web\+(?[\w\-]+))'; const REGEX_DOMAIN = '(?[a-z0-9\-\_\*^\.]+)?(\.)(?[a-z0-9\-^\.]+)\.(?[a-z0-9\-^\.]+)'; const REGEX_PACKAGE = '(?[\w\-\_]+)\/(?[\w\-\_]+)'; const REGEX_OID = '(?[0-9\.]+)'; const REGEX_FEDERATED_ENTITY = '\@(?[^\@]+)\@(?[^\@]+)'; const REGEX_IPV4 = '(?[\d]\.[\d]\.[\d]\.[\d])'; const CLASS_TYPES_BASE_NS_GENERATED = 'Frdlweb\OIDplus\TypedNS'; const REGEX_SERVICE_URL_DNS = self::REGEX_WEB_PROTOCOL_SCHEME.'\:\/\/'.'(?'.self::REGEX_DOMAIN.')'; const DELIMITER = '@'; protected $oid; protected $domain; protected $attributes = []; protected static $namespaces = [ self::DEFNS=>[ ], ]; protected static $_namespacesPatterns =null; public static $_ns= self::DEFNS; protected $viewObject = null; protected $serviceObject = null; protected static $LocalPsr4Autoloader = null; public function init(bool $html=true) { // OIDplusObjectTypePluginNs::webfatInit( ); } public function __construct(string $domain, ?string $_ns= null, array $attributes = []) { $class = \get_class($this); $attrDomain = self::getValidClassConfig($domain); $_ns = $_ns ?: ($attrDomain['ns'] ?: $class::ns() ); $attrNS = self::getValidClassConfig($_ns); $attr = self::getValidClassConfig($_ns.':'.$domain); if (!is_array($attrDomain) // || !is_array($attr) ) { // throw new OIDplusException( // _L(sprintf('Invalid Object Attributes for %s in %s', $domain.':'.$_ns, __METHOD__)) // ); } // TODO: syntax checks $this->domain = $this->oid = $domain; self::$_ns = $_ns ?: self::$_ns; //foreach($attributes as $k=>$v){ // if(is_numeric($k))unset($attributes[$k]); //} //$this->attributes = $attributes; $this->setAttributes(array_merge($attrNS ?: [],$attrDomain ?: [],$attr?: [], $attributes)); } public static function getValidClassConfig($ns_or_id){ foreach(self::getNamespacesPatterns() as $namespaceId => $dis){ if(preg_match('/^(?'.$dis['regex'].')$/', $ns_or_id, $match)){ $match['ns'] = (isset($match['ns'])) ? $match['ns'] :explode(':', $ns_or_id, 2)[0]; \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$match['ns']]['definitions'] = $dis; $match['ns'] = \call_user_func_array(isset($dis['getNamespace']) ? $dis['getNamespace'] : [self::class, 'defaultGetNamespaceTypeHandler'], [$match, $ns_or_id]); $match['namespace'] =$match['ns']; return $match; //break; } } return false; } /** * @param string $node_id * @return OIDplusDomain|null */ public static function parse(string $node_id)/*: ?OIDplusDomain*/ { @list($namespace, $domain) = explode(':', $node_id, 2); if(!isset($domain) || is_null($domain)){ $domain=''; } $match = self::getValidClassConfig($namespace); if (!is_string($namespace) || !is_array( $match ) || !isset(\Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$namespace])){ return null; } if(isset(\Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$namespace]['class'])){ $class = \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$namespace]['class']; }else{ $class = \get_called_class(); //$class = self::class; } $object =new $class($domain, $namespace, $match); $object->setAttributes(array_merge([ 'query' => $node_id, ],$match)); return $object; //return new self($domain, $namespace); } /** * @param bool $with_ns * @return string */ public function nodeId(bool $with_ns=true): string { $class = \get_class($this); return $with_ns ? trim($class::$_ns, ':@/\\.').':'.trim($this->domain, ':@/\\') : trim($this->domain, ':@/\\.'); } /** * @param string $str * @return string * @throws OIDplusException */ public function addString(string $str): string { $class = \get_class($this); if (strpos($str,$class::DELIMITER) !== false && !$this->isRoot() ) throw new OIDplusException(_L('Please only submit one arc.')); return $this->appendArcs($str)->nodeId(); } public function appendArcs($arcs): OIDplusObject { $class = \get_class($this); $parentObject =// clone $this; $relativeObject = OIDplusObject::parse($arcs); // $newObject = new self($this->domain); // self::DELIMITER $newId = trim($parentObject->nodeId(false).$class::DELIMITER.