filePath = realpath($filePath); $this->lines = new Collection(); $this->readFile(); } /** * Return lines. * * @return array */ public function getLines() { return $this->lines->all(); } /** * Adds a line without checking if it already exists. * * @param $ip * @param $domain * @param string $aliases * * @return $this * @throws Exception */ public function addLine($ip, $domain, $aliases = []) { $this->lines->push(['ip' => trim($ip), 'domain' => trim($domain), 'aliases' => $aliases]); return $this; } /** * Removes old value and adds new line. * * @param $ip * @param $domain * @param array $aliases * * @return Processor */ public function set($ip, $domain, $aliases = []) { $this->removeLine($domain); if (! is_array($aliases)) { $aliases = [$aliases]; } return $this->addLine($ip, $domain, $aliases); } /** * @param $domain * * @return $this * @throws Exception */ public function removeLine($domain) { if (! filter_var($domain, FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\.]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?/']])) { throw new Exception(sprintf("'%s', is not a valid domain", $domain)); } $this->lines = $this->lines->reject(function ($item) use ($domain) { return $item['domain'] == $domain; }); return $this; } /** * Save the file. * * @param null $filePath */ public function save($filePath = null) { if (is_null($filePath)) { $filePath = $this->filePath; } $this->writeFile($filePath); } /** * Read the File. */ protected function readFile() { $file = fopen($this->filePath, 'r'); while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) { $this->parseLine($line); } fclose($file); } /** * Parse a line. * * @param $line */ protected function parseLine($line) { $matches = $this->explodeLine(trim($line)); if (isset($matches[1], $matches[2])) { $ip = $matches[1]; $domainLine = $this->explodeLine($matches[2]); if (isset($domainLine[1])) { $domain = $domainLine[1]; $aliases = isset($domainLine[2]) ? explode(' ', trim($domainLine[2])) : []; } else { $domain = $matches[2]; $aliases = []; } $this->addLine($ip, $domain, $aliases); } } /** * Explode entry by whitespace regex. * * @param $line * * @return mixed */ protected function explodeLine($line) { $line = preg_replace("/\#.+/", '', $line); preg_match("/^\s*?(.+?)\s+(.+?)$/i", $line, $matches); return $matches; } /** * Write lines to the file. * * @param $filePath * * @return $this * @throws Exception */ protected function writeFile($filePath) { if (is_file($filePath) && ! is_writable($filePath)) { throw new Exception(sprintf("File '%s' is not writable, run with sudo?", $filePath)); } $file = fopen($filePath, 'w'); foreach ($this->getLines() as $line) { $aliases = ''; if (count($line['aliases']) > 0) { $aliases = ' '.$aliases.implode(' ', $line['aliases']); } fwrite($file, $line['ip']."\t\t".$line['domain'].$aliases." \r\n"); } fclose($file); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTExMDUwNTI0NDgxNzE3MyA3NTQ1NTk5NzE0NzYwNzkzIDU0MTk1ODkxOTk2MDA2NDc=