'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frdl/shutdown-helper/master/src/ShutdownTasks.php', // NAMESPACES = \\ at the end: 'frdl\\Proxy\\' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frdl/proxy/master/src/${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}', // 'DI\\Definition\\' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/6.0-release/src/Definition/${class}.php?cache_bust=${salt}', // ALIAS = @ as first char: '@Webfan\\Autoloader\\Remote' => __CLASS__, '@'.\Webfat\Keychain::class => \Webfan\KeychainOld::class, //Versions at Webfan: // Default/Fallback Versions Server: \webfan\hps\Format\DataUri::class => 'https://webfan.de/install/?salt=${salt}&source=${class}', // Stable/Current Versions Server: //\webfan\hps\Format\DataUri::class => 'https://webfan.de/install/stable/?salt=${salt}&source=webfan\hps\Format\DataUri', // Latest/Beta Versions Server: // \webfan\hps\Format\DataUri::class => 'https://webfan.de/install/latest/?salt=${salt}&source=webfan\hps\Format\DataUri', //Concrete Classes // \Webfan\cta\HashType\HashTypeInterface::class => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frdl/cta/main/src/HashTypeInterface.php', // \Webfan\cta\HashType\XHashSha1::class => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frdl/cta/main/src/XHashSha1.php', // \Webfan\cta\Storage\StorageInterface::class => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frdl/cta/main/src/StorageInterface.php', //misc... //You can have functions autoloading 'GuzzleHttp\choose_handler' => 'https://webfan.de/install/?salt=${salt}&version=${version}&source=GuzzleHttp\choose_handler', \GuzzleHttp\LoadGuzzleFunctionsForFrdl::class => 'https://webfan.de/install/?salt=${salt}&version=${version}&source=GuzzleHttp\LoadGuzzleFunctionsForFrdl', \Wehowski\Gist\Http\Response\Helper::class => 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/wehowski/d762cc34d5aa2b388f3ebbfe7c87d822/raw/5c3acdab92e9c149082caee3714f0cf6a7a9fe0b/Wehowski%255CGist%255CHttp%255CResponse%255CHelper.php?cache_bust=${salt}', ]; protected $salted = false; protected $selfDomain; protected $server; protected $domain; protected $version; protected $allowFromSelfOrigin = false; protected $prefixes = []; /** $afterMiddleware = [ "/(example\.com)/", function($code){ //.... return $code; } ]; $afterMiddleware = [ function($url){ //.... return true; //or false to en-/disable middleware }, function($code){ //.... return $code; / * validated/transformed code, invalidate with not string (e.g. bool or Excpetion) * / } ]; ->withAfterMiddleware($afterMiddleware[0], $afterMiddleware[1]) $beforeMiddleware = function($class, &$loader){ //.... return false; / * return false to skip this autoloader, return any/VOID to continue * / }; ->withBeforeMiddleware($beforeMiddleware) */ protected $afterMiddlewares = []; protected $beforeMiddlewares = []; protected $urlRewriterMiddlewares = []; protected $cacheDir; protected $cacheLimit = 0; protected static $instances = []; protected $alias = []; protected static $classmap = []; protected static $existsCache = []; protected $salt; protected $httTimeout = 45; public static $increaseTimelimit = true; protected $userAgent = null; protected $_TRANSPORTS = [ //'http', // 'tor', ]; protected $transport = 'http'; protected $_calledWIthDefaultMethods = []; public function withTransport(string $schema, array | \callable | \Closure $handler){ $this->_TRANSPORTS[$schema] = $handler; } public function withTimeout(int $timeout){ $this->httTimeout = $timeout; } public function setTransport(string $transport){ if(!isset($this->_TRANSPORTS[$transport])){ throw new \Exception(sprintf('%sTransport is not set in %s. Use withTransport to define a callable for it!', ucfirst($transport), __METHOD__)); } $this->transport = $transport; } public function withUserAgent(string $userAgent){ $this->userAgent = $userAgent; } //$urlRewriterMiddlewares public function withUrlRewriterMiddleware( \callable | \closure $Middleware){ $this->urlRewriterMiddlewares[]= $Middleware; return $this; } public function withBeforeMiddleware( \callable | \closure $Middleware){ $this->beforeMiddlewares[]= $Middleware; return $this; } public function withAfterMiddleware(\callable | \closure | string $condition, \callable | \closure $filter){ $this->afterMiddlewares[]= [$condition, $filter]; return $this; } public function addNamespace($prefix, $resourceOrLocation, $prepend = false){ return $this->withNamespace($prefix, $resourceOrLocation, $prepend); } public function withNamespace($prefix, $server, $prepend = false) { $this->_withNamespace($prefix, $server, $prepend, true); } protected function _withNamespace($prefix, $server, $prepend = false, bool $sort = true) { $prefix = trim($prefix, '\\') . '\\'; // normalize the base directory with a trailing separator // $base_dir = rtrim($base_dir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/'; // initialize the namespace prefix array if (isset($this->prefixes[$prefix]) === false) { $this->prefixes[$prefix] = []; } // retain the base directory for the namespace prefix if ($prepend) { array_unshift($this->prefixes[$prefix], $server); } else { array_push($this->prefixes[$prefix], $server); } if($sort){ krsort($this->prefixes); } } public function withClassmap(array $classMap = null) { krsort(self::$classmap); if(null !== $classMap){ foreach($classMap as $class => $server){ if('@' === substr($class, 0, 1) && is_string($server)){ $this->_withAlias($class, $server, false); }elseif('\\' === substr($class, -1)){ $this->_withNamespace($class, $server, false, false); }else{ self::$classmap[$class] = $server; } } } krsort($this->alias); krsort($this->prefixes); return self::$classmap; } public function withAlias(string $alias, string $rewrite) { $this->_withAlias($alias, $rewrite, true); } protected function _withAlias(string $alias, string $rewrite, bool $sort = true) { $this->alias[ltrim($alias, '@')] = $rewrite; if($sort){ krsort($this->alias); } } public function withSalt(bool $salted = null) { if(null !