$arcs, $class::DELIMITER); $match = $class::getValidClassConfig( $newId ); $matchLocalArcs = $class::getValidClassConfig( $arcs ); $ns = is_array($match) && $parentObject->isRoot() && OIDplusNs::DEFNS === $parentObject::ns() ? $match['ns'] : $class::ns(); if($parentObject::ns() === $ns && $newId === $ns.':'.$ns && is_array($matchLocalArcs) && @$matchLocalArcs['ns'] === @$matchLocalArcs['identifier'] // && !empty($arcs) && $arcs === @$matchLocalArcs['ns'] && $newId === $ns.':'.$arcs ){ $newObject = new \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$ns]['class']($arcs, $ns, $match ?: ($matchLocalArcs ?: []) ) ; //$newObject = new \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$ns]['class']('', $arcs, $match ?: ($matchLocalArcs ?: []) ) ; }else{ $newObject = new \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$ns]['class']($newId, $class::ns(), $match ?: ($matchLocalArcs ?: []) ) ; } //if ($relativeObject && $parentObject->isRoot() && OIDplusNs::DEFNS === $parentObject::ns() // && is_array($matchLocalArcs) // ) { // return $str.':'.$this->domain.self::DELIMITER.$this->domain.self::DELIMITER; // $newId = $arcs.':'; //$newId = $arcs.':'$newId; // $newObject = new self($newId, $matchLocalArcs['ns'], $match); //} $maxlen = OIDplus::baseConfig()->getValue('LIMITS_MAX_ID_LENGTH')-strlen($newObject::root()); if (strlen($newId) > $maxlen) { // throw new OIDplusException(_L('The resulting OID "%1" is too long (max allowed length: %2).',$newId,$maxlen)); } return $newObject; } public function one_up() { $oid = $this->domain; // $class = \get_called_class(); $class = \get_class($this); $pathNodes = explode($class::DELIMITER, $oid); $p = strpos($oid, $class::DELIMITER); $p2 = strpos($oid, ':'); $last = array_pop($pathNodes); if (count($pathNodes)>1) { //$oid_up = substr($oid, $p+1); return OIDplusObject::parse( self::$_ns.':'.implode($class::DELIMITER,$pathNodes)); } // if ( $this->isRoot() ) return $class::parse($class::root()); //$oid_up = substr($oid, $p+1); return self::parse(''); } public function getParent() { // $class = \get_called_class(); $class = \get_class($this); if (!OIDplus::baseConfig()->getValue('OBJECT_CACHING', true)) { $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select parent from ###objects where id = ?", array($this->nodeId())); if ($res->any()) { $row = $res->fetch_array(); $parent = $row['parent']; $obj = OIDplusObject::parse($parent); if ($obj) return $obj; } } else { self::buildObjectInformationCache(); if (isset(OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$this->nodeId()])) { $parent = OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$this->nodeId()][OIDplusObject::CACHE_PARENT]; $obj = OIDplusObject::parse($parent); //die($obj->nodeId(true)); if ($obj) return $obj; } } $cur = $this->one_up(); if (!$cur) return null; // if (!$cur || ($cur->isRoot() && empty($cur->nodeId()) )) return null; do { // findFitting() checks if that OID exists if ($fitting = OIDplusObject::findFitting($cur->nodeId(true)) // || $fitting = OIDplusObject::findFitting($cur->nodeId(false)) ) return $fitting; $prev = $cur; $cur = $cur->one_up(); if (!$cur) return null; } while ($prev->nodeId() !== $cur->nodeId()); return null; } public static function buildObjectInformationCache(?string $id = null) { //@ToDO cache plugin /* return OIDplusObject::buildObjectInformationCache();*/ $id = $id ?: self::root(); if (is_null(OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache)) { OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache = array(); // $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select * from ###objects where `id` = ? or `id` LIKE ? or `parent` LIKE ?"); // $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select * from ###objects where `id` = '?' or `id` LIKE '?' or `parent` LIKE '?'"); $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select * from ###objects"); // while ($row = $res->fetch_array([$id, '%'.$id.'