config = [ 'chunksize' => 80, 'delimiter' => null, //\PHP_EOL NOT GOOD! keep NULL for fixed chunksize!, HashTypeInterface::class => XHashSha1::class, ]; if(is_array($config)){ $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config); } if(!isset($this->config[self::URIS_DIR]) || !isset($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR]) || !isset($this->config[self::FILES_DIR]) || ( !$createDirectories && ( !is_dir($this->config[self::URIS_DIR]) || !is_writable($this->config[self::URIS_DIR]) || !is_dir($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR]) || !is_writable($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR]) || !is_dir($this->config[self::FILES_DIR]) || !is_writable($this->config[self::FILES_DIR]) ) ) ){ throw new Exception(sprintf('You did not configure the storage directories correctly in %s in %d!', __CLASS__, __LINE__)); } if(true===$createDirectories){ $this->createDirectories(); } $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; if( true !== (new $class()) instanceof HashTypeInterface ){ throw new Exception($class.' must implement '.HashTypeInterface::class); } } public function serializeChunk($chunk) { $bin=new \frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin; $chunk = $bin->serialize([ 'c'=>$chunk, ]); // $serialized = base64_encode($chunk); $serialized = $chunk; return $serialized; } public function unserializeChunk($serialized) { $bin=new \frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin; // $chunk = base64_decode($serialized); $chunk = $serialized; $data = $bin->unserialize($chunk); $chunk = $data['c']; return $chunk; } protected function createDirectories() { if(!is_dir($this->config[self::URIS_DIR])){ mkdir($this->config[self::URIS_DIR], 0755, true); }elseif(!is_writable($this->config[self::URIS_DIR]) ){ chmod($this->config[self::URIS_DIR], 0755); } if(!is_dir($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR])){ mkdir($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR], 0755, true); }elseif(!is_writable($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR]) ){ chmod($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR], 0755); } if(!is_dir($this->config[self::FILES_DIR])){ mkdir($this->config[self::FILES_DIR], 0755, true); }elseif(!is_writable($this->config[self::FILES_DIR]) ){ chmod($this->config[self::FILES_DIR], 0755); } } protected function d($hash) { $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; if(is_array($hash)){ $hash = (new $class())->toString($hash, $this->config['delimiter']); } return $hash; } public function assoc(array $result): array { return [ 'uriHash' => $result[0], 'hash' => $result[1], 'chunks' => $result[2], 'outfiles' => (count($result) > 3 && is_array($result[3])) ? $result[3] : [], ]; } public function save( string $source, string $uri = null, array $headers = null, bool $touch = true, bool $assoc = true, int $expiresAtTimestamp = null, ): array|bool { if(true === $touch){ $fileModificationTime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()).' GMT'; } $chunksDirectory = $this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR]; $chunkContentsFile = self::CHUNK_CONTENTS_FILE; $lastWriteFile = self::LAST_WRITE_FILE; $me = &$this; $outfiles = [ 'meta' => [], 'chunks' => [], 'f' => [], 'u' => [], 'hc' => [], //headers and chunks "h" => [], //headers "ch" => [], //chunkhashes ]; $fn =function($XHash, $chunk, $i) use($chunksDirectory, $chunkContentsFile, $lastWriteFile, &$outfiles, &$me) { $chunkContentsDir = rtrim($chunksDirectory, '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], trim($me->d($XHash))). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(!is_dir($chunkContentsDir)){ mkdir($chunkContentsDir, 0755, true); } $chunkFile = $chunkContentsDir.$chunkContentsFile; file_put_contents($chunkFile, $me->serializeChunk($chunk)); $outfiles['chunks'][$i]=$chunkFile; file_put_contents($chunkContentsDir.$lastWriteFile, time()); $outfiles['meta'][]=$chunkContentsDir.$lastWriteFile; }; list($uriHash, $hash, $chunks) = $this->getHashes($source, $uri, $this->config['chunksize'],$this->config['delimiter'],$fn, false); $fileStorageDir = rtrim($this->config[self::FILES_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($hash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $uriDir = rtrim($this->config[self::URIS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($uriHash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(!is_dir($uriDir)){ mkdir($uriDir, 0755, true); } if(!is_dir($fileStorageDir)){ mkdir($fileStorageDir, 0755, true); } $reverseFile = $uriDir.self::URI_REVERSE_FILE; file_put_contents($reverseFile, $uri); $outfiles['meta'][]=$reverseFile; $headersFile = $uriDir.self::HEADERS_FILE; $headersAndChunkHashesFile = $fileStorageDir.self::HEADERS_AND_CHUNK_HASHES; if(file_exists($headersFile)){ unlink($headersFile); } if(file_exists($headersAndChunkHashesFile)){ unlink($headersAndChunkHashesFile); } $file = fopen($headersFile,"a"); $file_ch = fopen($headersAndChunkHashesFile,"a"); foreach($headers as $header){ $h=explode(':', $header); if( ( 'Content-Type' !