== $salted){ $this->salted = $salted; } return $this->salted; } //ClassmapGeneratorApiInterface public function getClassmapCachefileFor(string $app, string $version, string $phpVersion = \PHP_VERSION) : string { $dir= (is_string($this->cacheDir)) ? rtrim($this->cacheDir, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.' \\/ ').\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : \sys_get_temp_dir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir.= '~application-classmaps-caches'. \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir.= 'remote-mapping-' . \substr(sha1($app), 0, 4). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir.= preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\.\_]/", '-', $app).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir.= sha1($version).strlen($version) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir.= 'php-'.$phpVersion. \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $dir.'remote-classmap.php'; } protected function _isClassmapfileCacheExpired($file, $cache) : bool { switch($cache){ case false : return true; break; case true : return !file_exists($file); break; case \is_int($cache) : return !file_exists($file) || ($cache > 0 && filemtime($file) < time() - $cache); break; default : return !file_exists($file); break; } } //ClassmapGeneratorApiInterface // $cache = true : load from cache if exists // $cache = int : load from cache if it is newer than $cache seconds // $cache = false : invalidate cache for the classmap and load from implementation/API public function getClassmapFor(string $app, string $version, string $phpVersion = \PHP_VERSION, int | bool $cache = true) : array | bool { $file = $this->getClassmapCachefileFor($app, $version, $phpVersion); if(!$this->_isClassmapfileCacheExpired($file, $cache)){ return require $file; } $userAgent = 'Webfan/Fusio-Plugin-0.0.1' .' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'; $this->withUserAgent($userAgent); $url = sprintf('https://api.webfan.de/v1/install/generate/%s/%s/autoloading/remote-mapping/%s/classmap', $app, $version, $phpVersion); $httpResult = $this->transport($url, 'GET', [ ], [ // 'ignore_errors' => false, 'timeout' =>$this->httTimeout * 3, ]); $json = $httpResult->body; $classMap = \json_decode($json); $classMap = (array)$classMap; $classMap = (array)$classMap['result']; $exp = \var_export($classMap, true); $phpCode = <<withClassmap($this->getClassmapFor($app, $version, $phpVersion, $cache)); } public function withDefaultValidators(string $dir = null,bool $increaseTimelimit = null){ if(\in_array(__METHOD__, $this->_calledWIthDefaultMethods)){ return; } $this->_calledWIthDefaultMethods[] = __METHOD__; if(null===$dir){ $dir= (is_dir($this->cacheDir)) ? $this->cacheDir : \sys_get_temp_dir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $httTimeout = $this->httTimeout; $publicKeyChanged = false; $increaseTimelimit = is_null($increaseTimelimit) ? self::$increaseTimelimit : $increaseTimelimit; $me = &$this; $setPublicKey = function($baseUrl, $expFile, $pubKeyFile) use($httTimeout, $increaseTimelimit, $me) { if(file_exists($expFile)){ $expires = intval(file_get_contents($expFile)); }else{ $expires = 0; } if(!is_dir(dirname($expFile))){ mkdir(dirname($expFile), 0755, true); } if(!is_dir(dirname($pubKeyFile))){ mkdir(dirname($pubKeyFile), 0755, true); } if($expires > 0 && ($expires === time() || ($expires > time() - 3 && $expires < time() + 3))){ sleep(3); } if($expires <= time() || !file_exists($pubKeyFile) ){ if($increaseTimelimit){ set_time_limit(max(max($httTimeout,240), intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) + max($httTimeout,240))); } $httpResult = $me->transport($baseUrl.'source='.urlencode('@server.key'), 'GET', [ ], [ // 'ignore_errors' => false, 'timeout' =>$this->httTimeout * 4, ]); $key = $httpResult->body; if(false === $key || empty($key) ){ throw new \Exception('Cannot get '. $baseUrl.'source=@server.key in '.__METHOD__); return; } foreach($httpResult->headers as $i => $header){ $h = explode(':', $header); if('x-frdlweb-source-expires' === strtolower(trim($h[0]))){ file_put_contents($expFile, trim($h[1]) ); break; } } file_put_contents($pubKeyFile, $key); }//keyfile expired and refetched }; $getDefaultValidatorForUrl = function($baseUrl, $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit = true) use($httTimeout, $setPublicKey, &$publicKeyChanged) { $parsedUrl = parse_url($baseUrl); $host = is_array($parsedUrl) && isset($parsedUrl['host']) ? $parsedUrl['host'] : 'DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN'; $expFile = rtrim($cacheDir, '\\/ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'validator-'.$host.'-'.sha1($baseUrl).strlen($baseUrl).'.expires.txt'; $pubKeyFile = rtrim($cacheDir, '\\/ ') . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'validator-'.$host.'-'.sha1($baseUrl).strlen($baseUrl).'.public-key.txt'; $condition = function($url, &$loader, $class) use($httTimeout, $baseUrl, $increaseTimelimit){ if($baseUrl === substr($url, 0, strlen($baseUrl) ) && $class !== \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard::class ){ if($increaseTimelimit){ set_time_limit(max(max($httTimeout,120), intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) + max($httTimeout,120))); } return true; }else{ return false; } }; $cb = null; $filter = function($code, &$loader, $class, $c = 0) use(&$cb, $baseUrl, $expFile, $pubKeyFile, $setPublicKey, &$publicKeyChanged) { $c++; $sep = 'X19oYWx0X2NvbXBpbGVyKCk7'; $my_signed_data=$code; $setPublicKey($baseUrl, $expFile, $pubKeyFile); if(!file_exists($pubKeyFile)){ return new \Exception("ERROR -- missing public key for ".$class." at ".$baseUrl.": ".htmlentities(substr($code, 0, 1024).'...')); } $public_key = file_get_contents($pubKeyFile); list($plain_data,$sigdata) = explode(base64_decode($sep), $my_signed_data, 2); if(empty($sigdata) || empty($plain_data)){ return new \Exception("ERROR -- unsigned data for ".