'http', 'Username' => 'username', 'Password' => 'password', 'Userinfo' => 'username:password', 'Host' => 'hostname', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path', 'Query' => 'arg=value', 'Fragment' => 'anchor', 'Authority' => 'username:password@hostname' ] ], [ // #1 "http://username:password@hostname/path/path2?arg=value&arg2=value2#anchor", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => 'username', 'Password' => 'password', 'Userinfo' => 'username:password', 'Host' => 'hostname', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path/path2', 'Query' => 'arg=value&arg2=value2', 'Fragment' => 'anchor', 'Authority' => 'username:password@hostname' ] ], [ // #2 "http://hostname/path/path2?arg=value&arg2=value2#anchor", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'hostname', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path/path2', 'Query' => 'arg=value&arg2=value2', 'Fragment' => 'anchor', 'Authority' => 'hostname' ] ], [ // #3 "http://username@hostname/path/path2?arg=value&arg2=value2#anchor", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => 'username', 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => 'username', 'Host' => 'hostname', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path/path2', 'Query' => 'arg=value&arg2=value2', 'Fragment' => 'anchor', 'Authority' => 'username@hostname' ] ], [ // #4 "http://email@host.com.br:password@hostname/path/path2?arg=value&arg2=value2#anchor", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => 'email@host.com.br', 'Password' => 'password', 'Userinfo' => 'email@host.com.br:password', 'Host' => 'hostname', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path/path2', 'Query' => 'arg=value&arg2=value2', 'Fragment' => 'anchor', 'Authority' => 'email@host.com.br:password@hostname' ] ], [ // #5 "file:///home/user/file.txt", [ 'Scheme' => 'file', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/home/user/file.txt', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #6 "sqlite:///home/user/file.txt", [ 'Scheme' => 'sqlite', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/home/user/file.txt', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #7 "https://hostname.com:443", [ 'Scheme' => 'https', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Port' => 443, 'Host' => 'hostname.com', 'Path' => null, 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'hostname.com:443' ] ], [ // #8 "http://hostname.com/#anchor", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'hostname.com', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => 'anchor', 'Authority' => 'hostname.com' ] ], [ // #9 "mysql://root:password@host-10.com:3306/database?extraparam=10", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => 'root', 'Password' => 'password', 'Userinfo' => 'root:password', 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => 'extraparam=10', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'root:password@host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #10 "mysql://ro@11!%&*(ot:pass@(*&!$$word@host-10.com:3306/database?extraparam=10", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => 'ro@11!%&*(ot', 'Password' => 'pass@(*&!$$word', 'Userinfo' => 'ro@11!%&*(ot:pass%40%28%2A%26%21%24%24word', 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => 'extraparam=10', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'ro@11!%&*(ot:pass%40%28%2A%26%21%24%24word@host-10.com:3306', 'ToString' => 'mysql://ro@11!%&*(ot:pass%40%28%2A%26%21%24%24word@host-10.com:3306/database?extraparam=10' ] ], [ // #11 "mysql://root@host-10.com:3306/database?extraparam=10", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => 'root', 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => 'root', 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => 'extraparam=10', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'root@host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #12 "mysql://root@host-10.com:3306/database?extraparam=10", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => 'root', 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => 'root', 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => 'extraparam=10', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'root@host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #13 "mysql://host-10.com:3306/database?extraparam=10", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => 'extraparam=10', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #14 "mysql://host-10.com/database", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'host-10.com' ] ], [ // #15 "mysql://host-10.com:3306/database", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #16 "mysql://host-10.com:3306?extraparam=10", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => null, 'Query' => 'extraparam=10', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #17 "mysql://host-10.com:3306?extraparam=10&other=20", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => null, 'Query' => 'extraparam=10&other=20', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #18 "smtp://us#$%er:pa!