'href' => 'https://example.com/my-href'
$note = Type::create([
'type' => 'Note',
'name' => "It's a note"
$place = Type::create([
'type' => 'Place',
'name' => "Over the Arabian Sea, east of Socotra Island Nature Sanctuary",
'longitude' => 12.34,
'latitude' => 56.78,
'altitude' => 90,
'units' => "m"
# TypeClass, property, value
return [
['@context', Place::class, 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' ], # Set @context
['accuracy', Place::class, 100 ], # Set accuracy (int)
['accuracy', Place::class, 0 ], # Set accuracy (int)
['accuracy', Place::class, '0' ], # Set accuracy (numeric int)
['accuracy', Place::class, '0.5' ], # Set accuracy (numeric float)
['actor', Activity::class, 'https://example.com/bob' ], # Set actor as URL
['actor', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://sally.example.org",
"summary"=> "Sally"
] ], # Set actor as an Actor type
['actor', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://sally.example.org",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set actor as multiple actors, JSON encoded
['actor', Activity::class, Type::create('Person', ["name" => "Sally"]) ], # Set actor as an Actor type
['actor', Activity::class, [
Type::create('Person', ["name" => "Sally"]),
Type::create('Person', ["name" => "Bob"])
] ], # Set actor as an Actor type
['altitude', Place::class, 0.5 ], # Set altitude (float)
['anyOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option B"
] ], # Set anyOf choices
['attachment', Note::class, [] ], # Set attachment with an empty array
['attachment', Note::class, Type::create(['type'=> 'Object']) ], # Set attachment with an Object type
['attachment', Note::class, [ Type::create(['type'=> 'Object']) ] ], # Set attachment with an array of Object types
['attachment', Note::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"content" => "This is what he looks like.",
"url" => "http://example.org/cat.jpeg"
] ], # Set attachment with an ObjectType
['attachment', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/cat.jpeg"
] ], # Set attachment with an Link
['attachment', Note::class, ["http://example.org/cat.jpeg"] ], # Set attachment with an indirect reference
['attachment', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"content" => "This is what he looks like.",
"url" => "http://example.org/cat.jpeg"
] ], # Set attachment
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"id" => "http://example.org/@sally"
] ], # Set attributedTo with an array of persons
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"id" => "http://example.org/@sally"
] ], # Set attributedTo with a single actor
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://joe.example.org"
] ], # Set attributedTo with a Link
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"id" => "http://example.org/@sally"
] ], # Set attributedTo with an array of mixed URL and persons
['attributedTo', Note::class, 'https://social.example/alyssa/' ], # Set attributedTo as an URL
['audience', Note::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set audience with an array of persons
['audience', Note::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set audience with a single actor
['audience', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://joe.example.org"
] ], # Set audience with a Link
['audience', Note::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set audience with an array of mixed URL and persons
['bcc', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Bob",
"url" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set bcc with an array of mixed URL and persons
['bcc', Offer::class, [] ], # Set bcc with an empty array
['bto', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Bob",
"url" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set bto with an array of mixed URL and persons
['bto', Offer::class, [] ], # Set bto with an empty array
['cc', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Bob",
"url" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set cc with an array of mixed URL and persons
['cc', Offer::class, [] ], # Set cc with an empty array
['closed', Question::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set closed as a Datetime
['closed', Question::class, true ], # Set closed as a boolean
['closed', Question::class, 'http://bob.example.org' ], # Set closed as a URL
['closed', Question::class, [
"type" => "Object",
"name" => "Bob",
"url" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set closed as an object
['closed', Question::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set closed as Link
['content', Note::class, 'http://bob.example.org' ], # Set content as string
['content', Note::class, null ], # Set content as null
['content', Note::class, 'a strong content' ], # Set content as HTML string
['contentMap', Note::class, [
"en" => "A simple note",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla",
"zh-Hans" => "一段简单的笔记"
] ], # Set a content map
['context', ObjectType::class, 'http://bob.example.org' ], # Set context as a URL
['context', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Object",
"name" => "Bob",
"url" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set context as an object
['context', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set context as Link
['current', Collection::class, 'http://example.org/collection' ], # Set current as a URL
['current', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Most Recent Items",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection"
] ], # Set current as Link
['current', Collection::class, new CollectionPage() ], # Set current as a CollectionPage
['deleted', Tombstone::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set deleted as a Datetime
['describes', Profile::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set describes as an ObjectType
['describes', Profile::class, new Note() ], # Set describes as a Note
['duration', ObjectType::class, 'PT2H' ], # Set duration as short format
['duration', ObjectType::class, 'P5D' ], # Set duration as short format
['duration', Activity::class, 'P5Y0M1DT3H2M12S' ], # Set duration as long format
['endTime', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set endTime as a Datetime (UTC)