== $h[0] && 'ETag' !== $h[0] // && (true !== $touch && ('Last-Modified' !== $h[0] && 'Date' !== $h[0])) ) || // obsolete ?...: "HTTP//" === substr($h[0],0,strlen('HTTP//')) || 'Accept-' === substr($h[0],0,strlen('Accept-')) || 'Connection' === $h[0] || 'ETag' === $h[0] || 'Host' === $h[0] || 'Origin' === $h[0] || 'Content-Security-Policy' === $h[0] || 'Referrer-Policy' === $h[0] || 'Server' === $h[0] || 'Content-Security-Policy' === $h[0] || 'X-Powered-By' === $h[0] || 'Access-' === substr($h[0],0,strlen('Access-')) || 'X-' === substr($h[0],0,2) || (true === $touch && ('Last-Modified' === $h[0] || 'Date' === $h[0])) ){ continue; } fwrite($file,$header.\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file_ch,$header.\PHP_EOL); } if(true === $touch){ fwrite($file,'Last-Modified: '.$fileModificationTime.\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file_ch,'Last-Modified: '.$fileModificationTime.\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file,'Date: '.$fileModificationTime.\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file_ch,'Date: '.$fileModificationTime.\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file,'X-Powered-By: '.self::XPoweredBy.\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file_ch,'X-Powered-By: '.self::XPoweredBy.\PHP_EOL); } fwrite($file_ch,\PHP_EOL); fclose($file); $fileHashFile = $uriDir.self::FILE_HASH; file_put_contents($fileHashFile, $this->d($hash)); file_put_contents($fileStorageDir.self::FILE_HASH, $this->d($hash)); $chunkHashesFile = $fileStorageDir.self::CHUNK_HASHES_FILE; if(file_exists($chunkHashesFile)){ unlink($chunkHashesFile); } $file = fopen($chunkHashesFile,"a"); foreach(array_keys($chunks) as $h){ fwrite($file,$this->d($h).\PHP_EOL); fwrite($file_ch,$this->d($h).\PHP_EOL); $referenceFileDir = rtrim($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($h)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .self::REFERENCES_DIR . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'f' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($hash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(!is_dir($referenceFileDir)){ mkdir($referenceFileDir, 0755, true); } } fclose($file); fclose($file_ch); $outfiles['ch'][]=$chunkHashesFile; $outfiles['hc'][]=$headersAndChunkHashesFile; $referenceUriDir = $fileStorageDir. \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .self::REFERENCES_DIR . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'u' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($uriHash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(null !== $expiresAtTimestamp){ file_put_contents($referenceUriDir.self::EXPIRES_FILE, $expiresAtTimestamp); } file_put_contents($fileStorageDir.$lastWriteFile, time()); $outfiles['meta'][]=$fileStorageDir.$lastWriteFile; file_put_contents($uriDir.$lastWriteFile, time()); $outfiles['meta'][]=$uriDir.$lastWriteFile; return true !== $assoc ? [$uriHash, $hash, $chunks, $outfiles] : $this->assoc([$uriHash, $hash, $chunks, $outfiles]); // return true !== $assoc ? [$uriHash, $hash, $chunks] : $this->assoc([$uriHash, $hash, $chunks]); } public function getHashes( string $source, string $uri = null, int $chunksize = 80, string $delimiter = null, \callable|\closure $callback = null, bool $assoc = true, ): array { $me = &$this; $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; $XHashSha1 = new $class($uri); $uhash = $XHashSha1(); // $source = $this->serializeChunk($source); $chunks = []; $fn = function($XHash, $chunk, $i) use (&$chunks, $callback, &$me){ $chunks[$me->d($XHash)] = $chunk; if(is_callable($callback)){ call_user_func_array($callback, [$XHash, $chunk, $i]); } }; $hash = $this->getChunks($source, $fn, $chunksize, $delimiter); return true !== $assoc ? [$uhash, $hash, $chunks] : $this->assoc([$uhash, $hash, $chunks]); } public function serve(string $uri = null, bool $withHeaders = true): array|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|bool { return $this->getByUri($uri, true, true, $withHeaders); } public function pruneExpiredFiles() { } public function pruneExpiredUris() { } public function unreferenceUri($urihash) { $uriDir = rtrim($this->config[self::URIS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($uriHash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $fileHash = file_get_contents($uriDir.self::FILE_HASH); $referenceUriDir = rtrim($this->config[self::FILES_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($fileHash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .self::REFERENCES_DIR . