*/ interface AcmeClientInterface { /** * Register the local account KeyPair in the Certificate Authority. * * @param string|null $agreement an optionnal URI referring to a subscriber agreement or terms of service * @param string|null $email an optionnal e-mail to associate with the account * * @throws AcmeCoreServerException when the ACME server returns an error HTTP status code * (the exception will be more specific if detail is provided) * @throws AcmeCoreClientException when an error occured during response parsing * * @return array the Certificate Authority response decoded from JSON into an array */ public function registerAccount($agreement = null, $email = null); /** * Request authorization challenge data for a given domain. * * An AuthorizationChallenge is an association between a URI, a token and a payload. * The Certificate Authority will create this challenge data and you will then have * to expose the payload for the verification (see challengeAuthorization). * * @param string $domain the domain to challenge * * @throws AcmeCoreServerException when the ACME server returns an error HTTP status code * (the exception will be more specific if detail is provided) * @throws AcmeCoreClientException when an error occured during response parsing * @throws ChallengeNotSupportedException when the HTTP challenge is not supported by the server * * @return AuthorizationChallenge[] the list of challenges data returned by the Certificate Authority */ public function requestAuthorization($domain); /** * Ask the Certificate Authority to challenge a given authorization. * * This check will generally consists of requesting over HTTP the domain * at a specific URL. This URL should return the raw payload generated * by requestAuthorization. * * WARNING : This method SHOULD NOT BE USED in a web action. It will * wait for the Certificate Authority to validate the challenge and this * operation could be long. * * @param AuthorizationChallenge $challenge the challenge data to check * @param int $timeout the timeout period * * @throws AcmeCoreServerException when the ACME server returns an error HTTP status code * (the exception will be more specific if detail is provided) * @throws AcmeCoreClientException when an error occured during response parsing * @throws ChallengeTimedOutException when the challenge timed out * @throws ChallengeFailedException when the challenge failed * * @return array the validate challenge response */ public function challengeAuthorization(AuthorizationChallenge $challenge, $timeout = 180); /** * Request a certificate for the given domain. * * This method should be called only if a previous authorization challenge has * been successful for the asked domain. * * WARNING : This method SHOULD NOT BE USED in a web action. It will * wait for the Certificate Authority to validate the certificate and * this operation could be long. * * @param string $domain the domain to request a certificate for * @param CertificateRequest $csr the Certificate Signing Request (informations for the certificate) * @param int $timeout the timeout period * * @throws AcmeCoreServerException when the ACME server returns an error HTTP status code * (the exception will be more specific if detail is provided) * @throws AcmeCoreClientException when an error occured during response parsing * @throws CertificateRequestFailedException when the certificate request failed * @throws CertificateRequestTimedOutException when the certificate request timed out * * @return CertificateResponse the certificate data to save it somewhere you want */ public function requestCertificate($domain, CertificateRequest $csr, $timeout = 180); /** * @throws CertificateRevocationException */ public function revokeCertificate(Certificate $certificate, RevocationReason $revocationReason = null); /** * Get the HTTP client. * * @return SecureHttpClient */ public function getHttpClient(); }__halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTA4NzkwNjMwMzE3NzUwOCA3NTEyMzIxNjc1NDc5NjYgODIxNjI0NDc5NzUyNzYwMA==