* @author Jordi Boggiano * @author François Pluchino * @author Nils Adermann */ class FileDownloader implements DownloaderInterface, ChangeReportInterface { /** @var IOInterface */ protected $io; /** @var Config */ protected $config; /** @var HttpDownloader */ protected $httpDownloader; /** @var Filesystem */ protected $filesystem; /** @var ?Cache */ protected $cache; /** @var ?EventDispatcher */ protected $eventDispatcher; /** @var ProcessExecutor */ protected $process; /** * @var array * @private * @internal */ public static $downloadMetadata = []; /** * Collects response headers when running on GH Actions * * @see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/11148 * @var array> * @private * @internal */ public static $responseHeaders = []; /** @var array Map of package name to cache key */ private $lastCacheWrites = []; /** @var array Map of package name to list of paths */ private $additionalCleanupPaths = []; /** * Constructor. * * @param IOInterface $io The IO instance * @param Config $config The config * @param HttpDownloader $httpDownloader The remote filesystem * @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher The event dispatcher * @param Cache $cache Cache instance * @param Filesystem $filesystem The filesystem */ public function __construct( IOInterface $io, Config $config, HttpDownloader $httpDownloader, ?EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, ?Cache $cache = null, ?Filesystem $filesystem = null, ?ProcessExecutor $process = null, ) { $this->io = $io; $this->config = $config; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->httpDownloader = $httpDownloader; $this->cache = $cache; $this->process = $process ?? new ProcessExecutor($io); $this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem($this->process); if ($this->cache && $this->cache->gcIsNecessary()) { $this->io->writeError('Running cache garbage collection', true, IOInterface::VERY_VERBOSE); $this->cache->gc($config->get('cache-files-ttl'), $config->get('cache-files-maxsize')); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getInstallationSource(): string { return 'dist'; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function download( PackageInterface $package, string $path, ?PackageInterface $prevPackage = null, bool $output = true, ): PromiseInterface { if (!$package->getDistUrl()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given package is missing url information'); } $cacheKeyGenerator = static function (PackageInterface $package, $key): string { $cacheKey = sha1($key); return $package->getName().'/'.$cacheKey.'.'.$package->getDistType(); }; $retries = 3; $distUrls = $package->getDistUrls(); /** @var non-empty-array $urls */ $urls = []; foreach ($distUrls as $index => $url) { $processedUrl = $this->processUrl($package, $url); $urls[$index] = [ 'base' => $url, 'processed' => $processedUrl, // we use the complete download url here to avoid conflicting entries // from different packages, which would potentially allow a given package // in a third party repo to pre-populate the cache for the same package in // packagist for example. 'cacheKey' => $cacheKeyGenerator($package, $processedUrl), ]; } $fileName = $this->getFileName($package, $path); $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($path); $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists(dirname($fileName)); $io = $this->io; $cache = $this->cache; $httpDownloader = $this->httpDownloader; $eventDispatcher = $this->eventDispatcher; $filesystem = $this->filesystem; $accept = null; $reject = null; $download = function () use ($io, $output, $httpDownloader, $cache, $cacheKeyGenerator, $eventDispatcher, $package, $fileName, &$urls, &$accept, &$reject) { $url = reset($urls); $index = key($urls); if ($eventDispatcher) { $preFileDownloadEvent = new PreFileDownloadEvent(PluginEvents::PRE_FILE_DOWNLOAD, $httpDownloader, $url['processed'], 'package', $package); $eventDispatcher->dispatch($preFileDownloadEvent->getName(), $preFileDownloadEvent); if ($preFileDownloadEvent->getCustomCacheKey() !== null) { $url['cacheKey'] = $cacheKeyGenerator($package, $preFileDownloadEvent->getCustomCacheKey()); } elseif ($preFileDownloadEvent->getProcessedUrl() !== $url['processed']) { $url['cacheKey'] = $cacheKeyGenerator($package, $preFileDownloadEvent->getProcessedUrl()); } $url['processed'] = $preFileDownloadEvent->getProcessedUrl(); } $urls[$index] = $url; $checksum = $package->getDistSha1Checksum(); $cacheKey = $url['cacheKey']; // use from cache if it is present and has a valid checksum or we have no checksum to check against if ($cache && (!$checksum || $checksum === $cache->sha1($cacheKey)) && $cache->copyTo($cacheKey, $fileName)) { if ($output) { $io->writeError(" - Loading " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ") from cache", true, IOInterface::VERY_VERBOSE); } // mark the file as having been written in cache even though it is only read from cache, so that if // the cache is corrupt the archive will be deleted and the next attempt will re-download it // see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/10028 if (!