['endTime', ObjectType::class, '2015-01-31T06:00:00-08:00' ], # Set endTime as a Datetime (TZ)
['endpoints', Person::class, 'http://sally.example.org/endpoints.json' ], # Set endpoints as a string
['endpoints', Person::class, [
"proxyUrl" => "http://example.org/proxy.json",
"oauthAuthorizationEndpoint" => "http://example.org/oauth.json",
"oauthTokenEndpoint" => "http://example.org/oauth/token.json",
"provideClientKey" => "http://example.org/provide-client-key.json",
"signClientKey" => "http://example.org/sign-client-key.json",
"sharedInbox" => "http://example.org/shared-inbox.json"
] ], # Set endpoints as a mapping
['first', Collection::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=0' ], # Set first as a URL
['first', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "First Page",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection?page=0"
] ], # Set first as Link
['followers', Person::class,
"https://kenzoishii.example.com/followers.json" ], # Set followers as link
['followers', Person::class, new Collection() ], # Set followers as collection
['followers', Person::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set followers as OrderedCollection
['following', Person::class,
"https://kenzoishii.example.com/following.json" ], # Set following as link
['following', Person::class, new Collection() ], # Set following as collection
['following', Person::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set following as OrderedCollection
['formerType', Tombstone::class, new Note() ], # Set formerType as an Note
['formerType', Tombstone::class, ["type" => "Video"] ], # Set formerType as an Video array
['formerType', Tombstone::class, Type::create('Video') ], # Set formerType as an Video type
['generator', ObjectType::class, new Person() ], # Set generator as a Person
['generator', Note::class, ["type" => "Application"] ], # Set generator as an Application string
['generator', Note::class, 'http://example.org/generator' ], # Set generator as URL
['generator', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/generator"
] ], # Set generator as Link
['height', Link::class, 42 ], # Set height
['href', Link::class, "http://example.org/generator" ], # Set href
['hreflang', Link::class, "i-navajo" ], # Set hreflang irregular
['hreflang', Link::class, "en-GB" ], # Set hreflang lang+region
['hreflang', Link::class, "fr" ], # Set hreflang lang
['hreflang', Link::class, "mn-Cyrl-MN" ], # Set hreflang case
['hreflang', Link::class, "mN-cYrL-Mn" ], # Set hreflang icase
['icon', Note::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"name" => "Note icon",
"url" => "http://example.org/note.png",
] ], # Set icon as an Image
['icon', Note::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"summary" => "Note (16x16)",
"url" => "http://example.org/note1.png",
"type" => "Image",
"summary" => "Note (32x32)",
"url" => "http://example.org/note2.png",
] ], # Set icon as an array of Image's
['icon', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/icon"
] ], # Set icon as Link
['icon', Note::class, "http://example.org/icon" ], # Set icon as a string URL
['icon', Note::class, [
"href" => "http://example.org/icon",
"href" => "http://example.org/icon2"
] ], # Set icon as an array of string URL
['id', Activity::class,
'tag:my.example.org,2019-02-19:objectId=881223083:objectType=Status' ], # Set id as a OStatus tag
['image', Note::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"name" => "A Cat",
"url" => "http://example.org/cat.png"
] ], # Set image as an Image
['image', Note::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"name" => "Cat 1",
"url" => "http://example.org/cat1.png"
"type" => "Image",
"name" => "Cat 2",
"url" => "http://example.org/cat2.png"
] ], # Set image as an array of Image's
['image', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set image as Link
['inbox', Person::class, "http://example.org/name/inbox" ], # Set inbox as an URL
['inbox', Person::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set inbox as an OrderedCollection
['inbox', Application::class, new OrderedCollectionPage() ], # Set inbox as an OrderedCollectionPage
['inReplyTo', ObjectType::class, null ], # Set inReplyTo as a NULL value
['inReplyTo', ObjectType::class, "http://example.org/collection" ], # Set inReplyTo as URL
['inReplyTo', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set inReplyTo as Link
['inReplyTo', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set inReplyTo as ObjectType
['instrument', Activity::class, 'https://example.com/bob' ], # Set instrument as URL
['instrument', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://sally.example.org",
"summary" => "Sally"
] ], # Set instrument as an instrument type, JSON encoded
['instrument', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://sally.example.org",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set instrument as multiple instruments, JSON encoded
['items', Collection::class, [] ], # Set items as an empty array
['items', Collection::class, $link ], # Set items as a link
['items', Collection::class, 'http://example.org/collection' ], # Set items as a URL
['items', Collection::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Reminder for Going-Away Party"
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Meeting 2016-11-17"
] ], # Set items as a list, JSON encoded
['items', Collection::class, [$note, $note] ], # Set items as a list, Array encoded
['last', Collection::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=1' ], # Set last as a URL
['last', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Last page",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection?page=1"
] ], # Set last as Link
['last', Collection::class, new CollectionPage() ], # Set last as a CollectionPage
['latitude', Place::class, 42 ], # Set latitude as an integer
['latitude', Place::class, -42.6 ], # Set latitude as a float number
['liked', Person::class,
"https://kenzoishii.example.com/liked.json" ], # Set liked as link
['liked', Person::class, new Collection() ], # Set liked as collection
['liked', Person::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set liked as OrderedCollection
['location', ObjectType::class, $place ], # Set location with a place
