* @license MIT * * @link https://github.com/adhocore/cli */ class Command extends Parser implements Groupable { use InflectsString; protected $_action = null; protected string $_group; protected string $_version = ''; protected string $_usage = ''; protected ?string $_alias = null; private array $_events = []; private bool $_argVariadic = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $name * @param string $desc * @param bool $allowUnknown * @param App $app */ public function __construct( protected string $_name, protected string $_desc = '', protected bool $_allowUnknown = false, protected ?App $_app = null, ) { $this->defaults(); $this->inGroup(str_contains($_name, ':') ? strstr($_name, ':', true) : ''); } /** * Sets default options, actions and exit handler. */ protected function defaults(): self { $this->option('-h, --help', 'Show help')->on([$this, 'showHelp']); $this->option('-V, --version', 'Show version')->on([$this, 'showVersion']); $this->option('-v, --verbosity', 'Verbosity level', null, 0)->on( fn () => $this->set('verbosity', ($this->verbosity ?? 0) + 1) && false ); $this->onExit(static fn ($exitCode = 0) => exit($exitCode)); return $this; } /** * Sets version. */ public function version(string $version): self { $this->_version = $version; return $this; } /** * Gets command name. */ public function name(): string { return $this->_name; } /** * Gets command description. */ public function desc(): string { return $this->_desc; } /** * Sets command group. */ public function inGroup(string $group): self { $this->_group = $group; return $this; } /** * Gets command group. */ public function group(): string { return $this->_group; } /** * Get the app this command belongs to. */ public function app(): ?App { return $this->_app; } /** * Bind command to the app. */ public function bind(App $app = null): self { $this->_app = $app; return $this; } /** * Registers argument definitions (all at once). Only last one can be variadic. */ public function arguments(string $definitions): self { $definitions = explode(' ', $definitions); foreach ($definitions as $raw) { $this->argument($raw); } return $this; } /** * Register an argument. */ public function argument(string $raw, string $desc = '', $default = null): self { $argument = new Argument($raw, $desc, $default); if ($this->_argVariadic) { throw new InvalidParameterException('Only last argument can be variadic'); } if ($argument->variadic()) { $this->_argVariadic = true; } $this->register($argument); return $this; } /** * Registers new option. */ public function option(string $raw, string $desc = '', callable $filter = null, $default = null): self { $option = new Option($raw, $desc, $default, $filter); $this->register($option); return $this; } /** * Gets user options (i.e without defaults). */ public function userOptions(): array { $options = $this->allOptions(); unset($options['help'], $options['version'], $options['verbosity']); return $options; } /** * Gets or sets usage info. * * @param string|null $usage * * @return string|self */ public function usage(string $usage = null) { if (func_num_args() === 0) { return $this->_usage; } $this->_usage = $usage; return $this; } /** * Gets or sets alias. * * @param string|null $alias * * @return string|self */ public function alias(string $alias = null) { if (func_num_args() === 0) { return $this->_alias; } $this->_alias = $alias; return $this; } /** * Sets event handler for last (or given) option. */ public function on(callable $fn, string $option = null): self { $names = array_keys($this->allOptions()); $this->_events[$option ?? end($names)] = $fn; return $this; } /** * Register exit handler. */ public function onExit(callable $fn): self { $this->_events['_exit'] = $fn; return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function handleUnknown(string $arg, string $value = null): mixed { if ($this->_allowUnknown) { return $this->set($this->toCamelCase($arg), $value); } $values = array_filter($this->values(false)); // Has some value, error! if ($values) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('Option "%s" not registered', $arg) ); } // Has no value, show help! return $this->showHelp(); } /** * Shows command help then aborts. */ public function showHelp(): mixed { $io = $this->io(); $helper = new OutputHelper($io->writer()); $io->bold("Command {$this->_name}, version {$this->_version}", true)->eol(); $io->comment($this->_desc, true)->eol(); $io->bold('Usage: ')->yellow("{$this->_name} [OPTIONS...] [ARGUMENTS...]", true); $helper ->showArgumentsHelp($this->allArguments()) ->showOptionsHelp($this->allOptions(), '', 'Legend: [optional] variadic...'); if ($this->_usage) { $helper->showUsage($this->_usage); } return $this->emit('_exit', 0); } /** * Shows command version then aborts. */ public function showVersion(): mixed { $this->writer()->bold($this->_version, true); return $this->emit('_exit', 0); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function emit(string $event, $value = null): mixed { if (empty($this->_events[$event])) { return null; } return ($this->_events[$event])($value); } /** * Tap return given object or if that is null then app instance. This aids for chaining. */ public function tap(object $object = null) { return $object ?? $this->_app; } /** * Performs user interaction if required to set some missing values. */ public function interact(Interactor $io): void { // Subclasses will do the needful. } /** * Get or set command action. * * @param callable|null $action If provided it is set * * @return callable|self If $action provided then self, otherwise the preset action. */ public function action(callable $action = null) { if (func_num_args() === 0) { return $this->_action; } $this->_action = $action instanceof Closure ? Closure::bind($action, $this) : $action; return $this; } /** * Get a writer instance. */ protected function writer(): Writer { return $this->_app ? $this->_app->io()->writer() : new Writer; } /** * Get IO instance. */ protected function io(): Interactor { return $this->_app ? $this->_app->io() : new Interactor; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----ODQ1ODAzNDE1NTY5MTM0MyA4NTgwNzAwNDMwNzQ5MjY2IDMxMTkxNTkyOTQxMzI3ODc=