* * * Licensed under MIT license. */ namespace Ahc\Cli\Output; use Ahc\Cli\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use function array_intersect_key; use function constant; use function defined; use function lcfirst; use function method_exists; use function preg_match_all; use function sprintf; use function str_ireplace; use function str_replace; use function stripos; use function strtolower; use function strtoupper; use function strtr; use const PHP_EOL; /** * Cli Colorizer. * * @author Jitendra Adhikari * @license MIT * * @link static https://github.com/adhocore/cli */ class Color { const BLACK = 30; const RED = 31; const GREEN = 32; const YELLOW = 33; const BLUE = 34; const PURPLE = 35; const CYAN = 36; const WHITE = 37; const GRAY = 47; const DARKGRAY = 100; protected string $format = "\033[:mod:;:fg:;:bg:m:txt:\033[0m"; /** @var array Custom styles */ protected static array $styles = []; /** * Returns a line formatted as comment. */ public function comment(string $text, array $style = []): string { return $this->line($text, ['mod' => 2] + $style); } /** * Returns a line formatted as comment. */ public function error(string $text, array $style = []): string { return $this->line($text, ['fg' => static::RED] + $style); } /** * Returns a line formatted as ok msg. */ public function ok(string $text, array $style = []): string { return $this->line($text, ['fg' => static::GREEN] + $style); } /** * Returns a line formatted as warning. */ public function warn(string $text, array $style = []): string { return $this->line($text, ['fg' => static::YELLOW] + $style); } /** * Returns a line formatted as info. */ public function info(string $text, array $style = []): string { return $this->line($text, ['fg' => static::BLUE] + $style); } /** * Returns a formatted/colored line. */ public function line(string $text, array $style = []): string { $style += ['bg' => null, 'fg' => static::WHITE, 'bold' => 0, 'mod' => null]; $format = $style['bg'] === null ? str_replace(';:bg:', '', $this->format) : $this->format; $line = strtr($format, [ ':mod:' => (int) ($style['mod'] ?? $style['bold']), ':fg:' => (int) $style['fg'], ':bg:' => (int) $style['bg'] + 10, ':txt:' => $text, ]); return $line; } /** * Prepare a multi colored string with html like tags. * * Example: "TextText" */ public function colors(string $text): string { $text = str_replace(['', '', '', "\r\n", "\n"], '__PHP_EOL__', $text); if (!preg_match_all('/<(\w+)>(.*?)<\/end>/', $text, $matches)) { return str_replace('__PHP_EOL__', PHP_EOL, $text); } $end = "\033[0m"; $text = str_replace(['', ''], $end, $text); foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $method) { $part = str_replace($end, '', $this->{$method}('')); $text = str_replace("<$method>", $part, $text); } return str_replace('__PHP_EOL__', PHP_EOL, $text); } /** * Register a custom style. * * @param string $name Example: 'alert' * @param array $style Example: ['fg' => Color::RED, 'bg' => Color::YELLOW, 'bold' => 1] * * @return void */ public static function style(string $name, array $style): void { $allow = ['fg' => true, 'bg' => true, 'bold' => true]; $style = array_intersect_key($style, $allow); if (empty($style)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Trying to set empty or invalid style'); } if (isset(static::$styles[$name]) || method_exists(static::class, $name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Trying to define existing style'); } static::$styles[$name] = $style; } /** * Magically build styles. * * @param string $name Example: 'boldError', 'bgGreenBold' etc * @param array $arguments * * @return string */ public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): string { if (!isset($arguments[0])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Text required'); } [$name, $text, $style] = $this->parseCall($name, $arguments); if (isset(static::$styles[$name])) { return $this->line($text, $style + static::$styles[$name]); } if (defined($color = static::class . '::' . strtoupper($name))) { $name = 'line'; $style += ['fg' => constant($color)]; } if (!method_exists($this, $name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Style "%s" not defined', $name)); } return $this->{$name}($text, $style); } /** * Parse the name argument pairs to determine callable method and style params. */ protected function parseCall(string $name, array $arguments): array { [$text, $style] = $arguments + ['', []]; $mods = ['bold' => 1, 'dim' => 2, 'italic' => 3, 'underline' => 4, 'flash' => 5]; foreach ($mods as $mod => $value) { if (stripos($name, $mod) !== false) { $name = str_ireplace($mod, '', $name); $style += ['bold' => $value]; } } if (!preg_match_all('/([b|B|f|F]g)?([A-Z][a-z]+)([^A-Z])?/', $name, $matches)) { return [lcfirst($name) ?: 'line', $text, $style]; } [$name, $style] = $this->buildStyle($name, $style, $matches); return [$name, $text, $style]; } /** * Build style parameter from matching combination. */ protected function buildStyle(string $name, array $style, array $matches): array { foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match) { $name = str_replace($match, '', $name); $type = strtolower($matches[1][$i]) ?: 'fg'; if (defined($color = static::class . '::' . strtoupper($matches[2][$i]))) { $style += [$type => constant($color)]; } } return [lcfirst($name) ?: 'line', $style]; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MzQ0MzMwMDc0NTk3Nzk4NSA5NjM1MTYyMDY2MzE5ODM2IDc4ODYyNzcyNDYxNjk4MDM=