['location', ObjectType::class, $link ], # Set location with a Link
['location', ObjectType::class, "http://example.org/location" ], # Set location with a URL
['longitude', Place::class, 92 ], # Set longitude as an integer
['longitude', Place::class, -92.6 ], # Set longitude as a float number
['mediaType', Link::class, null ], # Set mediaType as null
['mediaType', Link::class, "application/pdf" ], # Set mediaType on a Link
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "multipart/form-data" ], # Set mediaType on an ObjectType
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application/xhtml+xml" ], # Set mediaType
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application/*" ], # Set mediaType
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application/octet-stream" ], # Set mediaType
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application/vnd.mspowerpoint" ], # Set mediaType
['name', ObjectType::class, "Bob" ], # Set name with a simple string
['name', ObjectType::class, null ], # Set name with a null value
['name', ObjectType::class, "" ], # Set name with an empty string
['name', ObjectType::class, "Bob 123 !:.,\\/" ], # Set name with words, digits and special characters
['name', ObjectType::class, "Bob ;§&~|=[][]*-+/%$^@#\"'" ], # Set name with words, digits and special characters
['name', Link::class, "Bob ;§&~|=[][]*-+/%$^@#\"'" ], # Set name with words, digits and special characters on a Link
['nameMap', Link::class, [
"en" => "Bob ;§&~|=[][]*-+/%$^@#\"\'",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla",
"zh-Hans" => "一段简单的笔记"
] ], # Set nameMap with words, digits and special characters on a Link
['next', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Next Page",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set next as a Link
['next', CollectionPage::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=2' ], # Set next as a URL
['next', CollectionPage::class, new CollectionPage() ], # Set next as a CollectionPage
['object', Activity::class, "http://example.org/object" ], # Set object as URL
['object', Relationship::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set object as Link
['object', Activity::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set object as ObjectType
['object', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "A simple note",
"content" => "A simple note"
] ], # Set object as a collection of object
['object', Activity::class,
'tag:my.example.org,2019-02-19:objectId=881223083:objectType=Status' ], # Set object as OStatus tag
['oneOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option B"
] ], # Set oneOf choices
['orderedItems', Collection::class, [] ], # Set orderedItems as an empty array
['orderedItems', OrderedCollection::class, $link ], # Set orderedItems as a link
['orderedItems', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Reminder for Going-Away Party"
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Meeting 2016-11-17"
] ], # Set orderedItems as a list, JSON encoded
['orderedItems', OrderedCollection::class, [$note, $note] ], # Set orderedItems as a list, Array encoded
['origin', Activity::class, "http://example.org/origin" ], # Set origin as URL
['origin', Like::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set origin as Link
['origin', Create::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set origin as ObjectType
['outbox', Person::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set outbox as an OrderedCollection
['outbox', Application::class, new OrderedCollectionPage() ], # Set outbox as an OrderedCollectionPage
['partOf', CollectionPage::class, "http://example.org/collection" ], # Set partOf as URL
['partOf', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set partOf as Link
['partOf', CollectionPage::class, new Collection() ], # Set partOf as Collection
['preview', Link::class, "http://example.org/collection" ], # Set preview as URL
['preview', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set preview as Link
['preview', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set preview as ObjectType
['preferredUsername', Person::class, "My Name" ], # Set preferredUsername as a string
['prev', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Prev Page",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection?page=1"
] ], # Set prev as a Link
['prev', CollectionPage::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=1' ], # Set prev as a URL
['prev', CollectionPage::class, new CollectionPage() ], # Set prev as a CollectionPage
['published', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set published as a Datetime (UTC)
['published', ObjectType::class, '2015-01-31T06:00:00-08:00' ], # Set published as a Datetime (TZ)
['radius', Place::class, 0 ], # Set radius as an integer
['radius', Place::class, 42 ], # Set radius as an integer
['radius', Place::class, 42.6 ], # Set radius as a float number
['rel', Link::class, ["canonical", "preview"] ], # Set rel as an array
['rel', Link::class, "alternate" ], # Set rel as a string
['replies', ObjectType::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=1' ], # Set replies as a URL
['replies', ObjectType::class, new Collection() ], # Set replies as a Collection
['replies', ObjectType::class, $link ], # Set replies as a Link
['replies', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Collection of replies",
"href" => "http://example.org/replies"
] ], # Set replies as a Link
['result', Activity::class, "http://example.org/result" ], # Set result as URL
['result', Like::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set result as Link
['result', Create::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set result as ObjectType
['source', ObjectType::class, [
"content" => "I *really* like strawberries!",
"mediaType" => "text/markdown"
] ], # Set source as a string object
['source', Note::class, [
"content" => "I *really* like strawberries!",
"mediaType" => "text/markdown"
] ], # Set source as an array
['startIndex', OrderedCollectionPage::class, 0 ], # Set startIndex as 0
['startIndex', OrderedCollectionPage::class, 42 ], # Set startIndex as 42
['startTime', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set startTime as a Datetime (UTC)