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'u' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($uriHash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->rmdir_real($referenceUriDir); $this->pruneUnreferencedFile( $fileHash ); } public function unlink(string $uri) { $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; $XHashSha1 = new $class($uri); $uriHash = $XHashSha1(); $this->unreferenceUri( $urihash ); } public function pruneUnreferencedChunk($chunkhash) { $chunkDir = rtrim($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $chunkhash). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $referencesFilesDir = $chunkDir. \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .self::REFERENCES_DIR . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'f' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(is_dir($referencesFilesDir) && $this->isDirEmpty($referencesFilesDir)){ $this->rmdir_real($chunkDir); } } public function pruneUnreferencedFile($filehash) { $fileStorageDir = rtrim($this->config[self::FILES_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($filehash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $uriReferencesDir = $fileStorageDir. \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .self::REFERENCES_DIR . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'u' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if($this->isDirEmpty($uriReferencesDir)){ $chunkHashesFile = $fileStorageDir.self::CHUNK_HASHES_FILE; $file = new SplFileObject($chunkHashesFile); while (!$file->eof()) { // Echo one line from the file. $line = $file->fgets(); $referenceFileDir = rtrim($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], trim($line)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .self::REFERENCES_DIR . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'f' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($filehash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $this->rmdir_real($referenceFileDir); $this->pruneUnreferencedChunk( trim($line) ); } // Unset the file to call __destruct(), closing the file handle. $file = null; $this->rmdir_real($fileStorageDir); } } public function rmdir_real(string $dir) { $handle = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { $path = rtrim($dir, '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry; if(is_file($path)){ unlink($path); }elseif(is_dir($path)){ $this->rmdir_real($path); rmdir($path); } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); } public function getByUri( string $uri = null, bool $verbose = false, bool $count = false, bool $withHeaders = true, ): array|\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|bool { $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; $XHashSha1 = new $class($uri); $uriHash = $XHashSha1(); $uriDir = rtrim($this->config[self::URIS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($uriHash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if(!is_dir($uriDir)){ return false; } $counterFile = $uriDir.self::WEAK_COUNTER_FILE; if(!file_exists($counterFile)){ file_put_contents($counterFile, $count ? 1 : 0); }else{ file_put_contents($counterFile, intval(file_get_contents($counterFile)) + ($count ? 1 : 0)); } $filehash = file_get_contents($uriDir.self::FILE_HASH); // $headersAndChunkHashesFile = $uriDir.self::HEADERS_AND_CHUNK_HASHES; $fileStorageDir = rtrim($this->config[self::FILES_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], $this->d($filehash)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $headersAndChunkHashesFile = $fileStorageDir.self::HEADERS_AND_CHUNK_HASHES; $file = new SplFileObject($headersAndChunkHashesFile); $inHeader = true; $headers = []; $contents = ''; // Loop until we reach the end of the file. while(!$file->eof()) { // Echo one line from the file. $line = $file->fgets(); if(true === $inHeader && ($line === "\n" || '' === $line || '' === trim($line) )){ $inHeader = false; continue; }elseif(false === $inHeader){ $chunkContentsDir = rtrim($this->config[self::CHUNKS_DIR], '/\\ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace(['\\', '/'], [\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], trim($line)). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $chunkFile = $chunkContentsDir.self::CHUNK_CONTENTS_FILE; if(!file_exists($chunkFile) && '' === $line && $file->eof() ){ //die(('' === $line && $file->eof() ).$file->eof().$contents); break; } $chunk = $this->unserializeChunk(file_get_contents($chunkFile)); $contents.