preserveWhiteSpace = ($docOptions & XMLUTIL_OPT_DONT_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE) != XMLUTIL_OPT_DONT_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE ; $xmldoc->formatOutput = false; if (($docOptions & XMLUTIL_OPT_FORMAT_OUTPUT) == XMLUTIL_OPT_FORMAT_OUTPUT) { $xmldoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xmldoc->formatOutput = true; } XmlUtil::$xmlNsPrefix[spl_object_hash($xmldoc)] = array(); return $xmldoc; } /** * Create a XmlDocument object from a file saved on disk. * * @param string $filename * @param int $docOptions * @return DOMDocument * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function createXmlDocumentFromFile($filename, $docOptions = XMLUTIL_OPT_DONT_FIX_AMPERSAND) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new XmlUtilException("Xml document $filename not found.", 250); } $xml = file_get_contents($filename); $xmldoc = self::createXmlDocumentFromStr($xml, $docOptions); return $xmldoc; } /** * Create XML \DOMDocument from a string * * @param string $xml - XML string document * @param int $docOptions * @return DOMDocument * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function createXmlDocumentFromStr($xml, $docOptions = XMLUTIL_OPT_DONT_FIX_AMPERSAND) { set_error_handler(function ($number, $error) { $matches = []; if (preg_match('/^DOMDocument::loadXML\(\): (.+)$/', $error, $matches) === 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("[Err #$number] ".$matches[1]); } }); $xmldoc = self::createXmlDocument($docOptions); $xmlFixed = XmlUtil::fixXmlHeader($xml); if (($docOptions & XMLUTIL_OPT_DONT_FIX_AMPERSAND) != XMLUTIL_OPT_DONT_FIX_AMPERSAND) { $xmlFixed = str_replace("&", "&", $xmlFixed); } $xmldoc->loadXML($xmlFixed); XmlUtil::extractNamespaces($xmldoc); restore_error_handler(); return $xmldoc; } /** * Create a \DOMDocumentFragment from a node * * @param DOMNode $node * @param int $docOptions * @return DOMDocument */ public static function createDocumentFromNode(DOMNode $node, $docOptions = 0) { $xmldoc = self::createXmlDocument($docOptions); XmlUtil::$xmlNsPrefix[spl_object_hash($xmldoc)] = array(); $root = $xmldoc->importNode($node, true); $xmldoc->appendChild($root); return $xmldoc; } /** * @param $nodeOrDoc * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ protected static function extractNamespaces($nodeOrDoc) { $doc = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($nodeOrDoc); $hash = spl_object_hash($doc); $root = $doc->documentElement; #-- $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); foreach ($xpath->query('namespace::*', $root) as $node) { XmlUtil::$xmlNsPrefix[$hash][$node->prefix] = $node->nodeValue; } } /** * Adjust xml string to the proper format * * @param string $string - XML string document * @return string - Return the string converted * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function fixXmlHeader($string) { $string = XmlUtil::removeBom($string); if (strpos($string, ""); if ($xmltagend !== false) { $xmltagend += 2; $xmlheader = substr($string, 0, $xmltagend); if ($xmlheader == "") { $xmlheader = ""; } } else { throw new XmlUtilException("XML header bad formatted.", 251); } // Complete header elements $count = 0; $xmlheader = preg_replace( "/version=([\"'][\w\d\-\.]+[\"'])/", "version=\"".self::XML_VERSION."\"", $xmlheader, 1, $count ); if ($count == 0) { $xmlheader = substr($xmlheader, 0, 6)."version=\"".self::XML_VERSION."\" ".substr($xmlheader, 6); } $count = 0; $xmlheader = preg_replace( "/encoding=([\"'][\w\d\-\.]+[\"'])/", "encoding=\"".self::XML_ENCODING."\"", $xmlheader, 1, $count ); if ($count == 0) { $xmlheader = substr($xmlheader, 0, 6)."encoding=\"".self::XML_ENCODING."\" ".substr($xmlheader, 6); } // Fix header position (first version, after encoding) $xmlheader = preg_replace( "/<\?([\w\W]*)\s+(encoding=([\"'][\w\d\-\.]+[\"']))\s+(version=([\"'][\w\d\-\.]+[\"']))\s*\?>/", "", $xmlheader, 1, $count ); return $xmlheader.substr($string, $xmltagend); } else { $xmlheader = ''; return $xmlheader.$string; } } /** * @param DOMDocument $document * @param string $filename * @throws XmlUtilException */ public static function saveXmlDocument($document, $filename) { if (!