$class." at ".$baseUrl.": ".htmlentities(substr($code, 0, 1024).'...')); } list($nullVoid,$old_sig_1) = explode("----SIGNATURE:----", $sigdata, 2); list($old_sig,$ATTACHMENT) = explode("----ATTACHMENT:----", $old_sig_1, 2); $old_sig = $old_sig ? base64_decode($old_sig) : ''; $ATTACHMENT = $ATTACHMENT ? base64_decode($ATTACHMENT) : ''; if(empty($old_sig)){ return new \Exception("ERROR -- unsigned data for ".$class." at ".$baseUrl.": ".htmlentities(substr($code, 0, 1024).'...')); } \openssl_public_decrypt($old_sig, $decrypted_sig, $public_key); $data_hash = sha1($plain_data.$ATTACHMENT).substr(str_pad(strlen($plain_data.$ATTACHMENT).'', 128, strlen($plain_data.$ATTACHMENT) % 10, \STR_PAD_LEFT), 0, 128); if($decrypted_sig === $data_hash && strlen($data_hash)>0){ return $plain_data; }else{ if(!$publicKeyChanged && $c <= 1){ $publicKeyChanged = true; unlink($pubKeyFile); unlink($expFile); $setPublicKey($baseUrl, $expFile, $pubKeyFile); return $cb($code, $loader, $class, $c); } throw new \Exception("ERROR -- untrusted signature"); } }; $cb = $filter; return [$condition, $filter]; }; $getDefaultValidators = function($cacheDir,bool $increaseTimelimit = null) use($getDefaultValidatorForUrl) { return [ $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://latest.software-download.frdlweb.de/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://stable.software-download.frdlweb.de/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://startdir.de/install/latest/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://startdir.de/install/stable/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://startdir.de/install/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://webfan.de/install/stable/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://webfan.de/install/latest/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), $getDefaultValidatorForUrl('https://webfan.de/install/?', $cacheDir, $increaseTimelimit), ]; }; foreach($getDefaultValidators($dir, $increaseTimelimit) as $validator){ $this->withAfterMiddleware($validator[0], $validator[1]); } return $this; } public function withWebfanWebfatDefaultSettings(string $dir = null,bool $increaseTimelimit = null){ if(\in_array(__METHOD__, $this->_calledWIthDefaultMethods)){ return; } $this->_calledWIthDefaultMethods[] = __METHOD__; if(null===$dir){ $dir= (is_dir($this->cacheDir)) ? $this->cacheDir : \sys_get_temp_dir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /* some dirty workaround patches... */ $this->withBeforeMiddleware(function($class, &$loader) use ($dir) { switch($class){ case \Smarty::class : $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'smarty-php'; if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smarty-php/smarty/v4.3.0/libs/functions.php?cache_bust='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } return true; break; case \DI\Compiler\Compiler::class : $aDir = dirname($loader->file($class)); if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0755, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Template.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/6d4ac8be4b0322200a55a0fbf5d32b2be3c1062b/src/Compiler/Template.php?cache_bust='.time())); } return true; break; case \Webfan\Webfat\App\ContainerAppKernel::class : case \DI\ContainerBuilder::class : case 'DI\\' === substr($class,0 , 3) : $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'php-di'; if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PHP-DI/PHP-DI/6.0-release/src/functions.php?cache_bust='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } return true; break; case \Amp\Dns\Resolver::class : case 'Amp\Dns\\' === substr($class, 0, strlen('Amp\Dns\\') ) : $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'amp-dns'; if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amphp/dns/v1.2.3/lib/functions.php?cache_bust='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } return true; break; case \Amp\Loop::class : case 'Amp\\' === substr($class, 0, strlen('Amp\\') ) && 'Amp\Dns\\' !== substr($class, 0, strlen('Amp\Dns\\') ) : foreach(['functions.php', 'Internal/functions.php'] as $file){ $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'amp-amp' .\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. dirname(str_replace('/', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file)); if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amphp/amp/v2.6.2/lib/'.$file.'?cache_bust='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } } return true; break; case \Webfan\Webfat\EventModule::class : case \Webfan\Webfat\App\Router::class : case 'Opis\Closure\\' === substr($class, 0, strlen('Opis\Closure\\') ) : $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'opis-closure'; if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ //file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opis/closure/3.6.3/functions.php?cache_bust='.time())); file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opis/closure/3.5.5/functions.php?cache_bust='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } return true; break; case 'Spatie\\Once\\' === substr($class, 0, strlen('Spatie\\Once\\') ) : $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'spatie-once'; if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spatie/once/3.1.0/src/functions.php?cache_bust='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } return true; break; case 'Guzzle' === substr($class, 0, strlen('Guzzle') ) : $aDir = dirname($dir).