* * * Licensed under MIT license. */ namespace Ahc\Cli\IO; use Ahc\Cli\Input\Reader; use Ahc\Cli\Output\Writer; use Throwable; use function array_keys; use function array_map; use function count; use function explode; use function func_get_args; use function in_array; use function is_string; use function ltrim; use function max; use function method_exists; use function range; use function str_pad; use function str_replace; use function strtolower; /** * Cli Interactor. * * @author Jitendra Adhikari * @license MIT * * @link https://github.com/adhocore/cli * * @method Writer bgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer black($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blackBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer blueBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer bold($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlackBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldBlueBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldCyanBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldGreenBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldPurpleBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldRedBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldWhiteBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer boldYellowBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer colors($text) * @method Writer comment($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer cyanBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer eol(int $n = 1) * @method Writer error($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer green($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer greenBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer info($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer ok($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer purpleBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer red($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgWhite($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer redBgYellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer table(array $rows, array $styles = []) * @method Writer warn($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer white($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellow($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgBlack($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgBlue($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgCyan($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgGreen($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgPurple($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgRed($text, $eol = false) * @method Writer yellowBgWhite($text, $eol = false) */ class Interactor { protected Reader $reader; protected Writer $writer; /** * Constructor. * * @param string|null $input Input stream path. * @param string|null $output Output steam path. */ public function __construct(string $input = null, string $output = null) { $this->reader = new Reader($input); $this->writer = new Writer($output); } /** * Get reader. * * @return Reader */ public function reader(): Reader { return $this->reader; } /** * Get writer. * * @return Writer */ public function writer(): Writer { return $this->writer; } /** * Confirms if user agrees to prompt as indicated by given text. * * @param string $text Eg: `Are you sure?` * @param string $default One of `y|n` * * @return bool */ public function confirm(string $text, string $default = 'y'): bool { $choice = $this->choice($text, ['y', 'n'], $default, false); return strtolower($choice[0] ?? $default) === 'y'; } /** * Let user make a choice out of available choices. * * @param string $text Prompt text. * @param array $choices Possible choices for user. * @param mixed $default Default value- if not chosen or invalid. * @param bool $case If user input should be case sensitive. * * @return mixed User input or default. */ public function choice(string $text, array $choices, $default = null, bool $case = false): mixed { $this->writer->yellow($text); $this->listOptions($choices, $default, false); $choice = $this->reader->read($default); return $this->isValidChoice($choice, $choices, $case) ? $choice : $default; } /** * Let user make multiple choices out of available choices. * * @param string $text Prompt text. * @param array $choices Possible choices for user. * @param mixed $default Default value- if not chosen or invalid. * @param bool $case If user input should be case sensitive. * * @return mixed User input or default. */ public function choices(string $text, array $choices, $default = null, bool $case = false): mixed { $this->writer->yellow($text); $this->listOptions($choices, $default, true); $choice = $this->reader->read($default); if (is_string($choice)) { $choice = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $choice)); } $valid = []; foreach ($choice as $option) { if ($this->isValidChoice($option, $choices, $case)) { $valid[] = $option; } } return $valid ?: (array) $default; } /** * Prompt user for free input. * * @param string $text Prompt text. * @param mixed $default * @param callable|null $fn The sanitizer/validator for user input * Any exception message is printed and prompted again. * @param int $retry How many more times to retry on failure. * * @return mixed */ public function prompt(string $text, $default = null, callable $fn = null, int $retry = 3): mixed { $error = 'Invalid value. Please try again!'; $hidden = func_get_args()[4] ?? false; $readFn = ['read', 'readHidden'][(int) $hidden]; $this->writer->yellow($text)->comment(null !== $default ? " [$default]: " : ': '); try { $input = $this->reader->{$readFn}($default, $fn); } catch (Throwable $e) { $input = ''; $error = $e->getMessage(); } if ($retry > 0 && $input === '') { $this->writer->bgRed($error, true); return $this->prompt($text, $default, $fn, $retry - 1, $hidden); } return $input ?? $default; } /** * Prompt user for secret input like password. Currently for unix only. * * @param string $text Prompt text. * @param callable|null $fn The sanitizer/validator for user input * Any exception message is printed as error. * @param int $retry How many more times to retry on failure. * * @return mixed */ public function promptHidden(string $text, callable $fn = null, int $retry = 3): mixed { return $this->prompt($text, null, $fn, $retry, true); } /** * Show choices list. * * @param array $choices Available choices. * @param mixed $default * @param bool $multi Indicates multiple choices. * * @return self */ protected function listOptions(array $choices, $default = null, bool $multi = false): self { if (!$this->isAssocChoice($choices)) { return $this->promptOptions($choices, $default); } $maxLen = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($choices))); foreach ($choices as $choice => $desc) { $this->writer->eol()->cyan(str_pad(" [$choice]", $maxLen + 6))->comment($desc); } $label = $multi ? 'Choices (comma separated)' : 'Choice'; $this->writer->eol()->yellow($label); return $this->promptOptions(array_keys($choices), $default); } /** * Show prompt with possible options. */ protected function promptOptions(array $choices, mixed $default): self { $options = ''; foreach ($choices as $choice) { $style = in_array($choice, (array) $default) ? 'boldCyan' : 'cyan'; $options .= "/<$style>$choice"; } $options = ltrim($options, '/'); $this->writer->colors(" ($options): "); return $this; } /** * Check if user choice is one of possible choices. */ protected function isValidChoice(string $choice, array $choices, bool $case): bool { if ($this->isAssocChoice($choices)) { $choices = array_keys($choices); } $fn = ['\strcasecmp', '\strcmp'][(int) $case]; foreach ($choices as $option) { if ($fn($choice, $option) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the choices array is associative. */ protected function isAssocChoice(array $array): bool { return !empty($array) && array_keys($array) != range(0, count($array) - 1); } /** * Channel method calls to reader/writer. */ public function __call(string $method, array $arguments) { if (method_exists($this->reader, $method)) { return $this->reader->{$method}(...$arguments); } return $this->writer->{$method}(...$arguments); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTE4Mzc0MDUzNDI0OTUwIDQ2MDA0NDY1NzgwNDM1NTQgNDc4MTMyNDkxMTU2MjY2Mg==