get()->parentUrl)));
* Generate a list for the navigation at the top level including the home page (level 0 & 1).
* Options are the same like those for nav() except the 'context' option.
* @param array $options
* @return string The HTML of the navigation list
public function navTop(array $options = array()): string
return $this->nav(array_merge($options, array('context' => '/')));
* Generate full navigation tree.
* Options:
* - all: true (expand all pages or only in current path)
* - context: '' (parent URL)
* - rootLevel: false (a kind of flexible context page at a given level)
* - excludeHidden: true (exclude hidden pages)
* - class: false (class of the
* - active: false (class of the active - element)
* @param array $options - (all: expand all pages (boolean), context: "/parenturl", rootLevel: integer)
* @return string The HTML of the tree
public function navTree(array $options = array()): string
$defaults = array(
'all' => true,
'context' => '',
'rootLevel' => false,
'excludeHidden' => true,
'class' => false,
'active' => false
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
// If 'rootLevel' is not false (!==, can be 0),
// the tree always starts below the given level within the breadcrumb trail to the current page.
// So, $context gets dynamically determined in contrast to defining 'context' within the options.
// When 'rootLevel' is defined, the 'context' option will be ignored.
if ($options['rootLevel'] !== false) {
$Selection = new Selection($this->collection);
foreach ($Selection->getSelection($options['excludeHidden']) as $breadcrumb) {
if ($breadcrumb->level == $options['rootLevel']) {
$context = $breadcrumb->url;
} else {
// If the 'rootLevel' option is set to false, the 'context' option will be used.
$context = $options['context'];
// The tree only gets generated, if $context is defined, because in case the 'rootLevel' option is
// defined and greater than the actual level of the current page, $context won't be defined.
if (isset($context)) {
$Selection = new Selection($this->collection);
if ($pages = $Selection->getSelection($options['excludeHidden'])) {
if ($options['class']) {
$class = ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"';
} else {
$class = '';
$html = '
foreach ($pages as $Page) {
$html .= '- isCurrent() && $options['active']) {
$html .= ' class="' . $options['active'] . '"';
$html .= '>' . Str::stripTags($Page->get(Fields::TITLE)) . '';
if ($options['all'] || $Page->isCurrent() || $Page->isInCurrentPath()) {
$html .= $this->navTree(array_merge(
'context' => $Page->url,
'rootLevel' => false
$html .= '
$html .= '
return $html;
return '';
* Alias for calling the pagelist() method with the default options merged with the specified ones
* to override all previous configurations.
* @param array $options
public function newPagelist(array $options = array()): void
$this->pagelist(array_merge($this->Automad->getPagelist()->getDefaults(), $options));
* Change of configuration for Automad's Pagelist object.
* Options:
* - context: an optionally fixed URL for the context of a pagelist of type breadcrumbs or children. In case this parameter is false, within a loop the context always changes dynamically to the current page.
* - excludeCurrent: default false
* - excludeHidden: default true
* - filter: filter pages by tags
* - limit: limit the object's array of relevant pages
* - offset: offset the within the array of all relevant pages
* - page: false (the current page in the pagination - to be used with the limit parameter)
* - search: filter pages by search string
* - sort: sorting options string, like "date desc, title asc"
* - template: include only pages matching that template
* - type: sets the type of pagelist (default is false) - valid types are false (all), "children", "related", "siblings" and "breadcrumbs"
* @param array $options
public function pagelist(array $options = array()): void
* Merge passed key-value pairs ($options) with current query string.
* @param array $options
* @return string The merged query string
public function queryStringMerge(array $options)
return http_build_query(array_merge($_GET, $options));
* Redirect page.
* @param array $options
public function redirect(array $options): void
$options = array_merge(array(
'url' => '',
'code' => 302
), $options);
$url = Resolve::absoluteUrlToRoot(Resolve::relativeUrlToBase($options['url'], $this->Automad->Context->get()));
header('Location: ' . $url, true, $options['code']);
* Set shared or session data variables by passing an array of key/value pairs.
* @param array $options
public function set(array $options): void
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('/' . PatternAssembly::CHAR_CLASS_ALL_VARS . '/', $key)) {
if (strpos($key, '%') === 0) {
SessionData::set($key, $value);
} else {
$this->Automad->Shared->set($key, $value);