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'autoload-files-conditional'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'guzzle-http'; if(!is_dir($aDir)){ mkdir($aDir, 0775, true); } $aFile = $aDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'functions.php'; if(!file_exists($aFile)){ file_put_contents($aFile, file_get_contents('https://webfan.de/install/?source=GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for&salt='.time())); } if (!in_array($aFile, get_included_files())) { require $aFile; } return true; break; default: return true; break; } /* return true; return false to skip this autoloader, return any/VOID to continue */ }); $this->withClassmapFor('default', 'latest', \PHP_VERSION, $this->cacheLimit); $this->withUrlRewriterMiddleware(function($url){ $now = new \DateTimeImmutable(); if( intval($now->format('Y')) <= 2023 ){ $p = \parse_url($url); if('webfan.de' === $p['host']){ $p['host'] = 'startdir.de'; $url = \frdl\implementation\psr4\RemoteAutoloaderApiClient::unparse_url( $url, $p, false ); } } return $url; }); return $this; } //end default-patches public static function getInstance( $server = 'https://webfan.de/install/stable/?source={class}&salt={salt}', $register = true, $version = 'latest', $allowFromSelfOrigin = true, $salted = false, $classMap = null, $cacheDirOrAccessLevel = self::ACCESS_LEVEL_SHARED, $cacheLimit = null, $password = null ) { $key = static::ik(); if(is_array($server)){ // $arr = []; foreach($server as $s){ // $arr[]= self::getInstance($s['server'], $s['register'], $s['version'], $s['allowFromSelfOrigin'], $s['salted'], $s['classmap'], $s['cacheDirOrAccessLevel'], $s['cacheLimit'], $s['password']); } // if(2 > count(func_get_args()) ){ // return self::$instances[count(self::$instances)-1]; // } $server = 'file://'.getcwd().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; ///$key = sha1(getcwd()).'.localhost'; }//elseif(is_callable($server)){ // $key = \spl_object_id($server); // }elseif(is_string($server)){ // $key = $server; // } if(!isset(self::$instances[static::ik()])){ // self::$instances[$key] = new self($server, $register, $version, $allowFromSelfOrigin, $salted, $classMap, $cacheDirOrAccessLevel, $cacheLimit, $password); } return self::$instances[static::ik()]; } public static function ik() { return \getmypid(); } public function __construct( $server = 'https://webfan.de/install/stable/?source={{class}}&salt={{salt}}', $register = true, $version = 'latest', $allowFromSelfOrigin = true, $salted = false, $classMap = null, $cacheDirOrAccessLevel = self::ACCESS_LEVEL_SHARED, $cacheLimit = null, $password = null ) { $this->withTransport('http', [$this, 'fetchHttp']); $this->setTransport('http'); $this->salt = mt_rand(10000000,99999999); $key = static::ik(); self::$instances[static::ik()] = &$this; $defauoltcacheLimit = -1; $bucketHash = $this->generateHash([ self::class//, // $version ], '', self::HASH_ALGO, '-'); switch($cacheDirOrAccessLevel){ case self::ACCESS_LEVEL_PUBLIC : $bucket = \get_current_user().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'shared'; break; case self::ACCESS_LEVEL_OWNER : $bucket = \get_current_user().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$this->generateHash([ $bucketHash, $version, \get_current_user ( ), //$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] // $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ], $password, self::HASH_ALGO, '-'); break; case self::ACCESS_LEVEL_PROJECT : $bucket = \get_current_user ( ).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$this->generateHash([ $bucketHash, $version, \get_current_user ( ), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], basename(getcwd()), realpath(getcwd()), ], $password, self::HASH_ALGO, '-'); break; case self::ACCESS_LEVEL_BUCKET : $bucket = \get_current_user ( ).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$this->generateHash([ $bucketHash, $version ], $password, self::HASH_ALGO, '-'); break; case self::ACCESS_LEVEL_CONTEXT : $bucket = \get_current_user ( ).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$this->generateHash([ $bucketHash, $version, \get_current_user ( ), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], basename(getcwd()), realpath(getcwd()) ], $password, self::HASH_ALGO, '-'); break; case self::ACCESS_LEVEL_SHARED : default: $bucket = '_'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'shared'; $defauoltcacheLimit = $defauoltcacheLimit > 0 ? \max($defauoltcacheLimit, 5 * 60) : 24 * 60 * 60; break; } $this->cacheLimit = (is_int($cacheLimit)) ? $cacheLimit : ((isset($_ENV['FRDL_HPS_PSR4_CACHE_LIMIT']))? $_ENV['FRDL_HPS_PSR4_CACHE_LIMIT'] : $defauoltcacheLimit); $this->cacheDir =/* (is_string($cacheDirOrAccessLevel) && is_dir($cacheDirOrAccessLevel) && is_readable($cacheDirOrAccessLevel) && is_writeable($cacheDirOrAccessLevel) ) */ is_string($cacheDirOrAccessLevel) ? $cacheDirOrAccessLevel : \sys_get_temp_dir().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR // .'.frdl'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$bucket.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'lib'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'php'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'src'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'psr4'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /* */ $valCacheDir; $valCacheDir = (function($CacheDir, $checkAccessable = true, $checkNotIsSysTemp = true, $r = null) use(&$valCacheDir){ if(null ===$r)$r=dirname($CacheDir); $checkRoot = substr($r, 0, strlen($CacheDir) ); $checkSame = $r === $CacheDir; $checked = false === $checkNotIsSysTemp || false === $checkSame || ( ( rtrim($CacheDir, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'/\\ ') !== rtrim(\sys_get_temp_dir(),\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'/\\ ') && 'tmp' !== basename($CacheDir) // && 'tmp' !== basename(dirname($CacheDir)) ) ); return ( $checkAccessable === false || ( is_dir($CacheDir) && is_writable($CacheDir) && is_readable($CacheDir) ) ) && true === $checked ? true : false ; }); if(!is_dir($this->cacheDir)){ mkdir($this->cacheDir, 0775,true); }else{ chmod($this->cacheDir, 0775); } if(!$valCacheDir($this->cacheDir,false,false) ){ throw new \Exception('Bootstrap error in '.basename(__FILE__).' '.__LINE__.' for '.