*/ protected $authentications = []; /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getAuthentications() { return $this->authentications; } /** * @return void */ public function resetAuthentications() { $this->authentications = []; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function hasAuthentication($repositoryName) { return isset($this->authentications[$repositoryName]); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getAuthentication($repositoryName) { if (isset($this->authentications[$repositoryName])) { return $this->authentications[$repositoryName]; } return ['username' => null, 'password' => null]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function setAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password = null) { $this->authentications[$repositoryName] = ['username' => $username, 'password' => $password]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function writeRaw($messages, bool $newline = true, int $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->write($messages, $newline, $verbosity); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function writeErrorRaw($messages, bool $newline = true, int $verbosity = self::NORMAL) { $this->writeError($messages, $newline, $verbosity); } /** * Check for overwrite and set the authentication information for the repository. * * @param string $repositoryName The unique name of repository * @param string $username The username * @param string $password The password * * @return void */ protected function checkAndSetAuthentication(string $repositoryName, string $username, ?string $password = null) { if ($this->hasAuthentication($repositoryName)) { $auth = $this->getAuthentication($repositoryName); if ($auth['username'] === $username && $auth['password'] === $password) { return; } $this->writeError( sprintf( "Warning: You should avoid overwriting already defined auth settings for %s.", $repositoryName ) ); } $this->setAuthentication($repositoryName, $username, $password); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function loadConfiguration(Config $config) { $bitbucketOauth = $config->get('bitbucket-oauth'); $githubOauth = $config->get('github-oauth'); $gitlabOauth = $config->get('gitlab-oauth'); $gitlabToken = $config->get('gitlab-token'); $httpBasic = $config->get('http-basic'); $bearerToken = $config->get('bearer'); // reload oauth tokens from config if available foreach ($bitbucketOauth as $domain => $cred) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $cred['consumer-key'], $cred['consumer-secret']); } foreach ($githubOauth as $domain => $token) { if ($domain !== 'github.com' && !in_array($domain, $config->get('github-domains'), true)) { $this->debug($domain.' is not in the configured github-domains, adding it implicitly as authentication is configured for this domain'); $config->merge(['config' => ['github-domains' => array_merge($config->get('github-domains'), [$domain])]], 'implicit-due-to-auth'); } // allowed chars for GH tokens are from https://github.blog/changelog/2021-03-04-authentication-token-format-updates/ // plus dots which were at some point used for GH app integration tokens if (!Preg::isMatch('{^[.A-Za-z0-9_]+$}', $token)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Your github oauth token for '.$domain.' contains invalid characters: "'.$token.'"'); } $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'x-oauth-basic'); } foreach ($gitlabOauth as $domain => $token) { if ($domain !== 'gitlab.com' && !in_array($domain, $config->get('gitlab-domains'), true)) { $this->debug($domain.' is not in the configured gitlab-domains, adding it implicitly as authentication is configured for this domain'); $config->merge(['config' => ['gitlab-domains' => array_merge($config->get('gitlab-domains'), [$domain])]], 'implicit-due-to-auth'); } $token = is_array($token) ? $token["token"] : $token; $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'oauth2'); } foreach ($gitlabToken as $domain => $token) { if ($domain !== 'gitlab.com' && !in_array($domain, $config->get('gitlab-domains'), true)) { $this->debug($domain.' is not in the configured gitlab-domains, adding it implicitly as authentication is configured for this domain'); $config->merge(['config' => ['gitlab-domains' => array_merge($config->get('gitlab-domains'), [$domain])]], 'implicit-due-to-auth'); } $username = is_array($token) ? $token["username"] : $token; $password = is_array($token) ? $token["token"] : 'private-token'; $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $username, $password); } // reload http basic credentials from config if available foreach ($httpBasic as $domain => $cred) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $cred['username'], $cred['password']); } foreach ($bearerToken as $domain => $token) { $this->checkAndSetAuthentication($domain, $token, 'bearer'); } // setup process timeout ProcessExecutor::setTimeout($config->get('process-timeout')); } public function emergency($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $message, $context); } public function alert($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::ALERT, $message, $context); } public function critical($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::CRITICAL, $message, $context); } public function error($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $message, $context); } public function warning($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::WARNING, $message, $context); } public function notice($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::NOTICE, $message, $context); } public function info($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::INFO, $message, $context); } public function debug($message, array $context = []): void { $this->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, $message, $context); } public function log($level, $message, array $context = []): void { $message = (string) $message; if (in_array($level, [LogLevel::EMERGENCY, LogLevel::ALERT, LogLevel::CRITICAL, LogLevel::ERROR])) { $this->writeError(''.$message.''); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::WARNING) { $this->writeError(''.$message.''); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::NOTICE) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::VERBOSE); } elseif ($level === LogLevel::INFO) { $this->writeError(''.$message.'', true, self::VERY_VERBOSE); } else { $this->writeError($message, true, self::DEBUG); } } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MzExMDAzMzcxMzkxMzI3OSA3NzY0OTk2NTkwMjMwMTcgNTQ4OTYxNjkwNTg0MjU5OA==