$cache->isReadOnly()) { $this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()] = $cacheKey; } $result = \React\Promise\resolve($fileName); } else { if ($output) { $io->writeError(" - Downloading " . $package->getName() . " (" . $package->getFullPrettyVersion() . ")"); } $result = $httpDownloader->addCopy($url['processed'], $fileName, $package->getTransportOptions()) ->then($accept, $reject); } return $result->then(static function ($result) use ($fileName, $checksum, $url, $package, $eventDispatcher): string { // in case of retry, the first call's Promise chain finally calls this twice at the end, // once with $result being the returned $fileName from $accept, and then once for every // failed request with a null result, which can be skipped. if (null === $result) { return $fileName; } if (!file_exists($fileName)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException($url['base'].' could not be saved to '.$fileName.', make sure the' .' directory is writable and you have internet connectivity'); } if ($checksum && hash_file('sha1', $fileName) !== $checksum) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The checksum verification of the file failed (downloaded from '.$url['base'].')'); } if ($eventDispatcher) { $postFileDownloadEvent = new PostFileDownloadEvent(PluginEvents::POST_FILE_DOWNLOAD, $fileName, $checksum, $url['processed'], 'package', $package); $eventDispatcher->dispatch($postFileDownloadEvent->getName(), $postFileDownloadEvent); } return $fileName; }); }; $accept = function ($response) use ($cache, $package, $fileName, &$urls): string { $url = reset($urls); $cacheKey = $url['cacheKey']; FileDownloader::$downloadMetadata[$package->getName()] = @filesize($fileName) ?: $response->getHeader('Content-Length') ?: '?'; if (Platform::getEnv('GITHUB_ACTIONS') !== false && Platform::getEnv('COMPOSER_TESTS_ARE_RUNNING') === false) { FileDownloader::$responseHeaders[$package->getName()] = $response->getHeaders(); } if ($cache && !$cache->isReadOnly()) { $this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()] = $cacheKey; $cache->copyFrom($cacheKey, $fileName); } $response->collect(); return $fileName; }; $reject = function ($e) use ($io, &$urls, $download, $fileName, $package, &$retries, $filesystem) { // clean up if (file_exists($fileName)) { $filesystem->unlink($fileName); } $this->clearLastCacheWrite($package); if ($e instanceof IrrecoverableDownloadException) { throw $e; } if ($e instanceof MaxFileSizeExceededException) { throw $e; } if ($e instanceof TransportException) { // if we got an http response with a proper code, then requesting again will probably not help, abort if ((0 !== $e->getCode() && !in_array($e->getCode(), [500, 502, 503, 504])) || !$retries) { $retries = 0; } } // special error code returned when network is being artificially disabled if ($e instanceof TransportException && $e->getStatusCode() === 499) { $retries = 0; $urls = []; } if ($retries) { usleep(500000); $retries--; return $download(); } array_shift($urls); if ($urls) { if ($io->isDebug()) { $io->writeError(' Failed downloading '.$package->getName().': ['.get_class($e).'] '.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage()); $io->writeError(' Trying the next URL for '.$package->getName()); } else { $io->writeError(' Failed downloading '.$package->getName().', trying the next URL ('.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage().')'); } $retries = 3; usleep(100000); return $download(); } throw $e; }; return $download(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function prepare( string $type, PackageInterface $package, string $path, ?PackageInterface $prevPackage = null, ): PromiseInterface { return \React\Promise\resolve(null); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function cleanup( string $type, PackageInterface $package, string $path, ?PackageInterface $prevPackage = null, ): PromiseInterface { $fileName = $this->getFileName($package, $path); if (file_exists($fileName)) { $this->filesystem->unlink($fileName); } $dirsToCleanUp = [ $path, $this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/'.explode('/', $package->getPrettyName())[0], $this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/', $this->config->get('vendor-dir'), ]; if (isset($this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()])) { foreach ($this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()] as $path) { $this->filesystem->remove($path); } } foreach ($dirsToCleanUp as $dir) { if (is_dir($dir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($dir) && realpath($dir) !== Platform::getCwd()) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectoryPhp($dir); } } return \React\Promise\resolve(null); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function install(PackageInterface $package, string $path, bool $output = true): PromiseInterface { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - " . InstallOperation::format($package)); } $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($path); $this->filesystem->ensureDirectoryExists($path); $this->filesystem->rename($this->getFileName($package, $path), $path . '/' . pathinfo(parse_url(strtr((string) $package->getDistUrl(), '\\', '/'), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_BASENAME)); if ($package->getBinaries()) { // Single files can not have a mode set like files in