['startTime', ObjectType::class, '2015-01-31T06:00:00-08:00' ], # Set startTime as a Datetime (TZ)
['streams', Application::class, [] ], # Set streams as array (@todo should be better implemented, an array of Collection)
['subject', Relationship::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=1'], # Set subject as a URL
['subject', Relationship::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set subject as a ObjectType
['subject', Relationship::class, $link ], # Set subject as a Link
['subject', Relationship::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Collection of subject",
"href" => "http://example.org/subject"
] ], # Set subject as a Link
['summary', Application::class, 'A simple note' ], # Set summary as a string
['summaryMap', Application::class, [
"en" => "A simple note",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla",
"zh-Hans" => "一段简单的笔记"
] ], # Set summaryMap as a map
['tag', Note::class, [
"type" => "Image",
"url" => "http://example.org/tag"
] ], # Set tag with an ObjectType
['tag', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/tag"
] ], # Set tag with an Link
['tag', Note::class, ["http://example.org/tag"] ], # Set tag with an indirect reference
['tag', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Object",
"url" => "http://example.org/tag"
] ], # Set tag
['target', Activity::class, 'https://example.com/bob' ], # Set target as URL
['target', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://sally.example.org",
"summary" => "Sally"
] ], # Set target as an target type, JSON encoded
['target', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://sally.example.org",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set target as multiple targets, JSON encoded
['to', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Bob",
"url" => "http://bob.example.org"
] ], # Set to with an array of mixed URL and persons
['to', Offer::class, [] ], # Set to with an empty array
['totalItems', Collection::class, 0 ], # Set totalItems as 0
['totalItems', Collection::class, 42 ], # Set totalItems as 42
['type', Person::class, "Person" ], # Set type as a string
['units', Place::class, 'miles' ], # Set units as a basic units
['units', Place::class, 'http://example.org/my-units' ], # Set units as a xsd:anyURI
['updated', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set updated as a Datetime (UTC)
['updated', ObjectType::class, '2015-01-31T06:00:00-08:00' ], # Set updated as a Datetime (TZ)
['url', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/url"
] ], # Set url as Link
['url', Note::class, [[
"type"=> "Link",
"href"=> "http://example.org/url"
"http://example.org/4q-sales-forecast.pdf"] ], # Set url as an array of Link and URL
['url', Document::class, 'http://example.org/4q-sales-forecast.pdf' ], # Set url as a URL
['width', Link::class, 42 ], # Set width
['id', ObjectType::class, "http://sally.example.org" ], # Set an id
* Exception scenarios provider
public function getExceptionScenarios()
# TypeClass, property, value
return [
['actor', Activity::class, 'https:/example.com/bob' ], # Set actor as malformed URL
['actor', Activity::class, 'bob' ], # Set actor as not allowed string
['actor', Activity::class, 42 ], # Set actor as not allowed type
['actor', Activity::class, [] ], # Set actor as a JSON malformed string
['actor', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set actor as multiple actors, JSON encoded, invalid id
['actor', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://joe.example.org",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set actor as multiple actors, JSON encoded, invalid indirect link
['accuracy', Place::class, -10 ], # Set accuracy with a negative int
['accuracy', Place::class, -0.0000001 ], # Set accuracy with a negative float
['accuracy', Place::class, 'A0.0000001' ], # Set accuracy with a non numeric value
['accuracy', Place::class, 100.000001 ], # Set accuracy with a float value out of range
['altitude', Place::class, '100' ], # Set altitude with a fake int value
['altitude', Place::class, '100.5' ], # Set altitude with a text value
['altitude', Place::class, 'hello' ], # Set altitude with a text value
['altitude', Place::class, [] ], # Set altitude with an array
['anyOf', Place::class, [] ], # Set anyOf for an inappropriate type
['anyOf', Question::class, [] ], # Set anyOf with an array
['anyOf', Question::class, '.' ], # Set anyOf with a string
['anyOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option B"
] ], # Set anyOf with malformed choices
['anyOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
"name" => "Option B"
] ], # Set anyOf with malformed choices
['anyOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
] ], # Set anyOf with malformed choices
['anyOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
"type" => "Note",
"name" => ["Option B"]
] ], # Set anyOf with malformed choices
['attachment', Note::class, [
new \StdClass
] ], # Set attachment with a PHP basic object
['attachment', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"content" => "This is what he looks like.",
] ], # Set attachment with a missing reference
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person"
] ], # Set attributedTo with a missing attribute (Array)
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set attributedTo with a single malformed type
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Link",
] ], # Set attributedTo with a malformed Link
['attributedTo', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person",
] ], # Set attributedTo with an array of mixed URL and persons (malformed)
['audience', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person"
] ], # Set audience with a missing attribute (Array)
['audience', Image::class, [
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set audience with a single malformed type
['audience', Image::class, [
"type" => "Link"
] ], # Set audience with a malformed Link
['audience', Image::class, [
"type" => "Person",
] ], # Set audience with an array of mixed URL and persons (malformed)
['audience', Image::class, 42 ], # Set audience with an integer
['audience', Link::class, ["http://sally.example.org"] ], # Set audience with on a bad container (Link)