=$chunk; }elseif(true === $inHeader){ $headers[]=$line; $h = explode(':', $line); if(true === $verbose && true === $withHeaders){ if('Last-Modified' === $h[0]){ // $headers = \getallheaders(); if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] == trim($h[1]) ) { header_remove(); header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); $verbose = false; //exit(); /* return [ 'headers'=>['HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'], 'contents' => '', ]; */ } }elseif('ETag' === $h[0]){ if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ETAG']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_ETAG'] == trim($h[1]) ) { header_remove(); header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); $verbose = false; /* //exit(); return [ 'headers'=>['HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'], 'contents' => '', ]; */ } }else{ header($line); } } } }//while fgéts // Unset the file to call __destruct(), closing the file handle. $file = null; $uniqueCounterFile = $uriDir.self::UNIQUE_COUNTER_FILE; if(!file_exists($uniqueCounterFile)){ file_put_contents($uniqueCounterFile, 1); }else{ file_put_contents($uniqueCounterFile, intval(file_get_contents($uniqueCounterFile)) + 1); } // $contents = $this->unserializeChunk($contents); if(true === $verbose && true === $withHeaders){ foreach($headers as $header){ header($header); } } if(true === $verbose){ echo $contents; } return [ 'headers'=>$headers, 'contents' => $contents, ]; } public function getChunks( string $source, \callable|\closure $callback = null, int $chunksize = 80, string $delimiter = null, ): array { $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; $chunk = ''; $i = 1; $c = 0; $toSmall = true; foreach (mb_str_split($source) as $char) { $chunk.= $char; if($c>=$chunksize-1 || ($delimiter !== null && $delimiter === $char)){ $toSmall = false; if(is_callable($callback)){ $XHashSha1 = new $class($chunk); $hash = $XHashSha1(); call_user_func_array($callback, [$hash, $chunk, $i]); } $chunk = ''; $c = 0; $i++; }else{ $c++; } } if(true === $toSmall && is_callable($callback)){ $XHashSha1 = new $class($chunk); $hash = $XHashSha1(); call_user_func_array($callback, [$hash, $chunk, $i]); } $XHashSha1 = new $class($source); $hash = $XHashSha1(); return $hash; } public function getFileChunks( string $filename, \callable|\closure $callback = null, int $chunksize = 80, string $delimiter = null, ): array { if(!file_exists($filename) || !is_file($filename) || !@is_readable($filename) ){ throw new NotReadableException($filename.' is not a readable file!'); } $class = $this->config[HashTypeInterface::class]; $i = 1; $fp = fopen($filename,'r'); $str = ''; while(!feof($fp)) { $chunk = null === $delimiter ? fread($fp,$chunksize) : stream_get_line($fp,$chunksize,$delimiter); if(is_callable($callback)){ $str.=$chunk; $XHashSha1 = new $class($chunk); $hash = $XHashSha1(); call_user_func_array($callback, [$hash, $chunk, $i]); } $i++; } fclose($fp); $XHashSha1 = new $class($str); $hash = $XHashSha1(); return $hash; } public function isDirEmpty(string $dir): bool { $handle = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { closedir($handle); return false; } } closedir($handle); return true; } public function mimeByPath(string $path): string { $fileSuffix = false; if(\function_exists('mime_content_type')) { $fileSuffix = \mime_content_type($path); } if(false===$fileSuffix){ preg_match("|\.([a-z0-9]{2,4})$|i", $path, $fileSuffix); }else{ return $fileSuffix; } switch(strtolower($fileSuffix[1])) { case 'js' : return 'application/x-javascript'; break; case 'json' : return 'application/json'; break; case 'jpg' : case 'jpeg' : case 'jpe' : return 'image/jpg'; break; case 'png' : case 'gif' : case 'bmp' : case 'tiff' : return 'image/'.strtolower($fileSuffix[1]); break; case 'css' : return 'text/css'; break; case 'xml' : return 'application/xml'; break; case 'doc' : case 'docx' : return 'application/msword'; break; case 'xls' : case 'xlt' : case 'xlm' : case 'xld' : case 'xla' : case 'xlc' : case 'xlw' : case 'xll' : return 'application/'; break; case 'ppt' : case 'pps' : return 'application/'; break; case 'rtf' : return 'application/rtf'; break; case 'pdf' : return 'application/pdf'; break; case 'html' : case 'htm' : case 'php' : return 'text/html'; break; case 'txt' : return 'text/plain'; break; case 'mpeg' : case 'mpg' : case 'mpe' : return 'video/mpeg'; break; case 'mp3' : return 'audio/mpeg3'; break; case 'wav' : return 'audio/wav'; break; case 'aiff' : case 'aif' : return 'audio/aiff'; break; case 'avi' : return 'video/msvideo'; break; case 'wmv' : return 'video/x-ms-wmv'; break; case 'mov' : return 'video/quicktime'; break; case 'zip' : return 'application/zip'; break; case 'tar' : return 'application/x-tar'; break; case 'swf' : return 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; break; default : return 'application/octet-stream'; break; } } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjU4MzA2OTI3NzYzMzAzOCAzNDYyMDg1MjkxMDE3NjQxIDQ2OTI4MTQ5MzkyODk2MjI=