%', $id.'%'])) { while ($row = $res->fetch_array() ) { OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$row['id']] = $row; } } } public static function exists(string $id): bool { if (!OIDplus::baseConfig()->getValue('OBJECT_CACHING', true)) { $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select id from ###objects where id = ?", array($id)); return $res->any(); } else { self::buildObjectInformationCache(); return isset(OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$id]); } } /** * @param string $id * @return bool * @throws OIDplusException public static function exists(string $id): bool { if (!OIDplus::baseConfig()->getValue('OBJECT_CACHING', true)) { $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select id from ###objects where id = ?", array($id)); return $res->any(); } else { self::buildObjectInformationCache(); return isset(OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$id]); } } */ /** * Get parent gives the next possible parent which is EXISTING in OIDplus * It does not give the immediate parent * @return OIDplusObject|null * @throws OIDplusException */ /** * @return OIDplusDomain|null */ /** * @return string|null * @throws OIDplusException public function getRaMail() { if (!OIDplus::baseConfig()->getValue('OBJECT_CACHING', true)) { $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select ra_email from ###objects where id = ?", array($this->nodeId())); if (!$res->any()) return null; $row = $res->fetch_array(); return $row['ra_email']; } else { self::buildObjectInformationCache(); if (isset(OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$this->nodeId()])) { return OIDplusObject::$object_info_cache[$this->nodeId()][OIDplusObject::CACHE_RA_EMAIL]; } return null; } } */ /** * @param OIDplusObject|string $to * @return int|null public function distance($to) { // $class = \get_called_class(); $class = \get_class($this); if (!is_object($to)) $to = OIDplusObject::parse($to); if (!$to) return null; if (!($to instanceof $this)) return null; $a = $to->domain; $b = $this->domain; if (substr($a,-1) == $class::DELIMITER) $a = substr($a,0,strlen($a)-1); if (substr($b,-1) == $class::DELIMITER) $b = substr($b,0,strlen($b)-1); $ary = explode($class::DELIMITER, $a); $bry = explode($class::DELIMITER, $b); $ary = array_reverse($ary); $bry = array_reverse($bry); $min_len = min(count($ary), count($bry)); for ($i=0; $i<$min_len; $i++) { if ($ary[$i] != $bry[$i]) return null; } return count($ary) - count($bry); } */ public static function getNamespacesPatterns() : array { if(null === self::$_namespacesPatterns){ $typesfile = __DIR__.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'namespaces.php'; if(!file_exists($typesfile)){ $typesfile= __DIR__.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'namespaces.dist.php'; } self::$_namespacesPatterns = require $typesfile; } return self::$_namespacesPatterns; } public static function defaultGetNamespaceTypeHandler ($match, $domain) { $ttl = 60 * 60; // print_r('
				//	  print_r(	$match );
					$namespace=$match['ns'] ?: $match['identifier'];
					       [$class, $base] =\Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::namespaceToClassname($namespace);
						   $classNameFQ = $base.'\\'.$class;		                
					   $classNameFQ = \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$namespace]['class'];
					   $parts = explode("\\", $classNameFQ);
					   $class = array_pop($parts);
					   $base = implode("\\", $parts); 
		            $classFile = \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::objectTypeClassFile($classNameFQ);
					if(!file_exists($classFile) || filemtime($classFile) < time() - $ttl){
						// $classBuilder = \Nette\PhpGenerator\ClassType::from(\Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::class, true);
		                 $file = new \Nette\PhpGenerator\PhpFile;
		                 $file->addComment('This file is auto-generated. Do not edit it manually!');