$this->cacheDir); } if(!is_array($classMap)){ $classMap = self::CLASSMAP_DEFAULTS; } $this->withSalt($salted); $this->withClassmap($classMap); $this->allowFromSelfOrigin = $allowFromSelfOrigin; $this->version=$version; $this->server = $server; $_self = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && \php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : \php_uname("n")); $h = explode('.', $_self); $dns = array_reverse($h); $this->selfDomain = $dns[1].'.'.$dns[0]; if(is_string($this->server)){ $h = explode('.', $this->server); $dns = array_reverse($h); $this->domain = $dns[1].'.'.$dns[0]; } if(true === $register && !$this->allowFromSelfOrigin && $this->domain === $this->selfDomain){ $message = 'Autoloading from remote at this domain at self local server is disabled in '.__METHOD__; throw new \Exception($message); //$register = false; } $this->withDefaultValidators($this->cacheDir,null); if(true === $register){ $this->register(); } } public function generateHash(array $chunks = [], $key = null, $algo = 'sha1', $delimiter = '-', &$ctx = null) { $size = count($chunks); $initial = null === $ctx; $asString = serialize($chunks);//implode($delimiter, $chunks); $buffer = ''; $l = 0; $c = $size + ($initial); if(null===$key || empty($key)){ $c++; $key = \hash( $algo , serialize([$delimiter, [$algo,$size, $delimiter, $c, $asString]]) ); } $MetaCtx = \hash_init ( $algo , \HASH_HMAC, $key ) ; \hash_update($MetaCtx, $key); if( true === $initial || null === $ctx){ $ctx = \hash_init ( $algo , \HASH_HMAC, $key ) ; } while(count($chunks) > 0 && $data = array_shift($chunks)){ $buffer .=$data; $l += strlen($data); $c += count($chunks); \hash_update($ctx, $data); \hash_update($MetaCtx, $buffer); \hash_update($MetaCtx, $l); \hash_update($MetaCtx, $c); } $c++; //$h2 = $this->generateHash([$algo,count($chunks),$l,$asString, $delimiter, $key, $c], $key, 'sha1', $delimiter, $ctx); $h2 = \hash( $algo , $size .'.'. $l. '.' . $c. '.' . strlen($buffer.$asString) ); \hash_update($ctx, $h2); \hash_update($MetaCtx, $h2); $c++; $h3 = hash_final($MetaCtx); \hash_update($ctx, $h3); $hash = hash_final($ctx); return implode($delimiter, [$size .'.'. $l. '.' . $c. '.' . (strlen($h2.$buffer.$asString) * $c) % 20, $h3, $hash, $h2]); } public function str_contains($haystack, $needle, $ignoreCase = false) { if ($ignoreCase) { $haystack = strtolower($haystack); $needle = strtolower($needle); } $needlePos = strpos($haystack, $needle); return ($needlePos === false ? false : ($needlePos+1)); } public function str_parse_vars($string, $start = '[', $end = '/]', $variableDelimiter = '=') { preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($start, '/') . '(.*?)'. preg_quote($end, '/').'/i', $string, $m); $out = []; foreach($m[1] as $key => $value){ $type = explode($variableDelimiter,$value); if(sizeof($type)>1){ if(!is_array($out[$type[0]])) $out[$type[0]] = []; $out[$type[0]][] = $type[1]; } else { $out[] = $value; } } return $out; } public function getUrl($class, $server, $salt = null, $parseVars = false) { if(!is_string($salt))$salt=$this->salt; $url = false; if(is_string($server) ){ if(substr($server, 0, strlen('http://')) === 'http://' || substr($server, 0, strlen('https://')) === 'https://'){ // $url = str_replace(['${salt}', '${class}', '${version}'], [$salt, $class, $this->version], $server); $url = $server; }elseif('~' === substr($server, 0, 1) || is_string($server) && '.' === substr($server, 0, 1) || substr($server, 0, strlen('file://')) === 'file://'){ $url = \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('\\', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, getcwd() .str_replace(['file://', '~'/*, '${salt}', '${class}', '${version}'*/], ['', (!empty(getenv('FRDL_HOME'))) ? getenv('FRDL_HOME') : getenv('HOME')/*, $salt, $class, $this->version*/], $server). '.php'); }/*elseif(preg_match("/^([a-z0-9]+)\.webfan\.de$/", $server, $m) && false !== strpos($server, '.') ){ $url = 'https://'.$m[1].'.webfan.de/install/?salt=${salt}&source=${class}&version=${version}'; }*/elseif(preg_match("/^([\w\.^\/]+)(\/[.*]+)?$/", $server, $m) && false !== strpos($server, '.') ){ $url = 'https://'.$m[1].((isset($m[2])) ? $m[2] : '/'); }//else{ if(!$this->str_contains($url, '${class}', false) && '.php' !== substr(explode('?', $url)[0], -4)){ $url = rtrim($url, '/').'/${class}'; } if(!$this->str_contains($url, '${salt}', false)){ $url .= (( $this->str_contains($url, '?', false) ) ? '&' : '?').'salt=${salt}'; } }elseif(is_callable($server)){ $url = call_user_func_array($server, [$class, $this->version, $salt]); }elseif(is_object($server) && is_callable([$server, 'has']) && is_callable([$server, 'get']) && true === call_user_func_array([$server, 'has'], [$class]) ){ $url = call_user_func_array([$server, 'get'], [$class, $this->version, $salt]); }elseif(is_object($server) && is_callable([$server, 'get']) ){ $url = call_user_func_array([$server, 'get'], [$class, $this->version, $salt]); } return (true === $parseVars && is_string($url)) ? $this->replaceUrlVars($url, $salt, $class, $this->version) : $url; } public function replaceUrlVars($url, $salt, $class, $version) { if(empty($salt)){ $salt = $this->salt; } $url = preg_replace('/(\$\{class\})/',str_replace('\\', '/', $class), $url); $url = preg_replace('/(\$\{salt\})/', $salt, $url); $url = preg_replace( '/(\$\{version\})/',$version, $url); return $url; } /** * Loads the class file for a given class name. * * @param string $class The fully-qualified class name. * @return mixed The mapped file name on success, or boolean false on * failure. */ public function loadClass($class, $salt = null) { if(!is_string($salt)){ $salt = $this->salt; } $prefix = $class; // work backwards through the namespace names of the fully-qualified // class name to find a mapped file name while (false !