($document instanceof DOMDocument)) { throw new XmlUtilException("Object isn't a \DOMDocument.", 255); // Document não é um documento XML } else { $ret = $document->save($filename); if ($ret === false) { throw new XmlUtilException("Cannot save XML Document in $filename.", 256); } } } /** * Get document without xml parameters * * @param DOMDocument $xml * @return string */ public static function getFormattedDocument($xml) { $oldValue = $xml->preserveWhiteSpace; $oldFormatOutput = $xml->formatOutput; $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $xml->formatOutput = true; $document = $xml->saveXML(); $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = $oldValue; $xml->formatOutput = $oldFormatOutput; return $document; } /** * @param DOMNode $nodeOrDoc * @param $prefix * @param $uri * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function addNamespaceToDocument($nodeOrDoc, $prefix, $uri) { $doc = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($nodeOrDoc); if ($doc === null) { throw new XmlUtilException("Node or document is invalid."); } $hash = spl_object_hash($doc); $root = $doc->documentElement; if ($root === null) { throw new XmlUtilException("Node or document is invalid. Cannot retrieve 'documentElement'."); } $root->setAttributeNS('', "xmlns:$prefix", $uri); XmlUtil::$xmlNsPrefix[$hash][$prefix] = $uri; } /** * Add node to specific XmlNode from file existing on disk * * @param \DOMNode $rootNode XmlNode receives node * @param string $filename File to import node * @param string $nodetoadd Node to be added * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function addNodeFromFile(DOMNode $rootNode, $filename, $nodetoadd) { if ($rootNode === null) { return; } if (!file_exists($filename)) { return; } $source = XmlUtil::createXmlDocumentFromFile($filename); $nodes = $source->getElementsByTagName($nodetoadd)->item(0)->childNodes; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $newNode = $rootNode->ownerDocument->importNode($node, true); $rootNode->appendChild($newNode); } } /** * Attention: NODE MUST BE AN ELEMENT NODE!!! * * @param \DOMNode $source * @param \DOMNode $nodeToAdd * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function addNodeFromNode(DOMNode $source, DOMNode $nodeToAdd) { if ($nodeToAdd->hasChildNodes()) { $nodeList = $nodeToAdd->childNodes; // It is necessary because Zend Core For Oracle didn't support // access the property Directly. foreach ($nodeList as $node) { $owner = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($source); $newNode = $owner->importNode($node, true); $source->appendChild($newNode); } } } /** * Append child node from specific node and add text * * @param \DOMNode $rootNode Parent node * @param string $nodeName Node to add string * @param string $nodeText Text to add string * @param string $uri * @return DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function createChild(DOMNode $rootNode, $nodeName, $nodeText = "", $uri = "") { if (empty($nodeName)) { throw new XmlUtilException("Node name must be a string."); } $nodeworking = XmlUtil::createChildNode($rootNode, $nodeName, $uri); self::addTextNode($nodeworking, $nodeText); $rootNode->appendChild($nodeworking); return $nodeworking; } /** * Create child node on the top from specific node and add text * * @param \DOMNode $rootNode Parent node * @param string $nodeName Node to add string * @param string $nodeText Text to add string * @param int $position * @return DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function createChildBefore(DOMNode $rootNode, $nodeName, $nodeText, $position = 0) { return self::createChildBeforeNode($nodeName, $nodeText, $rootNode->childNodes->item($position)); } /** * @param string $nodeName * @param string $nodeText * @param \DOMNode $node * @return DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function createChildBeforeNode($nodeName, $nodeText, DOMNode $node) { $rootNode = $node->parentNode; $nodeworking = XmlUtil::createChildNode($rootNode, $nodeName); self::addTextNode($nodeworking, $nodeText); $rootNode->insertBefore($nodeworking, $node); return $nodeworking; } /** * Add text to node * * @param \DOMNode $rootNode Parent node * @param string $text Text