						// $ns = new \Nette\PhpGenerator\PhpNamespace($ns);
						 $ns = $file->addNamespace($base);
						 $class = $ns->addClass($class); //new \Nette\PhpGenerator\ClassType($class);
					  	 //$class ->setAbstract(true)
						  $DEFNS = $class->addConstant('DEFNS', $namespace);
						  $class->addConstant('DELIMITER', \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::$namespaces[$namespace]['definitions']['delimiter']);
						$m = $class->addMethod('__construct')	
						//	->setStatic()
						//	->setReturnReference()
							->addBody('parent::__construct($domain, $namespace, $attributes);')
							->addBody('$this->domain = $this->oid =$domain;')	
							//->addBody('$this->domain =$domain;')	
							->addBody('self::$_ns = ?;', [$namespace]);
						$p = $m->addParameter('domain');
						$p2 = $m->addParameter('namespace', $namespace);
						$p3 = $m->addParameter('attributes');
						  $code = (new \Nette\PhpGenerator\PsrPrinter)->printFile($file);

						 @mkdir(dirname($classFile), 0755, true);
						 file_put_contents($classFile, $code);
				//	if(!class_exists($classNameFQ, false)){
					// require_once $classFile;	
		                if(''===$namespace && '' === $domain){
							$uploaddir = \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusPagePublicAttachments::getUploadDir($namespace.':'.$domain);
							\Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::copyToDirWithPhpAsText( \Frdlweb\OIDplus\OIDplusNs::getPluginDirectory(),
		  return $namespace;				
	public static function namespaceToClassname(string $namespace): array {
		$hash_NS = sha1(\get_called_class());
		$hash = sha1($namespace);
		return [sprintf('T%s', $hash ),
				sprintf(self::CLASS_TYPES_BASE_NS_GENERATED.'\NamespaceType%s\T%s', $hash_NS, substr($hash,0,2) )];
	public static function objectTypeClassFile(  $class) { 
		$dir = __DIR__.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.generated'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'object-type-classes'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
		$c = explode('\\', $class);
		$file = $dir.implode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $c).'.php';
		return $file;
	  //return OIDplusObjectTypePluginNs::webfatInit( )->getLocalAutoloader()->file($class);
	public function getPluginDirectory(): string {
		//$reflector = new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class());
	//	return dirname($reflector->getFilename());
		return __DIR__;