['bcc', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set bcc with an array of mixed URL and persons (missing url property)
['bcc', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"url" => "Not an URL"
] ], # Set bcc with an array of mixed URL and persons (URL property is not valid)
['bcc', Offer::class, ["Not a valid URL"] ], # Set bcc with malformed URL
['bto', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set bto with an array of mixed URL and persons (missing url property)
['bto', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"url" => "Not an URL"
] ], # Set bto with an array of mixed URL and persons (URL property is not valid)
['bto', Offer::class, ["Not a valid URL"] ], # Set bto with malformed URL
['cc', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set cc with an array of mixed URL and persons (missing url property)
['cc', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"url" => "Not an URL"
] ], # Set cc with an array of mixed URL and persons (URL property is not valid)
['cc', Offer::class, ["Not a valid URL"] ], # Set cc with malformed URL
['closed', Question::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set closed as a Datetime (malformed)
['closed', Question::class, '2016-05-32T00:00:00Z' ], # Set closed as a Datetime (malformed)
['closed', Question::class, 42 ], # Set closed as a integer
['closed', Question::class, 'ob.example.org' ], # Set closed as a URL (malformed)
['closed', Question::class, [
"type" => "BadType",
"name" => "Bob"
] ], # Set closed as a bad type
['closed', Question::class, ["type" => "Link"] ], # Set closed as a malformed Link
['closed', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set closed as a Datetime but on not allowed type
['content', Note::class, [] ], # Set a content as array
['contentMap', Note::class, [
"en" => "A simple note",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla",
1 => "一段简单的笔记"
] ], # Set a content map (bad key)
['contentMap', Note::class, [ "A simple note"] ], # Set a content map (bad key)
['contentMap', Note::class, 'A simple note' ], # Set a content map (bad format, string)
['contentMap', Note::class, 42 ], # Set a content map (bad format, integer)
['context', ObjectType::class, '1' ], # Set a number as context
['context', ObjectType::class, [] ], # Set an array as context
['context', ObjectType::class, [
"type" => "Link"
] ], # Set context as a malformed Link
['current', ObjectType::class, 'http://example.org/collection' ], # Set current as a URL for a class which is not a subclass of Collection
['current', Collection::class, 'http:/example.org/collection' ], # Set current as a malformed URL
['current', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Most Recent Items"
] ], # Set current as Link (malformed)
['current', Collection::class, 42 ], # Set current as a bad type value
['deleted', Tombstone::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set deleted as a bad Datetime
['deleted', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set deleted as a Datetime on a bad Type
['deleted', Tombstone::class, [] ], # Set deleted as an array
['deleted', Tombstone::class, 42 ], # Set deleted as an integer
['describes', Profile::class, 42 ], # Set describes as an integer
['describes', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set describes on a bad type
['duration', Link::class, 'PT2H' ], # Set duration on a bad type
['duration', ObjectType::class, 'P5DD' ], # Set duration as malformed short format
['duration', Activity::class, 'PY0M1DT3H2M12S' ], # Set duration as malformed format
['duration', Activity::class, new Link() ], # Set duration as unallowed format
['endTime', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set endTime as a bad Datetime
['endTime', Link::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set endTime on a bad type
['endTime', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set endTime as a bad type
['endpoints', Person::class, 'htt://sally.example.org/endpoints.json' ], # Set endpoints as a bad url
['endpoints', Person::class, 42 ], # Set endpoints with a bad type value
['endpoints', Activity::class,'http://sally.example.org/endpoints.json'], # Set endpoints on a bad type
['endpoints', Person::class, [
"proxyUrl" => "http://example.org/proxy.json",
"oauthAuthorizationEndpoint" => "http://example.org/oauth.json",
"oauthTokenEndpoint" => "http://example.org/oauth/token.json",
"provideClientKey" => "http://example.org/provide-client-key.json",
"signClientKey" => "htp://example.org/sign-client-key.json",
"sharedInbox" => "http://example.org/shared-inbox.json"
] ], # Set endpoints as a mapping with a malformed URL
['endpoints', Person::class, [["http://example.org/proxy.json"]] ], # Set endpoints as a mapping with a malformed key
['first', ObjectType::class, 'http://example.org/collection?page=0' ], # Set first as a URL for a class which is not a subclass of Collection
['first', Collection::class, 'http:/example.org/collection?page=0' ], # Set first as a malformed URL
['first', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"summary" => "First page"
] ], # Set first as Link (malformed)
['first', Collection::class, 42 ], # Set first as a bad type value
['followers', Activity::class, new Collection() ], # Set followers on a bad container (must be an actor)
['followers', Person::class, new Activity() ], # Set followers as a bad type (must be a Collection or an OrderedCollection)
['followers', Person::class, 'http:/example.org/followers' ], # Set followers as a malformed URL
['following', Activity::class, new Collection() ], # Set following on a bad container (must be an actor)
['following', Person::class, new Activity() ], # Set following as a bad type (must be a Collection or an OrderedCollection)
['following', Person::class, 'http:/example.org/following' ], # Set following as a malformed URL
['formerType', Tombstone::class, 'PoorString' ], # Set formerType as a string
['formerType', ObjectType::class, ["type" => "Person"] ], # Set formerType on a bad Type
['formerType', Tombstone::class, 42 ], # Set formerType as an integer
['generator', Note::class, ["type" => "Activity"] ], # Set generator as an activity