== $pos = strrpos($prefix, '\\')) { // retain the trailing namespace separator in the prefix $prefix = substr($class, 0, $pos + 1); // the rest is the relative class name $relative_class = substr($class, $pos + 1); // try to load a mapped file for the prefix and relative class $mapped_file = $this->loadMappedSource($prefix, $relative_class, $salt); if ($mapped_file && $this->exists($mapped_file) ) { return $mapped_file; } // remove the trailing namespace separator for the next iteration // of strrpos() $prefix = rtrim($prefix, '\\'); } // never found a mapped file return $this->loadMappedSource('', $class, $salt); } /** * Load the mapped file for a namespace prefix and relative class. * * @param string $prefix The namespace prefix. * @param string $relative_class The relative class name. * @return mixed Boolean false if no mapped file can be loaded, or the * name of the mapped file that was loaded. */ protected function loadMappedSource($prefix, $relative_class, $salt = null) { if(!is_string($salt)){ $salt = $this->salt; } $url = false; $class = $prefix.$relative_class; //if(isset($this->alias[$class]) ){ // \webfan\hps\Format\DataUri // die(__LINE__.$class.' Alias: '.$this->alias[$class]); // } $pfx = !isset($this->alias[$prefix]) && substr($prefix,-1) === '\\' ? substr($prefix, 0, -1) : $prefix; if(isset($this->alias[$pfx]) ){ // \webfan\hps\Format\DataUri $originalClass = substr($this->alias[$pfx],-1) === '\\' ? substr($this->alias[$pfx], 0, -1) : $this->alias[$pfx]; $originalClass .= '\\'.$relative_class; $alias = $class; // die($classOrInterfaceExists.'
rc: '.$originalClass.'
'.$datUri); $classOrInterfaceExistsAndNotEqualsAlias =( class_exists($originalClass, $originalClass !== $alias) || interface_exists($originalClass, $originalClass !== $alias) || (function_exists('trait_exists') && trait_exists($originalClass, $originalClass !== $alias)) ) && $originalClass !== $alias; if($classOrInterfaceExistsAndNotEqualsAlias){ \class_alias($originalClass, $alias); } return true; //return $classOrInterfaceExistsAndNotEqualsAlias; } if(isset(self::$classmap[$class]) && is_string(self::$classmap[$class]) && '\\' !== substr($class, -1) && '\\' !== substr(self::$classmap[$class], -1) ){ $url = $this->getUrl($class, self::$classmap[$class], $salt, true); $url = $this->replaceUrlVars($url, $salt, $class, $this->version); if(is_string($url) && $this->exists($url) ){ return $url; } } if (isset($this->prefixes[$prefix]) ) { // look through base directories for this namespace prefix foreach ($this->prefixes[$prefix] as $server) { $url = $this->getUrl($relative_class, $server, $salt, true); $url = $this->replaceUrlVars($url, $salt, $relative_class, $this->version); if(is_string($url) && $this->exists($url) ){ return $url; } } } // never found it return $this->getUrl($class, $this->server, $salt, true); } /** * If a file exists, require it from the file system. * * @param string $file The file to require. * @return bool True if the file exists, false if not. */ protected function requireFile($file) { if (file_exists($file)) { try{ require $file; }catch(\Exception $e){ trigger_error($e->getMessage(), \E_USER_ERROR); return false; } return true; } return false; } public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { $me = (count(self::$instances)) ? self::$instances[0] : self::getInstance(); return call_user_func_array([$me, $name], $arguments); } public function __call($name, $arguments) { if(!in_array($name, ['fetch', 'fetchCode', '__invoke', 'register', 'getLoader', 'Autoload'])){ throw new \Exception('Method '.$name.' not allowed in '.__METHOD__); } return call_user_func_array([$this, $name], $arguments); } protected function fetch() { return call_user_func_array([$this, 'fetchCode'], func_get_args()); } public function exists($source) { if(isset(self::$existsCache[$source])){ return self::$existsCache[$source]; } if('http://'!==substr($source, 0, strlen('http://')) && 'https://'!==substr($source, 0, strlen('https://')) ){ $exists = is_file($source) && file_exists($source) && is_readable($source); if(true === $exists){ self::$existsCache[$source] = $exists; } return $exists; } $httpResult = $this->transport($source, 'HEAD', null, [ 'ignore_errors' => false, 'timeout' => max(1, floor($this->httTimeout / 2)), ]); $res = $httpResult->body; $exists = false !== $res; self::$existsCache[$source] = $exists; return $exists; } public function fetchHttp(string $url, string $method = 'GET', array $headers = null, array $options = null, array $httpOpts= null){ $httpOptions = [ 'http' => [ 'method' => $method, 'ignore_errors' => false, 'timeout' => $this->httTimeout, 'follow_location' => true, 'header'=> ""// "X-Source-Encoding: b64\r\n" // . "Content-Length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n" , ] ]; if(is_array($httpOpts)){ $httpOptions = array_merge($httpOptions, $httpOpts); } if(is_array($options)){ $httpOptions['http'] = array_merge($httpOptions['http'], $options); } if(!is_array($headers)){ $headers = [ 'X-Source-Encoding' => 'b64', ]; } if(is_string($this->userAgent)){ $headers['User-Agent'] = $this->userAgent; } foreach($headers as $key => $value){ $httpOptions['http']['header'].= $key.": ". $value . "\r\n"; } $httpOptions['http']['method'] = $method; $transport = new \stdclass; $transport->context = stream_context_create($httpOptions); $transport->body = @file_get_contents($url, false, $transport->context); $transport->headers = array_merge([], is_array($http_response_header) ? $http_response_header : []); if(isset($transport->headers[0])){ preg_match('{HTTP\/\S*\s(\d{3})}', $transport->headers[0], $match); $transport->status = (isset($match[1])) ? $match[1] : (\is_string($transport->body) ? '200' : '404'); }else{ $transport->status = \is_string($transport->body) ? 200 : 404; // error_log('Wrong status code for '.$url.' in '.__METHOD__, \is_string($transport->body) ? \E_USER_NOTICE : \E_USER_WARNING); // error_log('Wrong status code for '.$url.' in '.