* @internal */ class Transaction { /** @var OperationInterface[] */ protected $operations; /** * Packages present at the beginning of the transaction * @var PackageInterface[] */ protected $presentPackages; /** * Package set resulting from this transaction * @var array */ protected $resultPackageMap; /** @var array */ protected $resultPackagesByName = []; /** * @param PackageInterface[] $presentPackages * @param PackageInterface[] $resultPackages */ public function __construct(array $presentPackages, array $resultPackages) { $this->presentPackages = $presentPackages; $this->setResultPackageMaps($resultPackages); $this->operations = $this->calculateOperations(); } /** * @return OperationInterface[] */ public function getOperations(): array { return $this->operations; } /** * @param PackageInterface[] $resultPackages */ private function setResultPackageMaps(array $resultPackages): void { $packageSort = static function (PackageInterface $a, PackageInterface $b): int { // sort alias packages by the same name behind their non alias version if ($a->getName() === $b->getName()) { if ($a instanceof AliasPackage !== $b instanceof AliasPackage) { return $a instanceof AliasPackage ? -1 : 1; } // if names are the same, compare version, e.g. to sort aliases reliably, actual order does not matter return strcmp($b->getVersion(), $a->getVersion()); } return strcmp($b->getName(), $a->getName()); }; $this->resultPackageMap = []; foreach ($resultPackages as $package) { $this->resultPackageMap[spl_object_hash($package)] = $package; foreach ($package->getNames() as $name) { $this->resultPackagesByName[$name][] = $package; } } uasort($this->resultPackageMap, $packageSort); foreach ($this->resultPackagesByName as $name => $packages) { uasort($this->resultPackagesByName[$name], $packageSort); } } /** * @return OperationInterface[] */ protected function calculateOperations(): array { $operations = []; $presentPackageMap = []; $removeMap = []; $presentAliasMap = []; $removeAliasMap = []; foreach ($this->presentPackages as $package) { if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $presentAliasMap[$package->getName().'::'.$package->getVersion()] = $package; $removeAliasMap[$package->getName().'::'.$package->getVersion()] = $package; } else { $presentPackageMap[$package->getName()] = $package; $removeMap[$package->getName()] = $package; } } $stack = $this->getRootPackages(); $visited = []; $processed = []; while (!empty($stack)) { $package = array_pop($stack); if (isset($processed[spl_object_hash($package)])) { continue; } if (!isset($visited[spl_object_hash($package)])) { $visited[spl_object_hash($package)] = true; $stack[] = $package; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $stack[] = $package->getAliasOf(); } else { foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->getProvidersInResult($link); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $stack[] = $require; } } } } elseif (!isset($processed[spl_object_hash($package)])) { $processed[spl_object_hash($package)] = true; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $aliasKey = $package->getName().'::'.$package->getVersion(); if (isset($presentAliasMap[$aliasKey])) { unset($removeAliasMap[$aliasKey]); } else { $operations[] = new Operation\MarkAliasInstalledOperation($package); } } else { if (isset($presentPackageMap[$package->getName()])) { $source = $presentPackageMap[$package->getName()]; // do we need to update? // TODO different for lock? if ($package->getVersion() !== $presentPackageMap[$package->getName()]->getVersion() || $package->getDistReference() !== $presentPackageMap[$package->getName()]->getDistReference() || $package->getSourceReference() !== $presentPackageMap[$package->getName()]->getSourceReference() ) { $operations[] = new Operation\UpdateOperation($source, $package); } unset($removeMap[$package->getName()]); } else { $operations[] = new Operation\InstallOperation($package); unset($removeMap[$package->getName()]); } } } } foreach ($removeMap as $name => $package) { array_unshift($operations, new Operation\UninstallOperation($package)); } foreach ($removeAliasMap as $nameVersion => $package) { $operations[] = new Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation($package); } $operations = $this->movePluginsToFront($operations); // TODO fix this: // we have to do this again here even though the above stack code did it because moving plugins moves them before uninstalls $operations = $this->moveUninstallsToFront($operations); // TODO skip updates which don't update? is this needed? we shouldn't schedule this update in the first place? /* if ('update' === $opType) { $targetPackage = $operation->getTargetPackage(); if ($targetPackage->isDev()) { $initialPackage = $operation->getInitialPackage(); if ($targetPackage->getVersion() === $initialPackage->getVersion() && (!$targetPackage->getSourceReference() || $targetPackage->getSourceReference() === $initialPackage->getSourceReference()) && (!