	 * @return OIDplusPluginManifest|null
	public function getManifest()/*: ?OIDplusPluginManifest*/ {
		$dir = $this->getPluginDirectory();
		$ini = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'manifest.xml';
		$manifest = new OIDplusPluginManifest();
		return $manifest->loadManifest($ini) ? $manifest : null;
	public function getObjectTypeClassName(){
		//return OIDplusNs::class;
		return \get_class($this);

	public function gla( ){
		return $this->getLocalAutoloader();
	public function getLocalAutoloader( ){
		 if(null === self::$LocalPsr4Autoloader){
			self::$LocalPsr4Autoloader = new LocalPsr4Autoloader; 
		return self::$LocalPsr4Autoloader;

	public static function getRelativePathFrom($from, $to)
    // some compatibility fixes for Windows paths
    $from = is_dir($from) ? rtrim($from, '\/') . '/' : $from;
    $to   = is_dir($to)   ? rtrim($to, '\/') . '/'   : $to;
    $from = str_replace('\\', '/', $from);
    $to   = str_replace('\\', '/', $to);

    $from     = explode('/', $from);
    $to       = explode('/', $to);
    $relPath  = $to;

    foreach($from as $depth => $dir) {
        // find first non-matching dir
        if($dir === $to[$depth]) {
            // ignore this directory
        } else {
            // get number of remaining dirs to $from
            $remaining = count($from) - $depth;
            if($remaining > 1) {
                // add traversals up to first matching dir
                $padLength = (count($relPath) + $remaining - 1) * -1;
                $relPath = array_pad($relPath, $padLength, '..');
            } else {
                $relPath[0] = './' . $relPath[0];
    return implode('/', $relPath);


	 * @return string
	public static function objectTypeTitle(): string {
	//	return _L('Apps, Names, Services, Projects, Deployments');
		return _L('Allocation');

	 * @return string
	public static function objectTypeTitleShort(): string {
		return _L('Entry');

	 * @return string
	public static function ns(): string {
		return self::$_ns;
		//$class = \get_called_class();
		//return $class::$_ns;
		//return '~';

	 * @return string
	public static function root(): string {
		//return '~:';
		//$class = \get_called_class();
		return self::class === OIDplusNs::class
			 ? OIDplusNs::DEFNS.':'
			//   ? self::ns().':'
			//  : $class::$_ns.':';
				  : self::$_ns.':';

	 * @return bool
	public function isRoot(): bool { 
		return $this->domain == '';// || $this->domain === self::DEFNS;

	 * @param OIDplusObject $parent
	 * @return string
	public function crudShowId(OIDplusObject $parent): string {
		return $this->domain;

	 * @return string
	 * @throws OIDplusException
	public function crudInsertSuffix(): string {
		return $this->isRoot() ? '' : substr($this->addString(''), strlen(self::ns())+1);

	 * @param OIDplusObject|null $parent
	 * @return string
	public function jsTreeNodeName(OIDplusObject $parent = null): string {
		if ($parent == null) return $this->objectTypeTitle();
		return $this->domain;

	 * @return string
	public function defaultTitle(): string {
		return _L('Allocations for '.$this->domain);

	 * @return bool
	public function isLeafNode(): bool {
		return false;

	 * @param string $title
	 * @param string $content
	 * @param string $icon
	 * @return void
	 * @throws OIDplusException
	public function getContentPage(string &$title, string &$content, string &$icon) {
		$icon = file_exists(__DIR__.'/img/main_icon.png') ? OIDplus::webpath(__DIR__,OIDplus::PATH_RELATIVE).'img/main_icon.png' : '';
      // $content='';
	//	$class = \get_called_class();
		$class = \get_class($this);
		$id=!$this->isRoot() ? @explode(':',$this->nodeId())[1] :  false;	
		if('~'===$ns && is_string($id) && !empty($id)){
		}elseif('~'===$ns && (!is_string($id) || empty($id))){
		if(!is_string($id) || empty($id)){
		   $id ='';	
		if ($this->isRoot() && $ns === OIDplusNs::DEFNS) {
			$title = $class::objectTypeTitle();

			$content  .= '

'._L('Apps, Names, Services, Projects, Deployments').'

'; $content .= '

' ._L('Some namespace/entries are not linked autmatically into the index (although they have public deeplinks)!') .'

'; $res = OIDplus::db()->query("select * from ###objects where parent = ?", array($class::root())); if ($res->any()) { $content .= '

'._L('Please select a Name/Service/Application or do a search.').'

'; } else { $content .= '

'._L(sprintf('Currently, no Name/Service/Application are linked into the namespace "%s".' .'You may want top open ' .'another namespace(-generator).', $class::ns())).'

'; } if (!$this->isLeafNode()) { if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) { $content .= '

'._L('Manage root objects').'

'; } else { $content .= '

'._L('Available objects').'

'; } $content .= '%%CRUD%%'; } } else { $title = $this->getTitle(); // DOUBLE IN modifyContents : $content .= '


'; //$content .= '


'; $content .= '


'; $content .= '


%%DESC%%'; // TODO: add more meta information about the object type if (!$this->isLeafNode()) { if ($this->userHasWriteRights()) { $content .= '

'._L('Create or change subordinate objects').'

'; } else { $content .= '

'._L('Subordinate objects').'