['generator', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10T00:00:00Z' ], # Set generator as a Datetime on a bad Type
['generator', Tombstone::class, 42 ], # Set generator as an integer
['generator', Link::class, 'http://example.org/generator' ], # Set generator on a bad type
['generator', ObjectType::class, 'htp://example.org/generator' ], # Set generator with a bad URL
['generator', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "htp://example.org/generator"
] ], # Set generator as a malformed Link
['height', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set height on a bad type
['height', Link::class, 42.5 ], # Set height with a bad type
['height', Link::class, 'cat' ], # Set height with a bad type
['height', Link::class, -42 ], # Set height with an out of range value
['href', ObjectType::class, "http://example.org/generator" ], # Set href on a bad type
['href', Link::class, "htp://example.org/generator" ], # Set href with a bad URL
['href', Link::class, new Activity() ], # Set href with a bad type
['hreflang', Link::class, "i-navajoK" ], # Set hreflang bad irregular
['hreflang', Activity::class, "en-GB" ], # Set hreflang on a bad type
['icon', Note::class, [
"type" => "Imag",
"name" => "Note icon",
"url" => "http://example.org/note.png",
"width"=> 16,
"height"=> 16
] ], # Set icon as a bad type
['icon', Note::class, [
"type" => "Imag",
"summary" => "Note (16x16)",
"url" => "http://example.org/note1.png",
"width"=> 16,
"height"=> 16
"type" => "Image",
"summary" => "Note (32x32)",
"url" => "http://example.org/note2.png",
"width"=> 32,
"height"=> 32
] ], # Set icon as an array of Image's
['icon', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link"
] ], # Set icon as Link
['icon', Note::class, "htp://example.org/icon" ], # Set icon as a malformed URL
['icon', Note::class, [
"href" => "http://example.org/icon",
"href" => "htt://example.org/icon2"
] ], # Set icon as an array of string URL (malformed last one)
['id', Activity::class,
'tag:my.example.org,2019-02-19:object=881223083:objectType=Status' ], # Set id as a malformed OStatus tag
['image', Note::class, [
"type" => "Imag",
"name" => "Note image",
"url" => "http://example.org/note.png"
] ], # Set image as a bad type
['image', Note::class, [
"type" => "Imag",
"summary" => "Note image",
"url" => "http://example.org/note1.png"
"type" => "Image",
"summary" => "A cat",
"url" => "http://example.org/note2.png"
] ], # Set image as an array of Image's (bad type)
['image', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link"
] ], # Set image as Link (malformed)
['inbox', Person::class, "htp://example.org/name/inbox" ], # Set inbox as an URL (malformed)
['inbox', Activity::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set inbox on a bad type (Activity)
['inbox', Application::class, new CollectionPage() ], # Set inbox as a bad type (Must be an ordered Type)
['inbox', Application::class, 'string' ], # Set inbox as a bad type (Must be a valid object)
['inReplyTo', CollectionPage::class, [] ], # Set inReplyTo as a bad type
['inReplyTo', ObjectType::class, "htp://example.org" ], # Set inReplyTo as a bad URl value
['inReplyTo', Link::class, "http://example.org" ], # Set inReplyTo on a bad type (Link)
['instrument', Activity::class, 'https:/example.com/bob' ], # Set instrument as malformed URL
['instrument', Activity::class, 'bob' ], # Set instrument as not allowed string
['instrument', Activity::class, 42 ], # Set instrument as not allowed type
['instrument', Activity::class, [] ], # Set instrument as a JSON malformed string
['instrument', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set instrument as multiple instruments, JSON encoded, invalid id
['instrument', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://joe.example.org",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set instrument as multiple instruments, JSON encoded, invalid indirect link
['items', Collection::class, 42 ], # Set items as an integer (bad type)
['items', Activity::class, "A string collection" ], # Set items as a string (bad type)
['items', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/items"
] ], # Set items on a bad type
['items', Collection::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "It\'s a note"
] ], # Set items as a bad type (must be a list)
['items', Collection::class, [[
"name" => "It\'s a note"
]] ], # Set items as a malformed list (Item has no type)
['last', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "last Page",
"href" => "htp://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set last on a bad type
['last', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "last Page",
"href" => "htp://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set last as a malformed Link
['last', CollectionPage::class, 'htp://example.org/collection?page=2' ], # Set last as a malformed URL
['last', CollectionPage::class, new Collection() ], # Set last as a bad type
['latitude', Place::class, -142 ], # Set latitude as an out of range value
['latitude', Place::class, 'Bad Type' ], # Set latitude as a bad type
['latitude', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set latitude on a bad type
['liked', Activity::class, new Collection() ], # Set liked on a bad container (must be an actor)
['liked', Person::class, new Activity() ], # Set liked as a bad type (must be a Collection or an OrderedCollection)
['liked', Person::class, 'http:/example.org/liked' ], # Set liked as a malformed URL
['location', Link::class, "http://example.org/location" ], # Set location on a bad type
['location', ObjectType::class, "htp://example.org/location" ], # Set location with a malformed URL
['longitude', Place::class, -182 ], # Set longitude as an out of range value
['longitude', Place::class, 'Bad Type' ], # Set longitude as a bad type
['longitude', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set longitude on a bad type
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application/audio-*" ], # Set mediaType
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application.octet-stream" ], # Set mediaType
['mediaType', ObjectType::class, "application+vnd.mspowerpoint" ], # Set mediaType
['name', Link::class, "Bob " ], # Set name with illegal characters (HTML)