__METHOD__, \E_USER_NOTICE); } return $transport; } /* by kibblewhite+php at live dot com https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php#125844 $test_url = 'http://usr:pss@example.com:81/mypath/myfile.html?a=b&b[]=2&b[]=3&z=9#myfragment'; $new_url_01_overwrite_query_params = self::unparse_url( $test_url, array( 'host' => 'new-hostname.tld', 'query' => array( 'test' => 'Hello World', 'a' => array( 'c', 'd' ), 'z' => 8 ), 'fragment' => 'new-fragment-value' ), false ); $new_url_02_mergewith_query_params = self::unparse_url( $test_url, array( 'query' => array( 'test' => 'Hello World', 'a' => array( 'c', 'd' ), 'z' => 8 ), 'fragment' => 'new-fragment-value' ), true ); */ public static function unparse_url( string $url, array $overwrite_parsed_url_array = null, bool $merge_query_parameters = null ) : string { $merge_query_parameters = is_bool($merge_query_parameters) ? $merge_query_parameters : true; $overwrite_parsed_url_array = is_array($overwrite_parsed_url_array) ? $overwrite_parsed_url_array : []; $parsed_url_array = \parse_url( $url ); $parsed_url_keys_array = [ 'scheme' => null, 'abempty' => isset( $parsed_url_array['scheme'] ) ? '://' : null, 'user' => null, 'authcolon' => isset( $parsed_url_array['pass'] ) ? ':' : null, 'pass' => null, 'authat' => isset( $parsed_url_array['user'] ) ? '@' : null, 'host' => null, 'portcolon' => isset( $parsed_url_array['port'] ) ? ':' : null, 'port' => null, 'path' => null, 'param' => isset( $parsed_url_array['query'] ) ? '?' : null, 'query' => null, 'hash' => isset( $parsed_url_array['fragment'] ) ? '#' : null, 'fragment' => null, ]; if(is_string($overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'])){ parse_str( $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'], $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] ); } if ( isset( $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] ) && $merge_query_parameters === true ) { $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] = \array_merge_recursive( $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'], $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] ); }elseif ( isset( $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] ) && $merge_query_parameters !== true ) { $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] = \array_merge( $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'], $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] ); } $query_parameters = \http_build_query( $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'], null, '&', \PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 ); $overwrite_parsed_url_array['query'] = \urldecode( preg_replace( '/%5B[0-9]+%5D/simU', '%5B%5D', $query_parameters ) ); $fully_parsed_url_array = \array_filter( \array_merge( $parsed_url_keys_array, $parsed_url_array, $overwrite_parsed_url_array ) ); return \implode( null, $fully_parsed_url_array ); } public function transport(string $url, string $method = 'GET', array $headers = null, array $options = null, array $httpOpts= null){ foreach($this->urlRewriterMiddlewares as $rewriter){ $url = \call_user_func_array($rewriter, [$url]); } $callable = isset($this->_TRANSPORTS[$this->transport]) ? $this->_TRANSPORTS[$this->transport] : false; if(false === $callable){ throw new \Exception(sprintf('%sTransport is not set in %s. Use withTransport to define a callable for it!', ucfirst($this->transport), __METHOD__)); } if(is_array($callable) && !is_callable($callable)){ $fn = (\Closure::fromCallable($callable))->bindTo($this, \get_class($this)); $callable = $fn; }elseif(true !== $callable instanceof \Closure){ $fn = (\Closure::fromCallable($callable))->bindTo($this); $callable = $fn; } if(true === self::$increaseTimelimit){ set_time_limit(max(max($this->httTimeout,240), intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) + max($this->httTimeout,240))); } $transport = \call_user_func_array($callable, func_get_args()); $status = ((string)$transport->status).''; if('3' === substr($status,0, 1)){ foreach($transport->headers as $i => $header){ $h = explode(':', $header, 2); $k = strtolower(trim($h[0])); $v = (isset($h[1])) ? trim($h[1]) : $header; if('location' === $k){ return $this->transport($v, $method , $headers, $options , $httpOpts); } } } return $transport; } protected function fetchCode($class, $salt = null) { if(!is_string($salt)){ $salt = $this->salt; } $url = $this->loadClass($class, $salt); if(is_bool($url)){ return $url; } $withSaltedUrl = (true === $this->str_contains($url, '${salt}', false)) ? true : false; $url = $this->replaceUrlVars($url, $salt, $class, $this->version); if(self::$increaseTimelimit){ set_time_limit(max(max($this->httTimeout,240), intval(ini_get('max_execution_time')) + max($this->httTimeout,240))); } $httpResult = $this->transport($url, 'GET', [ 'X-Source-Encoding'=>'b64', ], [ // 'ignore_errors' => true, 'timeout' => $this->httTimeout, ]); $code = $httpResult->body; if(false === $code || 200 != $httpResult->status){ $urlOld = $url; $url=preg_replace('/(\/stable\/)/', '/', $url); $url=preg_replace('/(\/latest\/)/', '/', $url); if($urlOld !== $url){ $httpResult = $this->transport($url, 'GET', [ 'X-Source-Encoding'=>'b64', ], [ // 'ignore_errors' => false, 'timeout' => $this->httTimeout, ]); $code = $httpResult->body; } if(false===$code){ return false; } } $json = false; $base64 = false; foreach($httpResult->headers as $i => $header){ $h = explode(':', $header, 2); $k = strtolower(trim($h[0])); $v = (isset($h[1])) ? trim($h[1]) : $header; if('x-content-hash' === $k){ $hash = $v; }elseif('x-user-hash' ===$k){ $userHash = $v; }elseif('content-type' ===$k && 'application/json'===$v){ $json = true; }elseif('x-data-encoding' ===$k && 'base64'===$v){ $base64 = true; } } if(true === $json){ $theJson =json_decode($code); $code = $theJson; $code=(array)$code; $code = $code['contents']; if(isset($theJson['X-Content-Hash'])){ $hash = $theJson['X-Content-Hash']; } if(isset($theJson['X-User-Hash'])){ $userHash = $theJson['X-User-Hash']; } } if(true === $base64){ $code = base64_decode($code); } if(false===$code || !is_string($code) || (true === $withSaltedUrl && true === $this->withSalt() && (!isset($hash) || !isset($userHash))) ){ // throw new \Exception('Missing checksums while fetching source code for '.$class.' from '.$url); error_log('Missing checksums while fetching source code for '.