*&$ss@host.com.br:45", [ 'Scheme' => 'smtp', 'Username' => 'us#$%er', 'Password' => 'pa!*&$ss', 'Userinfo' => 'us#$%er:pa%21%2A%26%24ss', 'Host' => 'host.com.br', 'Port' => 45, 'Path' => null, 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'us#$%er:pa%21%2A%26%24ss@host.com.br:45', 'ToString' => 'smtp://us#$%er:pa%21%2A%26%24ss@host.com.br:45', ] ], [ // #19 "smtp://us:er:pass@host.com.br:45", [ 'Scheme' => 'smtp', 'Username' => 'us', 'Password' => 'er:pass', 'Userinfo' => 'us:er%3Apass', 'Host' => 'host.com.br', 'Port' => 45, 'Path' => null, 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'us:er%3Apass@host.com.br:45', 'ToString' => 'smtp://us:er%3Apass@host.com.br:45', ] ], [ // #20 "/some/relative/path", [ 'Scheme' => null, 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/some/relative/path', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #21 -> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2 "urn://user:pass@:123/path", [ 'Scheme' => 'urn', 'Username' => 'user', 'Password' => 'pass', 'Userinfo' => 'user:pass', 'Host' => null, 'Port' => 123, 'Path' => '/path', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'user:pass@:123' ] ], [ // #22 "sqlite://C:\Windows\Path\file.db", [ 'Scheme' => 'sqlite', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => 'C:\\Windows\\Path\\file.db', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #23 "C:\Windows\Path\file.db", [ 'Scheme' => null, 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => 'C:\\Windows\\Path\\file.db', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #24 "sqlite://C:/Windows/Path/file.db", [ 'Scheme' => 'sqlite', 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => 'C:/Windows/Path/file.db', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #25 "C:/Windows/Path/file.db", [ 'Scheme' => null, 'Username' => null, 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => null, 'Host' => null, 'Port' => null, 'Path' => 'C:/Windows/Path/file.db', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => null ] ], [ // #26 "mysql://root@host-10.com:3306/database?ca=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fca&ssl=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fssl", [ 'Scheme' => 'mysql', 'Username' => 'root', 'Password' => null, 'Userinfo' => 'root', 'Host' => 'host-10.com', 'Port' => 3306, 'Path' => '/database', 'Query' => 'ca=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fca&ssl=%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fssl', 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => 'root@host-10.com:3306' ] ], [ // #27 "http://user:O=+9zLZ}%{z+:tC@host/path", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => "user", 'Password' => "O=+9zLZ}%{z+:tC", 'Userinfo' => "user:O%3D%2B9zLZ%7D%25%7Bz%2B%3AtC", 'Host' => "host", 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path', 'Query' => null, 'Fragment' => null, 'Authority' => "user:O%3D%2B9zLZ%7D%25%7Bz%2B%3AtC@host", 'ToString' => 'http://user:O%3D%2B9zLZ%7D%25%7Bz%2B%3AtC@host/path', ] ], [ // #28 "http://host/path?key=value 1&key2=รก%1$@a#fra%!", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => "", 'Password' => "", 'Userinfo' => "", 'Host' => "host", 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path', 'Query' => 'key=value%201&key2=%C3%A1%251%24%40a', 'Fragment' => 'fra%!', 'Authority' => "host", 'ToString' => 'http://host/path?key=value%201&key2=%C3%A1%251%24%40a#fra%!', ] ], [ // #29 "http://example.com/path/to?q=foo bar&q2=foo%20bar&q3=abc%3D%41#section-42", [ 'Scheme' => 'http', 'Username' => "", 'Password' => "", 'Userinfo' => "", 'Host' => "example.com", 'Port' => null, 'Path' => '/path/to', 'Query' => 'q=foo%20bar&q2=foo%20bar&q3=abc%3DA', 'Fragment' => 'section-42', 'Authority' => "example.com", 'ToString' => 'http://example.com/path/to?q=foo%20bar&q2=foo%20bar&q3=abc%3DA#section-42', ] ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseScheme($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Scheme"], $uri->getScheme()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseUsername($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Username"], $uri->getUsername()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParsePassword($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Password"], $uri->getPassword()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseUserinfo($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Userinfo"], $uri->getUserinfo()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseHost($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Host"], $uri->getHost()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParsePort($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Port"], $uri->getPort()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParsePath($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertSame($assertFields["Path"], $uri->getPath()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseQuery($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Query"], $uri->getQuery()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseFragment($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Fragment"], $uri->getFragment()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseAuthority($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); $this->assertEquals($assertFields["Authority"], $uri->getAuthority()); } /** * @dataProvider