['name', ObjectType::class, "Bob " ], # Set name with illegal characters (HTML)
['nameMap', Link::class, [
"en" => "Bob ;§&~|=[][]*-+/%$^@#\"\'",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla",
"zh-Hans" => ""
] ], # Set nameMap with an illegal string (HTML)
['nameMap', Link::class, [
"abcdefghijkl" => "Bob ;§&~|=[][]*-+/%$^@#\"\'",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla"
] ], # Set nameMap with an illegal key (Non valid BCP47)
['next', Collection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Next Page",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set next on a bad type
['next', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Next Page",
"href" => "htp://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set next as a malformed Link
['next', CollectionPage::class, 'htp://example.org/collection?page=2' ], # Set next as a malformed URL
['next', CollectionPage::class, new Collection() ], # Set next as a bad type
['next', CollectionPage::class, 42 ], # Set next as a bad type (int)
['object', ObjectType::class, 'http://example.org/object' ], # Set object on a bad type
['object', Relationship::class, [] ], # Set object as a bad type
['object', Relationship::class, 42 ], # Set object as a bad type (int)
['object', Activity::class, "htp://example.org" ], # Set object as a bad URL
['object', Relationship::class, [['key' => 'o']] ], # Set object as a bad list type
['object', Activity::class,
'tag:my.example.org,2019-02-19:object=881223083:objectType=Status' ], # Set object as a malformed OStatus tag
['oneOf', Place::class, [] ], # Set oneOf for an inappropriate type
['oneOf', Question::class, [] ], # Set oneOf with an array
['oneOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option B"
] ], # Set oneOf with malformed choices
['oneOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
"name" => "Option B"
] ], # Set oneOf with malformed choices
['oneOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
] ], # Set oneOf with malformed choices
['oneOf', Question::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "Option A"
"type" => "Note",
"name" => ["Option B"]
] ], # Set oneOf with malformed choices
['orderedItems', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href" => "http://example.org/orderedItems"
] ], # Set orderedItems on a bad type
['orderedItems', OrderedCollection::class, [
"type" => "Note",
"name" => "It's a note"
] ], # Set orderedItems as a bad type (must be a list)
['orderedItems', OrderedCollection::class, [[
"name" => "It's a note"
]] ], # Set orderedItems as a malformed list (Item has no type)
['origin', Collection::class, [] ], # Set origin on a bad type
['origin', Activity::class, "htp://example.org" ], # Set origin as a bad URL
['origin', Activity::class, 42 ], # Set origin as a bad type (int)
['outbox', Activity::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set outbox on a bad type (Activity)
['outbox', Application::class, new CollectionPage() ], # Set outbox as a bad type (Must be an ordered Type)
['outbox', Application::class, 'string' ], # Set outbox as a bad type (Must be a valid object)
['partOf', CollectionPage::class, "htp://example.org/collection" ], # Set partOf as a bad URL
['partOf', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Lin",
"href" => "http://example.org/image"
] ], # Set partOf as as bad Link
['partOf', Collection::class, new Collection() ], # Set partOf on a bad type
['partOf', CollectionPage::class, [] ], # Set partOf as a bad type
['preview', CollectionPage::class, [] ], # Set preview as a bad type
['preview', ObjectType::class, "htp://example.org" ], # Set preview as a bad URL
['preferredUsername', Activity::class, 'My name' ], # Set preferredUsername on a bad type (Activity)
['preferredUsername', Application::class, new OrderedCollection() ], # Set preferredUsername as a bad type (OrderedCollection)
['prev', Collection::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "prev Page",
"href" => "http://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set prev on a bad type
['prev', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "prev Page",
"href" => "htp://example.org/collection?page=2"
] ], # Set prev as a malformed Link
['prev', CollectionPage::class, 'htp://example.org/collection?page=2' ], # Set prev as a malformed URL
['prev', CollectionPage::class, new Collection() ], # Set prev as a bad type
['published', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set published as a bad Datetime
['published', Link::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set published on a bad type
['published', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set published as a bad type
['radius', Place::class, -182 ], # Set radius as an out of range value
['radius', Place::class, 'Bad Type' ], # Set radius as a bad type
['radius', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set radius on a bad type
['rel', Video::class, ["canonical", "preview"] ], # Set rel on a bad type
['rel', Link::class, new Note() ], # Set rel as a bad type
['rel', Link::class, "hello " ], # Set rel as an illegal chain " "
['rel', Link::class, "hello," ], # Set rel as an illegal chain ,
['rel', Link::class, "hello\n" ], # Set rel as an illegal chain \n
['rel', Link::class, "hello\r" ], # Set rel as an illegal chain \r
['replies', ObjectType::class, 'htp://example.org/collection?page=1' ], # Set replies as a bad URL
['replies', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set replies as a bad type
['replies', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set replies as a bad type (int)
['replies', Link::class, new Link() ], # Set replies on a bad type (Link)
['replies', CollectionPage::class, [
"type" => "Object",
"name" => "Collection of replies",
"href" => "http://example.org/replies"
] ], # Set prev as a text Object (bad format)
['result', Collection::class, [] ], # Set result on a bad type
['result', Activity::class, "htp://example.org" ], # Set result as a bad URL
['source', Link::class, [
"content" => "I *really* like strawberries!",
"mediaType" => "text/markdown"
] ], # Set source on a bad type
['source', ObjectType::class, [
"mediaType" => "text/markdown"
] ], # Set source with an incomplete object
['source', Note::class, [