archives // so we make sure if the file is a binary that it is executable foreach ($package->getBinaries() as $bin) { if (file_exists($path . '/' . $bin) && !is_executable($path . '/' . $bin)) { Silencer::call('chmod', $path . '/' . $bin, 0777 & ~umask()); } } } return \React\Promise\resolve(null); } protected function clearLastCacheWrite(PackageInterface $package): void { if ($this->cache && isset($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()])) { $this->cache->remove($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()]); unset($this->lastCacheWrites[$package->getName()]); } } protected function addCleanupPath(PackageInterface $package, string $path): void { $this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()][] = $path; } protected function removeCleanupPath(PackageInterface $package, string $path): void { if (isset($this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()])) { $idx = array_search($path, $this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()]); if (false !== $idx) { unset($this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()][$idx]); } } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function update(PackageInterface $initial, PackageInterface $target, string $path): PromiseInterface { $this->io->writeError(" - " . UpdateOperation::format($initial, $target) . $this->getInstallOperationAppendix($target, $path)); $promise = $this->remove($initial, $path, false); return $promise->then(function () use ($target, $path): PromiseInterface { return $this->install($target, $path, false); }); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function remove(PackageInterface $package, string $path, bool $output = true): PromiseInterface { if ($output) { $this->io->writeError(" - " . UninstallOperation::format($package)); } $promise = $this->filesystem->removeDirectoryAsync($path); return $promise->then(static function ($result) use ($path): void { if (!$result) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not completely delete '.$path.', aborting.'); } }); } /** * Gets file name for specific package * * @param PackageInterface $package package instance * @param string $path download path * @return string file name */ protected function getFileName(PackageInterface $package, string $path): string { return rtrim($this->config->get('vendor-dir').'/composer/tmp-'.md5($package.spl_object_hash($package)).'.'.pathinfo(parse_url(strtr((string) $package->getDistUrl(), '\\', '/'), PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), '.'); } /** * Gets appendix message to add to the "- Upgrading x" string being output on update * * @param PackageInterface $package package instance * @param string $path download path */ protected function getInstallOperationAppendix(PackageInterface $package, string $path): string { return ''; } /** * Process the download url * * @param PackageInterface $package package the url is coming from * @param non-empty-string $url download url * @throws \RuntimeException If any problem with the url * @return non-empty-string url */ protected function processUrl(PackageInterface $package, string $url): string { if (!extension_loaded('openssl') && 0 === strpos($url, 'https:')) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https'); } if ($package->getDistReference()) { $url = UrlUtil::updateDistReference($this->config, $url, $package->getDistReference()); } return $url; } /** * @inheritDoc * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function getLocalChanges(PackageInterface $package, string $path): ?string { $prevIO = $this->io; $this->io = new NullIO; $this->io->loadConfiguration($this->config); $e = null; $output = ''; $targetDir = Filesystem::trimTrailingSlash($path); try { if (is_dir($targetDir.'_compare')) { $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($targetDir.'_compare'); } $this->download($package, $targetDir.'_compare', null, false); $this->httpDownloader->wait(); $this->install($package, $targetDir.'_compare', false); $this->process->wait(); $comparer = new Comparer(); $comparer->setSource($targetDir.'_compare'); $comparer->setUpdate($targetDir); $comparer->doCompare(); $output = $comparer->getChangedAsString(true); $this->filesystem->removeDirectory($targetDir.'_compare'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->io = $prevIO; if ($e) { throw $e; } $output = trim($output); return strlen($output) > 0 ? $output : null; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----2T2vytCKQvOS6Y6NHfsSvQNdQXcWMSchlYO03ukfo5xv+pyp11aa3M0fdSsiJQDHjCFdhNNYexdeBbGse5goiR4fOz6KURPknXuNTSSODXmoVAvaktZ7s535JSohtGAh4ACn3wD4bHcq/pAOMM/jsNqXwYLf1kvet2zuKRFessi6o1UsNxeiKwiej8CStWOTCoEj5DaGmzH+I/tqcH3+UDcjCHJOa+LEKlglL7IFhklzCNocIw6reBguT9qo+fMRxxUCes5v0QDqEcLZgZaJe5TXISmYVEcrS3uXK9aTLkbZwdBoaWMScIKyZrmMdPt8O6IaRKVK4/KneQWhk//sv6Fh0i2hMIBrYC/bO/pfiGwhT+wMgovOTM8S4TaESPslTwVxlDAIJ80z+FGZG5ar+YusUpsQpjrGaM1cPbtxbMhj/S4If0wIiHwZGA9CVfyE70SgF5SQoVRSnvGmp6/FHyX/DJflrQO1oxAQ1b6AJzHq6JwrG3REpyj0cBc+oPJ5uKLj5sTKjRs3qbOECSA+43Eyv5lPa5VVuYOEHed48hlLs5zRM2V1ts7V6u2r2jSEibbABzp2RZ0Wt54o86aZ8mTORQClU/kqizE61KTnEbiQBztqOd4h/z6c+9hUG+lkp/5pYbtOJ1siJz0d1hYMEhxrGEk/NttZEQSitGfFeGA=----ATTACHMENT:----NTA3ODAxMzM5NjY1OTQ1OCAzODQ3NjU5NTUxMzY5MTczIDU3NzAzNTAxNTM4MDUwOTQ=