uriProvider * @param $uriStr * @param null $assertFields */ public function testParseToString($uriStr, $assertFields = null) { $uri = new Uri($uriStr); if (isset($assertFields['ToString'])) { $uriStr = $assertFields['ToString']; } $this->assertEquals($uriStr, $uri->__toString()); } public function testMountUrl1() { $this->assertEquals( 'http://host.com:1234', Uri::getInstanceFromString() ->withScheme('http') ->withHost('host.com') ->withPort('1234') ); } public function testMountUrl2() { $uri = new Uri('/some/relative/path'); $this->assertEquals( 'http://host.com/some/relative/path', $uri ->withScheme('http') ->withHost('host.com') ->__toString() ); } public function testChangeParameters() { $uri = new Uri('http://foo-host.com/path?key=value&otherkey=othervalue#fragment'); $this->assertEquals( 'http://bar.net/otherpath?key=newvalue&otherkey=othervalue&newkey=value#fragment', $uri ->withHost('bar.net') ->withPath('/otherpath') ->withQueryKeyValue('key', 'newvalue') ->withQueryKeyValue('newkey', 'value') ); } public function testFactory() { $uriString = 'http://user:pass@host/path?query=1#fragment'; $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString($uriString); $this->assertEquals($uriString, $uri->__toString()); $uri2 = Uri::getInstanceFromUri($uri); $this->assertEquals($uriString, $uri2->__toString()); } public function testFactory2() { $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://example.com/path/to?q=foo%20bar#section-42') ->withUserInfo('user', "O=+9%20zLZ}%{z+:tC"); $uri2 = Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://user:O=+9%2520zLZ}%{z+:tC@example.com/path/to?q=foo%20bar#section-42'); $uri3 = Uri::getInstanceFromUri($uri); $uri4 = Uri::getInstanceFromString((string)$uri); $this->assertSame((string)$uri, (string)$uri2); $this->assertSame((string)$uri2, (string)$uri3); $this->assertSame((string)$uri3, (string)$uri4); } public function testRFC3986() { $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString("http://user:pa&@host"); $this->assertEquals("http://user:pa%26@host", (string)$uri); $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString("http://user:pa%26@host"); $this->assertEquals("http://user:pa%26@host", (string)$uri); $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString("http://host") ->withUserInfo("user", "pa%26"); $this->assertEquals("http://user:pa%2526@host", (string)$uri); } public function testWithUrlEncoding() { $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString('http://example.com/path/to?q=foo%20bar#section-42') ->withUserInfo('user', "O=+9zLZ}%{z+:tC"); $this->assertEquals("q=foo%20bar", $uri->getQuery()); $this->assertEquals("user", $uri->getUsername()); $this->assertEquals("O=+9zLZ}%{z+:tC", $uri->getPassword()); $this->assertEquals('user:O%3D%2B9zLZ%7D%25%7Bz%2B%3AtC', $uri->getUserInfo()); } public function testWithQueryValue() { $uri = Uri::getInstanceFromString("http://example.com") ->withQueryKeyValue("q", "abc") ->withQueryKeyValue("q1", "abc%3D%41") ->withQueryKeyValue("q2", "abc%3D%41", true); $this->assertEquals("q=abc&q1=abc%253D%2541&q2=abc%3DA", $uri->getQuery()); } public function testImmutable() { $uri = new Uri(); // With Host $uri1 = $uri->withHost("host"); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getHost()); $this->assertEquals("host", $uri1->getHost()); // With Path $uri2 = $uri->withPath("/path"); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getPath()); $this->assertEquals("/path", $uri2->getPath()); // With Port $uri3 = $uri->withPort(8080); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getPort()); $this->assertEquals(8080, $uri3->getPort()); // With Scheme $uri4 = $uri->withScheme("https"); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getScheme()); $this->assertEquals("https", $uri4->getScheme()); // WithUserInfo $uri5 = $uri->withUserInfo("user", "pwd"); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getUserInfo()); $this->assertEquals("user:pwd", $uri5->getUserInfo()); // WithQuery $uri6 = $uri->withQuery("a=1&b=2"); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getQuery()); $this->assertEquals("a=1&b=2", $uri6->getQuery()); // WithFragment $uri7 = $uri->withFragment("fragment"); $this->assertEquals("", $uri->getFragment()); $this->assertEquals("fragment", $uri7->getFragment()); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MTY5NDk1NTg0NTI3MDExMSA4OTc3MTczNTMwNzU4NjI4IDY1NzIzNjQwMjI1Mjg3OTc=