'; } $content .= '%%CRUD%%'; } } $content .= ''; $content.=<< \$(document).ready(async ()=>{ FrdlNsPluginSearch("$ns", "$id"); FrdlNsPluginSearch("%", "$id"); }); HTMLCODE; } public function getAltIds(): array { //return array(); if ($this->isRoot()) return array(); $a = $this->_original_oid_getAltIds(); return $a; /* if('~:' !== substr($this->nodeId(),0,2) ){ $a = array_merge($a, [ new OIDplusAltId('proxy-ns', '~:'.$this->nodeId(), _L('Allocation Proxy Namespace'), ' ('._L('Proxy from "~:" to dynamic namespace target').')'), ]); } $a = array_merge($a, [ new OIDplusAltId('alloc', // '~:'.$this->nodeId(), $this->nodeId(true), _L('Allocations Node'), ' ('._L('Allocations for '.$this->oid ).')'), ]); if(is_object($this->viewObject) && !is_null($this->viewObject) && \get_class($this->viewObject) !== \get_class($this) && is_callable([$this->viewObject,'getAltIds']) && true !== $this->viewObject instanceof OIDplusNs){ $a = array_merge($a, $this->viewObject->getAltIds()); } if(is_object($this->serviceObject) && !is_null($this->serviceObject) && \get_class($this->serviceObject) !== \get_class($this) && is_callable([$this->serviceObject,'getAltIds']) && true !== $this->serviceObject instanceof OIDplusNs){ $a = array_merge($a, $this->serviceObject->getAltIds()); } return $a; */ } public function _original_oid_getAltIds(): array { if ($this->isRoot()) return array(); $ids = []; if ($uuid = oid_to_uuid($this->oid)) { // UUID-OIDs are representation of an UUID $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('guid', $uuid, _L('GUID representation of this OID')); } else { // All other OIDs can be formed into an UUID by making them a namebased OID // You could theoretically also do this to an UUID-OID, but we exclude this case to avoid that users are confused $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('guid', gen_uuid_md5_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID, $this->oid), _L('Name based version 3 / MD5 UUID with namespace %1','UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID')); $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('guid', gen_uuid_sha1_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID, $this->oid), _L('Name based version 5 / SHA1 UUID with namespace %1','UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID')); } $oid_parts = explode('.',$this->nodeId(false)); // (VTS B1) Members if ($this->nodeId(false) == '') { $aid = 'D276000186B1'; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('No PIX allowed').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186B1'); } else { if ((count($oid_parts) == 9) && ($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '3') && ($oid_parts[2] == '6') && ($oid_parts[3] == '1') && ($oid_parts[4] == '4') && ($oid_parts[5] == '1') && ($oid_parts[6] == '37476') && ($oid_parts[7] == '1')) { $number = str_pad($oid_parts[8],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); $aid = 'D276000186B1'.$number; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('Optional PIX allowed, without prefix').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186B1'); } } // (VTS B2) Products if ($this->nodeId(false) == '') { $aid = 'D276000186B2'; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('No PIX allowed').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186B2'); } else { if ((count($oid_parts) == 9) && ($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '3') && ($oid_parts[2] == '6') && ($oid_parts[3] == '1') && ($oid_parts[4] == '4') && ($oid_parts[5] == '1') && ($oid_parts[6] == '37476') && ($oid_parts[7] == '2')) { $number = str_pad($oid_parts[8],4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); $aid = 'D276000186B2'.$number; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('Optional PIX allowed, without prefix').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186B2'); } } // (VTS B2 00 05) OIDplus System AID / Information Object AID if ((count($oid_parts) == 10) && ($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '3') && ($oid_parts[2] == '6') && ($oid_parts[3] == '1') && ($oid_parts[4] == '4') && ($oid_parts[5] == '1') && ($oid_parts[6] == '37476') && ($oid_parts[7] == '30') && ($oid_parts[8] == '9')) { $sid = $oid_parts[9]; $sid_hex = strtoupper(str_pad(dechex((int)$sid),8,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)); $aid = 'D276000186B20005'.