$class.' from '.$url, \E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } $oCode =$code; if(is_string($salt) && true === $withSaltedUrl && true === $this->withSalt() ){ $hash_check = strlen($oCode).'.'.sha1($oCode); $userHash_check = sha1($salt .$hash_check); if($hash_check !== $hash || $userHash_check !== $userHash){ // throw new \Exception('Invalid checksums while fetching source code for '.$class.' from '.$url); error_log('Invalid checksums while fetching source code for '.$class.' from '.$url .' However: ->withSalt() is DEPRECTATED, use ->withAfterMiddleware validators instead!', \E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } } if($this->is_base64($code) ){ $code = base64_decode($code); } // $code = trim($code); foreach($this->afterMiddlewares as $middleware){ if(( \is_callable($middleware[0]) || ('object' === gettype($middleware[0]) && $middleware[0] instanceof \Closure) ) && true !== \call_user_func_array($middleware[0], [$url, &$this, $class]) ){ continue; }elseif(is_string($middleware[0]) && !preg_match($middleware[0], $url)){ continue; } $code = call_user_func_array($middleware[1], [$code, &$this, $class]); if(!is_string($code)){ error_log('Untrusted source code for '.$class.' from '.$url.': INVALID SIGNATURE FOR: ' .htmlentities($code) , \E_USER_WARNING); if('object'===gettype($code) && $code instanceof \Exception){ throw $code; } return false; } } if(!$this->str_contains($code, ' '); $codeWithStartTags = "getLoader(), func_get_args()); } public function is_base64($s){ // Check if there are valid base64 characters if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\/\r\n+]*={0,2}$/', $s)) return false; // Decode the string in strict mode and check the results $decoded = base64_decode($s, true); if(false === $decoded) return false; // Encode the string again if(base64_encode($decoded) != $s) return false; return true; } public function register(/* $throw = true,*/bool $prepend = false) { $args = func_get_args(); if(count($args)>=2 && is_bool($args[1])){ $prepend = $args[1]; } $throw = true; //Always true as false is deprecated in SPL! $res = false; if(!$this->allowFromSelfOrigin && $this->domain === $this->selfDomain){ throw new \Exception('You should not autoload from remote where you have local access to the source (remote server = host)'); } $aFuncs = \spl_autoload_functions(); if(!is_array($aFuncs) || !in_array($this->getLoader(), $aFuncs) ){ $res = \spl_autoload_register($this->getLoader(), $throw, $prepend); } if( false !== $res ){ // Change: Use a seperate process (or setup): $this->pruneCache(); }else{ throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cannot register Autoloader of "%s" with cachedir "%s"', __METHOD__, $this->cacheDir)); } return $res; } protected function getLoader() { return [$this, 'Autoload']; } public function pruneCache() { if($this->cacheLimit !== 0 && $this->cacheLimit !== -1){ $ShutdownTasks = \frdlweb\Thread\ShutdownTasks::mutex(); $ShutdownTasks(function($loader, int $cacheLimit){ @\ignore_user_abort(true); @\call_user_func_array([$loader, 'prune'], [$cacheLimit]); }, $this, $this->cacheLimit); } } public function prune(int $cacheLimit) { \webfan\hps\patch\Fs::pruneDir($this->cacheDir, $cacheLimit, true, 'tmp' !== basename($this->cacheDir)); } public function resolve(string $class):bool|string{ $cacheFile = $this->file($class); $url = $this->url( $class ); if($this->exists($cacheFile)){ return $cacheFile; }elseif(!is_bool($url) && $this->exists($url)){ return $url; }elseif( is_bool($url) ){ return $url; }else{ return false; } } public function file(string $class):bool|string{ return rtrim($this->cacheDir, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'/\\ '). \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. str_replace('\\', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class). '.php'; } public function url(string $class):bool|string{ $salt = $this->salt; $url = $this->loadClass($class, $salt); if(is_bool($url)){ return $url; } $url = $this->replaceUrlVars($url, $salt, $class, $this->version); return $url; } public function Autoload(string $class):bool|string { foreach($this->beforeMiddlewares as $middleware){ if(false === \call_user_func_array($middleware, [$class, &$this]) ){ return false; } } $cacheFile = $this->file($class); if(file_exists($cacheFile) && ($this->cacheLimit !== 0 && $this->cacheLimit !== -1 && (filemtime($cacheFile) < time() - $this->cacheLimit) )){ unlink($cacheFile); clearstatcache(true, $cacheFile); } if(!file_exists($cacheFile) || ( $this->cacheLimit !== 0 && $this->cacheLimit !== -1 && (filemtime($cacheFile) < time() - $this->cacheLimit) ) ){ $code = $this->fetchCode($class, $this->salt); if(false===$code){ return false; }else if(true === $code){ return true; }elseif(false !==$code){ if(!is_dir(dirname($cacheFile))){ mkdir(dirname($cacheFile), 0775, true); } if(!file_put_contents($cacheFile, $code)){ throw new \Exception('Cannot write source for class '.$class.' to '.$cacheFile); } }elseif(false ===$code && !file_exists($cacheFile)){ return false; } } if(file_exists($cacheFile) ){ if(false === ($this->requireFile($cacheFile)) ){ if(file_exists($cacheFile)){ unlink($cacheFile); } return false; } return class_exists($class, false); }elseif(isset($code) && is_string($code) && \frdlweb\Thread\ShutdownTasks::class !== $class ){ $tmpfile = tempnam($this->cacheDir, 'autoloaded-file.'.sha1($code)); $ShutdownTasks = \frdlweb\Thread\ShutdownTasks::mutex(); $ShutdownTasks(function($tmpfile){ if(file_exists($tmpfile)){ unlink($tmpfile); } }, $tmpfile); if(false === ($this->requireFile($tmpfile)) ){ if(file_exists($tmpfile)){ unlink($tmpfile); } return false; }else{ unlink($tmpfile); return class_exists($class, false); } }else{ throw new \Exception('Cannot write/load source for class '.$class.' in '.$cacheFile); } } } }//ns frdl\implementation\psr4 __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NzkzMTI0Mjk1MTA5NTI2MyAyODE4MTk0NzQyMjc5MDM0IDkzNzcyODA0NTAwNjExNzI=