"content" => "I *really* like strawberries!",
] ], # Set source with an incomplete object
['source', Note::class, 1 ], # Set source with a bad type (int)
['startIndex', ObjectType::class, 0 ], # Set startIndex on a bad type
['startIndex', OrderedCollectionPage::class, 42.5 ], # Set startIndex as a bad type
['startIndex', OrderedCollectionPage::class, -41 ], # Set startIndex as an out of range value
['startTime', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set startTime as a bad Datetime
['startTime', Link::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set startTime on a bad type
['startTime', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set startTime as a bad type
['streams', Application::class, 'collection' ], # Set streams as a bad type
['streams', ObjectType::class, [] ], # Set streams on a bad type (Must be an Actor)
['subject', Relationship::class, 'htp://example.org/collection?page=1' ], # Set subject as a bad URL
['subject', Relationship::class, new \StdClass() ], # Set subject as a bad type (object)
['subject', Relationship::class, 42 ], # Set subject as a bad type (int)
['subject', Person::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set subject on a bad type
['subject', Relationship::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"name" => "Collection of subject",
"href" => "htp://example.org/subject"
] ], # Set subject as a malformed Link
['summary', Link::class, 'A simple note' ], # Set summary on a bad type
['summary', ObjectType::class, new Note() ], # Set summary as a bad type
['summaryMap', Link::class, [
"en" => "A simple note",
"es" => "Una nota sencilla",
"zh-Hans" => "一段简单的笔记"
] ], # Set summaryMap on a bad type
['summaryMap', Note::class, 'A simple note' ], # Set summaryMap on a bad type
['tag', Note::class, [
"content" => "This is what he looks like.",
] ], # Set tag with a missing type
['tag', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"content" => "This is what he looks like.",
] ], # Set tag with a missing reference
['target', Activity::class, 'https:/example.com/bob' ], # Set target as malformed URL
['target', Activity::class, 'bob' ], # Set target as not allowed string
['target', Activity::class, 42 ], # Set target as not allowed type
['target', Activity::class, [] ], # Set target as a JSON malformed string
['target', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set target as multiple targets, JSON encoded, invalid id
['target', Activity::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"id" => "http://joe.example.org",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set target as multiple targets, JSON encoded, invalid indirect link
['to', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally"
] ], # Set to with an array of mixed URL and persons (missing url property)
['to', Offer::class, [
"type" => "Person",
"name" => "Sally",
"url" => "Not an URL"
] ], # Set to with an array of mixed URL and persons (URL property is not valid)
['to', Offer::class, ["Not a valid URL"] ], # Set to with malformed URL
['totalItems', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set totalItems on a bad type
['totalItems', Collection::class, 42.5 ], # Set totalItems with a bad type
['totalItems', Collection::class, 'cat' ], # Set totalItems with a bad type
['totalItems', Collection::class, -42 ], # Set totalItems with an out of range value
['type', ObjectType::class, "" ], # Set type as an empty string
['type', ObjectType::class, null ], # Set type as a null value
['type', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set type as an integer
['type', ObjectType::class, [] ], # Set type as an array
['units', Place::class, 'mile' ], # Set units as a bad units
['units', Place::class, 'htp://example.org/my-units' ], # Set units as a bad xsd:anyURI
['units', ObjectType::class, 'miles' ], # Set units on a bad type
['updated', ObjectType::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set updated as a bad Datetime
['updated', Link::class, '2016-05-10 00:00:00Z' ], # Set updated on a bad type
['updated', ObjectType::class, new ObjectType() ], # Set updated as a bad type
['url', Link::class, 'http://example.org/4q-sales-forecast.pdf' ], # Set url on a bad type
['url', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link"
] ], # Set url as malformed Link
['url', Note::class, [
"type" => "Link",
"href"=> "htp://example.org/url"
] ], # Set url as malformed Link
['url', Note::class, [[
"type"=> "Link",
"href"=> "http://example.org/url"
"htp://example.org/4q-sales-forecast.pdf"] ], # Set url as an array of Link and URL (malformed URL)
['url', Document::class, 'http:/example.org/4q-sales-forecast.pdf' ], # Set url as a malformed URL
['width', ObjectType::class, 42 ], # Set width on a bad type
['width', Link::class, 42.5 ], # Set width with a bad type
['width', Link::class, 'cat' ], # Set width with a bad type
['width', Link::class, -42 ], # Set width with an out of range value
['id', ObjectType::class, '1' ], # Set a number as id (should pass @todo type resolver)
['id', ObjectType::class, [] ], # Set an array as id
* Check that all core objects have a correct type property.
* It checks that getter is working well too.
* @dataProvider getValidAttributesScenarios
public function testValidAttributesScenarios($attr, $type, $value)
$object = new $type();
$object->{$attr} = $value;
// Cast $value
if (is_array($value)) {
if (isset($value['type'])) {
$value = Type::create($value);
} elseif (is_int(key($value))) {
$value = array_map(function($value) {
return is_array($value) && isset($value['type'])
? Type::create($value)
: $value;
} else {
//$this->{$name} = $value;
$this->assertEquals($value, $object->{$attr});
* @dataProvider getExceptionScenarios
public function testExceptionScenarios($attr, $type, $value)
$object = new $type();
$object->{$attr} = $value;
* Validator validate() method MUST receive an object as third
* parameter
public function testValidatorValidateContainer()
Validator::validate('property', 'value', 'NotAnObject');
* Validator add method MUST receive an object that implements
* \ActivityPhp\Type\ValidatorInterface interface
public function testValidatorAddNotValidCustomValidator()
Validator::add('custom', new class {
public function validate($value): bool {
return true;