$sid_hex; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('OIDplus System Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('No PIX allowed').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186B20005'); } else if ((count($oid_parts) == 11) && ($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '3') && ($oid_parts[2] == '6') && ($oid_parts[3] == '1') && ($oid_parts[4] == '4') && ($oid_parts[5] == '1') && ($oid_parts[6] == '37476') && ($oid_parts[7] == '30') && ($oid_parts[8] == '9')) { $sid = $oid_parts[9]; $obj = $oid_parts[10]; $sid_hex = strtoupper(str_pad(dechex((int)$sid),8,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)); $obj_hex = strtoupper(str_pad(dechex((int)$obj),8,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)); $aid = 'D276000186B20005'.$sid_hex.$obj_hex; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('OIDplus Information Object Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('No PIX allowed').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186B20005'); } // (VTS F0) IANA PEN to AID Mapping (PIX allowed) if ((count($oid_parts) == 7) && ($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '3') && ($oid_parts[2] == '6') && ($oid_parts[3] == '1') && ($oid_parts[4] == '4') && ($oid_parts[5] == '1')) { $pen = $oid_parts[6]; $aid = 'D276000186F0'.$pen; if (strlen($aid)%2 == 1) $aid .= 'F'; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('Optional PIX allowed, with "FF" prefix').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186F0'); $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('iana-pen', $pen, _L('IANA Private Enterprise Number (PEN)')); } // (VTS F1) FreeOID to AID Mapping (PIX allowed) if ((count($oid_parts) == 9) && ($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '3') && ($oid_parts[2] == '6') && ($oid_parts[3] == '1') && ($oid_parts[4] == '4') && ($oid_parts[5] == '1') && ($oid_parts[6] == '37476') && ($oid_parts[7] == '9000')) { $number = $oid_parts[8]; $aid = 'D276000186F1'.$number; if (strlen($aid)%2 == 1) $aid .= 'F'; $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('Optional PIX allowed, with "FF" prefix').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186F1'); } // (VTS F6) Mapping OID-to-AID if possible try { $test_der = \OidDerConverter::hexarrayToStr(\OidDerConverter::oidToDER($this->nodeId(false))); } catch (\Exception $e) { $test_der = '00'; // error, should not happen } if (substr($test_der,0,3) == '06 ') { // 06 = ASN.1 type of Absolute ID if (($oid_parts[0] == '2') && ($oid_parts[1] == '999')) { // Note that "ViaThinkSoft E0" AID are not unique! // OIDplus will use the relative DER of the 2.999.xx OID as PIX $aid_candidate = 'D2 76 00 01 86 E0 ' . substr($test_der, strlen('06 xx 88 37 ')); // Remove ASN.1 06=Type, xx=Length and the 2.999 arcs "88 37" $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid_candidate); if (!$aid_is_ok) { // If DER encoding is not possible (too long), then we will use a 32 bit small hash. $small_hash = str_pad(dechex(smallhash($this->nodeId(false))),8,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); $aid_candidate = 'D2 76 00 01 86 E0 ' . strtoupper(implode(' ',str_split($small_hash,2))); $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid_candidate); } if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid_candidate, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), '', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186E0'); } else if (($oid_parts[0] == '0') && ($oid_parts[1] == '4') && ($oid_parts[2] == '0') && ($oid_parts[3] == '127') && ($oid_parts[4] == '0') && ($oid_parts[5] == '7')) { // Illegal usage of E8 by German BSI, plus using E8+Len+OID instead of E8+OID like ISO does // PIX probably not used $aid_candidate = 'E8 '.substr($test_der, strlen('06 ')); // Remove ASN.1 06=Type $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid_candidate); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid_candidate, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)')); } else if (($oid_parts[0] == '1') && ($oid_parts[1] == '0')) { // ISO Standard AID (OID 1.0.xx) // Optional PIX allowed $aid_candidate = 'E8 '.substr($test_der, strlen('06 xx ')); // Remove ASN.1 06=Type and xx=Length $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid_candidate); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid_candidate, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('Optional