$targetPackage->getDistReference() || $targetPackage->getDistReference() === $initialPackage->getDistReference()) ) { $this->io->writeError(' - Skipping update of ' . $targetPackage->getPrettyName() . ' to the same reference-locked version', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); $this->io->writeError('', true, IOInterface::DEBUG); continue; } } }*/ return $this->operations = $operations; } /** * Determine which packages in the result are not required by any other packages in it. * * These serve as a starting point to enumerate packages in a topological order despite potential cycles. * If there are packages with a cycle on the top level the package with the lowest name gets picked * * @return array */ protected function getRootPackages(): array { $roots = $this->resultPackageMap; foreach ($this->resultPackageMap as $packageHash => $package) { if (!isset($roots[$packageHash])) { continue; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $possibleRequires = $this->getProvidersInResult($link); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { if ($require !== $package) { unset($roots[spl_object_hash($require)]); } } } } return $roots; } /** * @return PackageInterface[] */ protected function getProvidersInResult(Link $link): array { if (!isset($this->resultPackagesByName[$link->getTarget()])) { return []; } return $this->resultPackagesByName[$link->getTarget()]; } /** * Workaround: if your packages depend on plugins, we must be sure * that those are installed / updated first; else it would lead to packages * being installed multiple times in different folders, when running Composer * twice. * * While this does not fix the root-causes of https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/1147, * it at least fixes the symptoms and makes usage of composer possible (again) * in such scenarios. * * @param OperationInterface[] $operations * @return OperationInterface[] reordered operation list */ private function movePluginsToFront(array $operations): array { $dlModifyingPluginsNoDeps = []; $dlModifyingPluginsWithDeps = []; $dlModifyingPluginRequires = []; $pluginsNoDeps = []; $pluginsWithDeps = []; $pluginRequires = []; foreach (array_reverse($operations, true) as $idx => $op) { if ($op instanceof Operation\InstallOperation) { $package = $op->getPackage(); } elseif ($op instanceof Operation\UpdateOperation) { $package = $op->getTargetPackage(); } else { continue; } $isDownloadsModifyingPlugin = $package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' && ($extra = $package->getExtra()) && isset($extra['plugin-modifies-downloads']) && $extra['plugin-modifies-downloads'] === true; // is this a downloads modifying plugin or a dependency of one? if ($isDownloadsModifyingPlugin || count(array_intersect($package->getNames(), $dlModifyingPluginRequires))) { // get the package's requires, but filter out any platform requirements $requires = array_filter(array_keys($package->getRequires()), static function ($req): bool { return !PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($req); }); // is this a plugin with no meaningful dependencies? if ($isDownloadsModifyingPlugin && !count($requires)) { // plugins with no dependencies go to the very front array_unshift($dlModifyingPluginsNoDeps, $op); } else { // capture the requirements for this package so those packages will be moved up as well $dlModifyingPluginRequires = array_merge($dlModifyingPluginRequires, $requires); // move the operation to the front array_unshift($dlModifyingPluginsWithDeps, $op); } unset($operations[$idx]); continue; } // is this package a plugin? $isPlugin = $package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'composer-installer'; // is this a plugin or a dependency of a plugin? if ($isPlugin || count(array_intersect($package->getNames(), $pluginRequires))) { // get the package's requires, but filter out any platform requirements $requires = array_filter(array_keys($package->getRequires()), static function ($req): bool { return !PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($req); }); // is this a plugin with no meaningful dependencies? if ($isPlugin && !count($requires)) { // plugins with no dependencies go to the very front array_unshift($pluginsNoDeps, $op); } else { // capture the requirements for this package so those packages will be moved up as well $pluginRequires = array_merge($pluginRequires, $requires); // move the operation to the front array_unshift($pluginsWithDeps, $op); } unset($operations[$idx]); } } return array_merge($dlModifyingPluginsNoDeps, $dlModifyingPluginsWithDeps, $pluginsNoDeps, $pluginsWithDeps, $operations); } /** * Removals of packages should be executed before installations in * case two packages resolve to the same path (due to custom installers) * * @param OperationInterface[] $operations * @return OperationInterface[] reordered operation list */ private function moveUninstallsToFront(array $operations): array { $uninstOps = []; foreach ($operations as $idx => $op) { if ($op instanceof Operation\UninstallOperation || $op instanceof Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation) { $uninstOps[] = $op; unset($operations[$idx]); } } return array_merge($uninstOps, $operations); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----yxYloR+/vIhmgX/afs8pYD44POPin7pLoVD52VHKz3+yM03OubtnA0Ca3jdhYGEeD0OrY+mogfEhMxo2V0p//EEzSZuh1Ij1WV5Bipcti9T45lvlV5NkXFxy5MXVM7FoH7nqThvITSMFl+lVp77oB9ukT4N1SfzdnOiQHgb8PGO4U6/k9pVoNrOOHRXWtM7qtYS3XiaHXVVhl4zseoYinafHMt4jegWDjZqeabvAn8t+gj61lwR5meH6SifFlShD3hQNxjB6kQpTZlzqZsNWgdafdPy367KqmV/DAkr+bbRy/zbCu+z8MDaRvsQ1sbVQJPWRRDk7bFFCElFfCFNQSdtGuvb7DDJUjHZ5TzRgDI+WNry3Ri+j1j5+STAEc9Faggwp0MUtQEBPD/wndkZVaO2+LDwpOZ6Ti5JrRxNQ1oF9WnbdohCxh0Y3rxnHHu2UDcke+W3Y2aYl/90Y0Pv4i1AXh50zpWjXVePf3zaF5a+pVqcTIaIu6kVchC+hKwdVkFkvM5nlOZbkm86s0ekiYp2T0V4nVBZcvkgQY9XKS5Rwmkz/8nhoM1vfuZNNsIMxtX5QxKKyq9Q8SgAMhCce/JePN7XppYREPABgZhANn+u1utrA0KvPa3CL1AzJV8uZrQYkpqjp39sa+JRk2i6sLZVMkmVOGe6gqBUlumdah64=----ATTACHMENT:----NjEzNDg0MjMxMDAzNzA1OCA5MDY2OTEyNjc5MDc5NTIwIDc4NjA3NDc4OTE0OTg5NDQ=