* * * Licensed under MIT license. */ namespace Ahc\Cli\Input; use function array_filter; use function fgets; use function fopen; use function implode; use function rtrim; use function shell_exec; use function stream_get_contents; use function stream_select; use const DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; use const PHP_EOL; use const STDIN; /** * Cli Reader. * * @author Jitendra Adhikari * @license MIT * * @link https://github.com/adhocore/cli */ class Reader { /** @var resource Input file handle */ protected $stream; /** * Constructor. * * @param string|null $path Read path. Defaults to STDIN. */ public function __construct(string $path = null) { $this->stream = $path ? fopen($path, 'r') : STDIN; } /** * Read a line from configured stream (or terminal). * * @param mixed $default The default value. * @param callable|null $fn The validator/sanitizer callback. * * @return mixed */ public function read($default = null, callable $fn = null): mixed { $in = rtrim(fgets($this->stream), "\r\n"); if ('' === $in && null !== $default) { return $default; } return $fn ? $fn($in) : $in; } /** * Same like read but it reads all the lines. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param callable|null $fn The validator/sanitizer callback. * * @return string */ public function readAll(callable $fn = null): string { $in = stream_get_contents($this->stream); return $fn ? $fn($in) : $in; } /** * Read content piped to the stream without waiting. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param callable|null $fn The callback to execute if stream is empty. * * @return string */ public function readPiped(callable $fn = null): string { $stdin = ''; $read = [$this->stream]; $write = []; $exept = []; if (stream_select($read, $write, $exept, 0) === 1) { while ($line = fgets($this->stream)) { $stdin .= $line; } } if ('' === $stdin) { return $fn ? $fn($this) : ''; } return $stdin; } /** * Read a line from configured stream (or terminal) but don't echo it back. * * @param callable|null $fn The validator/sanitizer callback. * * @return mixed */ public function readHidden($default = null, callable $fn = null): mixed { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { return $this->readHiddenWinOS($default, $fn); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd defined('RUNNING_TEST') || shell_exec('stty -echo'); $in = $this->read($default, $fn); defined('RUNNING_TEST') || shell_exec('stty echo'); echo PHP_EOL; return $in; } /** * Read a line from configured stream (or terminal) but don't echo it back. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param callable|null $fn The validator/sanitizer callback. * * @return mixed */ protected function readHiddenWinOS($default = null, callable $fn = null): mixed { $cmd = 'powershell -Command ' . implode('; ', array_filter([ '$pword = Read-Host -AsSecureString', '$pword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword)', '$pword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($pword)', 'echo $pword', ])); $in = rtrim(shell_exec($cmd), "\r\n"); if ('' === $in && null !== $default) { return $default; } return $fn ? $fn($in) : $in; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MjA4NjEyOTUxODc1MjEwMiA5ODI5NzEwOTQ1ODY0OTMgMzg3MDQ2ODcwNTI0OTk1Ng==