PIX allowed, without prefix').')'); } else { // All other OIDs can be mapped using the "ViaThinkSoft F6" scheme, but only if the DER encoding is not too long // No PIX allowed $aid_candidate = 'D2 76 00 01 86 F6 '.substr($test_der, strlen('06 xx ')); // Remove ASN.1 06=Type and xx=Length $aid_is_ok = aid_canonize($aid_candidate); if ($aid_is_ok) $ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('aid', $aid_candidate, _L('Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)'), ' ('._L('No PIX allowed').')', 'https://oidplus.viathinksoft.com/oidplus/?goto=aid%3AD276000186F6'); } } return $ids; } /** * @return string public function getDirectoryName():string { if ($this->isRoot()) return $this->ns(); return $this->ns().'_'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('.', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->nodeId(false)); } public function getDirectoryName(): string { if ($this->isRoot()) return $this->ns(); return sha1($this->ns()).'_'.md5($this->nodeId(false)); } */ public function getDirectoryName():string { if ($this->isRoot()) return self::$_ns; $hash = sha1($this->nodeId(false)); $hash_NS = sha1($this->ns()); $ns = preg_replace("/([^A-Za-z0-9\-\_\\\.\/])/", '.', self::$_ns); $id = preg_replace("/([^A-Za-z0-9\-\_\\\.\/])/", '.', $this->nodeId(false)); $oldDirectoryName = 'ns'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash_NS, 0,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash_NS, strlen($hash_NS)-5,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('.', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ns .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash, 0,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash, strlen($hash_NS)-5,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$id); $newDirectoryName = 'ns'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash_NS, 0,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash_NS, strlen($hash_NS)-5,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace(['.', ':'], ['_', '--'], //\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $ns .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash, 0,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.substr($hash, strlen($hash)-5,4) .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. preg_replace("/([^A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.])/", '~', $id) ); $base = 'userdata'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'attachments'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(is_dir($base.$oldDirectoryName)){ rename($base.$oldDirectoryName, $base.$newDirectoryName); } return $newDirectoryName; } /** * @param string $mode * @return string */ public static function treeIconFilename(string $mode): string { return 'img/'.$mode.'_icon16.png'; } public static function copyToDir(string $from, string $to, $mod = 0644, $modDir = 0644) { $dir = $from; $new_dir = $to; $moved=[]; $failed=[]; $files = \scandir($dir); foreach($files as $file){ if(!empty($file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $source = $dir.'/'.$file; $destination = $new_dir.'/'.$file; if(!is_dir($new_dir)){ mkdir($new_dir, $modDir, true); }else{ chmod($new_dir, $modDir); } if(copy($source, $destination)) { $moved[]=[$file, $source, $destination]; chmod($destination, $mod); }else{ $failed[]=[$file, $source, $destination]; } } } return ['ok'=>$moved, 'error'=>$failed]; } public static function copyToDirWithPhpAsText(string $from, string $to, $mod = 0644, $modDir = 0644) { $dir = $from; $new_dir = $to; $moved=[]; $failed=[]; $files = \scandir($dir); foreach($files as $file){ if(!empty($file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $source = $dir.'/'.$file; $ext = pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $destination = $new_dir.'/'.$file; if('php' === $ext){ $destination.='.txt'; } if(!is_dir($new_dir)){ mkdir($new_dir, $modDir, true); }else{ chmod($new_dir, $modDir); } if(copy($source, $destination)) { $moved[]=[$file, $source, $destination]; chmod($destination, $mod); }else{ $failed[]=[$file, $source, $destination]; } } } return ['ok'=>$moved, 'error'=>$failed]; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjE3MTUzMjM5MTM4OTkzNiAxNTgwMTAwMzg3NzAzMTI3IDY2NDI5MjM1Nzc3NjE5NA==