to add String * @param bool $escapeChars (True create CData instead Text node) * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function addTextNode(DOMNode $rootNode, $text, $escapeChars = false) { if (!empty($text) || is_numeric($text)) { $owner = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($rootNode); if ($escapeChars) { $nodeworkingText = $owner->createCDATASection($text); } else { $nodeworkingText = $owner->createTextNode($text); } $rootNode->appendChild($nodeworkingText); } } /** * Add a attribute to specific node * * @param \DOMNode $rootNode Node to receive attribute * @param string $name Attribute name string * @param string $value Attribute value string * @return DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function addAttribute(DOMNode $rootNode, $name, $value) { XmlUtil::checkIfPrefixWasDefined($rootNode, $name); $owner = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($rootNode); $attrNode = $owner->createAttribute($name); $attrNode->value = $value; $rootNode->setAttributeNode($attrNode); return $rootNode; } /** * Returns a \DOMNodeList from a relative xPath from other \DOMNode * * @param \DOMNode $pNode * @param string $xPath * @param array $arNamespace * @return DOMNodeList * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function selectNodes(DOMNode $pNode, $xPath, $arNamespace = null) { if (preg_match('~^/[^/]~', $xPath)) { $xPath = substr($xPath, 1); } $owner = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($pNode); $xpath = new DOMXPath($owner); XmlUtil::registerNamespaceForFilter($xpath, $arNamespace); $rNodeList = $xpath->query($xPath, $pNode); return $rNodeList; } /** * Returns a \DOMElement from a relative xPath from other \DOMNode * * @param \DOMNode $pNode * @param string $xPath xPath string format * @param array $arNamespace * @return DOMElement * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function selectSingleNode(DOMNode $pNode, $xPath, $arNamespace = null) { $rNodeList = self::selectNodes($pNode, $xPath, $arNamespace); return $rNodeList->item(0); } /** * @param \DOMXPath $xpath * @param array $arNamespace */ public static function registerNamespaceForFilter(DOMXPath $xpath, $arNamespace) { if (($arNamespace !== null) && (is_array($arNamespace))) { foreach ($arNamespace as $prefix => $uri) { $xpath->registerNamespace($prefix, $uri); } } } /** * Concat a xml string in the node * * @param \DOMNode $node * @param string $xmlstring * @return \DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function innerXML(DOMNode $node, $xmlstring) { $xmlstring = str_replace("
", "
", $xmlstring); $len = strlen($xmlstring); $endText = ""; $close = strrpos($xmlstring, '>'); if ($close !== false && $close < $len - 1) { $endText = substr($xmlstring, $close + 1); $xmlstring = substr($xmlstring, 0, $close + 1); } $open = strpos($xmlstring, '<'); if ($open === false) { $node->nodeValue .= $xmlstring; } else { if ($open > 0) { $text = substr($xmlstring, 0, $open); $xmlstring = substr($xmlstring, $open); $node->nodeValue .= $text; } $dom = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($node); $xmlstring = "$xmlstring"; $sxe = @simplexml_load_string($xmlstring); if ($sxe === false) { throw new XmlUtilException("Cannot load XML string.", 252); } $domSimpleXml = dom_import_simplexml($sxe); if (!$domSimpleXml) { throw new XmlUtilException("XML Parsing error.", 253); } $domSimpleXml = $dom->importNode($domSimpleXml, true); $childs = $domSimpleXml->childNodes->length; for ($i = 0; $i < $childs; $i++) { $node->appendChild($domSimpleXml->childNodes->item($i)->cloneNode(true)); } } if (!empty($endText) && $endText != "") { $textNode = $dom->createTextNode($endText); $node->appendChild($textNode); } return $node->firstChild; } /** * Return the tree nodes in a simple text * * @param \DOMNode $node * @return DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function innerText(DOMNode $node) { $doc = XmlUtil::createDocumentFromNode($node); return self::copyChildNodesFromNodeToString($doc); } /** * Return the tree nodes in a simple text * * @param \DOMNode $node * @return DOMNode * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function copyChildNodesFromNodeToString(DOMNode $node) { $xmlstring = ""; $doc = self::createXmlDocumentFromStr($xmlstring); $root = $doc->firstChild; $childlist = $node->firstChild->childNodes; // It is necessary because Zend Core For Oracle didn't support // access the property Directly. foreach ($childlist as $child) { $cloned = $doc->importNode($child, true); $root->appendChild($cloned); } $string = $doc->saveXML(); $string = str_replace('', '', $string); $string = str_replace('', '', $string); $string = str_replace('', '', $string); return $string; } /** * Return the part node in xml document * * @param \DOMNode $node * @return string * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ public static function saveXmlNodeToString(DOMNode $node) { $doc = XmlUtil::getOwnerDocument($node); $string = $doc->saveXML($node); return $string; } /** * Convert
to \n * * @param string $str * @return mixed */ public static function br2nl($str) { return str_replace("
", "\n", $str); } /** * Assist you to Debug XMLs string documents. Echo in out buffer. * * @param string $val */ public static function showXml($val) { print "
"; } /** * Remove a specific node * * @param \DOMNode $node */ public static function removeNode(DOMNode $node) { $nodeParent = $node->parentNode; $nodeParent->removeChild($node); } /** * Remove a node specified by your tag name. You must pass a \DOMDocument ($node->ownerDocument); * * @param \DOMDocument $domdocument * @param string $tagname * @return bool */ public static function removeTagName(DOMDocument $domdocument, $tagname) { $nodeLista = $domdocument->getElementsByTagName($tagname); if ($nodeLista->length > 0) { $node = $nodeLista->item(0); XmlUtil::removeNode($node); return true; } else { return false; } } public static function xml2Array($arr, $func = "") { if ($arr instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { return XmlUtil::xml2Array((array) $arr, $func); } if (($arr instanceof DOMElement) || ($arr instanceof DOMDocument)) { return XmlUtil::xml2Array((array) simplexml_import_dom($arr), $func); } $newArr = array(); if (!empty($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $newArr[$key] = ( is_array($value) || ($value instanceof DOMElement) || ($value instanceof DOMDocument) || ($value instanceof SimpleXMLElement) ? XmlUtil::xml2Array($value, $func) : (!empty($func) ? $func($value) : $value) ); } } return $newArr; } /** * @param mixed $node * @return DOMDocument * @throws XmlUtilException */ protected static function getOwnerDocument($node) { if (!($node instanceof DOMNode)) { throw new XmlUtilException("Object isn't a \DOMNode. Found object class type: ".get_class($node), 257); } if ($node instanceof DOMDocument) { return $node; } else { return $node->ownerDocument; } } /** * @param \DOMNode $node * @param string $name * @param string $uri * @return \DOMNode * @throws XmlUtilException */ protected static function createChildNode(DOMNode $node, $name, $uri = "") { if ($uri == "") { XmlUtil::checkIfPrefixWasDefined($node, $name); } $owner = self::getOwnerDocument($node); if ($uri == "") { $newnode = $owner->createElement(preg_replace('/[^\w:]/', '_', $name)); } else { $newnode = $owner->createElementNS($uri, $name); if ($owner == $node) { $tok = strtok($name, ":"); if ($tok != $name) { XmlUtil::$xmlNsPrefix[spl_object_hash($owner)][$tok] = $uri; } } } if ($newnode === false) { throw new XmlUtilException("Failed to create \DOMElement.", 258); } return $newnode; } /** * @param \DOMNode $node * @param string $name * @throws \ByJG\Util\Exception\XmlUtilException */ protected static function checkIfPrefixWasDefined(DOMNode $node, $name) { $owner = self::getOwnerDocument($node); $hash = spl_object_hash($owner); $prefix = strtok($name, ":"); if (($prefix != $name) && !array_key_exists($prefix, XmlUtil::$xmlNsPrefix[$hash])) { throw new XmlUtilException( "You cannot create the node/attribute $name without define the URI. " . "Try to use XmlUtil::AddNamespaceToDocument." ); } } public static function removeBom($xmlStr) { return preg_replace('/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/', '', $xmlStr); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTg3NzIyMDYyMDc2NzA4MSAzODQzNDQwMzM5ODMwMDA3IDY3NTIzNzczMTUxODAzNTk=