1, 'foo/downstream' => 2] */ protected $packageWeights; /** * Scan the composer data and build a list of compilation tasks. * * @return static */ public function load() { $this->tasks = []; $this->sourceFiles = []; $allPackages = array_merge( $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository()->getCanonicalPackages(), [$this->composer->getPackage()] ); $compilePackages = $this->filterByHavingCompileTasks($allPackages); $this->packageWeights = array_flip(PackageSorter::sortPackages( $compilePackages )); $rootPackage = $this->composer->getPackage(); $localRepo = $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); foreach ($this->packageWeights as $packageName => $packageWeight) { if ($packageName === $rootPackage->getName()) { $this->loadPackage($rootPackage, realpath('.')); // I'm not a huge fan of using 'realpath()' here, but other tasks (using `getInstallPath()`) // are effectively using `realpath()`, so we should be consistent. } else { $package = $localRepo->findPackage($packageName, '*'); $this->loadPackage($package, $this->composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package)); } } return $this; } /** * @param \Composer\Package\PackageInterface[] $installedPackages * @return array * List of installed packages (PackageInterface) with compilation tasks */ protected function filterByHavingCompileTasks($installedPackages) { $rootPackage = $this->composer->getPackage(); $localRepo = $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $packagesWithCompileTasks = []; foreach ($installedPackages as $package) { $path = ''; if ($package->getName() === $rootPackage->getName()) { $installPath = realpath('.'); // I'm not a huge fan of using 'realpath()' here, but other tasks (using `getInstallPath()`) // are effectively using `realpath()`, so we should be consistent. } else { $package = $localRepo->findPackage($package->getName(), '*'); $installPath = $this->composer->getInstallationManager()->getInstallPath($package); } if ($this->packageHasCompileTasks($package, $installPath)) { $packagesWithCompileTasks[] = $package; } } return $packagesWithCompileTasks; } /** * @param \Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package * @param string $installPath The package's location on disk. * @return True if compile tasks are defined for this package. */ protected function packageHasCompileTasks(PackageInterface $package, $installPath) { $extra = null; // Replicate behaviour from loadPackage which prefers // composer.json on disk values over use of getExtra. if (file_exists("$installPath/composer.json")) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("$installPath/composer.json"), 1); $extra = $json['extra'] ?? null; } if ($extra === null) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); } if (!empty($extra['compile'])) { return true; } if (empty($extra['compile-includes'])) { return false; } foreach ($extra['compile-includes'] as $includeFile) { $includePathFull = "$installPath/$includeFile"; if (!file_exists($includePathFull) || !is_readable($includePathFull)) { $this->io->writeError("Failed to read $includePathFull"); continue; } $inc = json_decode(file_get_contents($includePathFull), 1); if (!empty($inc['compile'])) { return true; } } } /** * @param \Composer\Package\PackageInterface $package * @param string $installPath * The package's location on disk. */ protected function loadPackage(PackageInterface $package, $installPath) { // Typically, a package folder has its own copy of composer.json. We prefer to read from that file in case one // is drafting or applying patches. Relatedly, if another plugin wants to hook into our list of tasks, they // should not try to work with `getExtra()`. Instead, listen to `PRE_COMPILE_LIST` or `POST_COMPILE_LIST` // and alter configuration there. $taskDefinitions = []; $addDefinitions = function ($newDefinitions, $sourceFile) use (&$taskDefinitions) { foreach ($newDefinitions as $defn) { $defn['source-file'] = $sourceFile; $taskDefinitions[] = $defn; } $this->sourceFiles[] = $sourceFile; }; $extra = null; if ($extra === null && file_exists("$installPath/composer.json")) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents("$installPath/composer.json"), 1); $extra = $json['extra'] ?? null; } if ($extra === null) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); } $addDefinitions($extra['compile'] ?? [], "$installPath/composer.json"); foreach ($extra['compile-includes'] ?? [] as $includeFile) { $includePathFull = "$installPath/$includeFile"; if (!file_exists($includePathFull) || !is_readable($includePathFull)) { $this->io->writeError("Failed to read $includePathFull"); continue; } $inc = json_decode(file_get_contents($includePathFull), 1); $addDefinitions($inc['compile'] ?? [], $includePathFull); } $event = new CompileListEvent(CompileEvents::PRE_COMPILE_LIST, $this->composer, $this->io, $package, $taskDefinitions); $this->composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(CompileEvents::PRE_COMPILE_LIST, $event); $taskDefinitions = $event->getTasksSpecs(); $naturalWeight = 1; $tasks = []; foreach ($taskDefinitions as $taskDefinition) { $defaults = [ 'active' => true, 'title' => sprintf( '%s:%s', $package->getName(), $naturalWeight ), 'watch-files' => null, ]; $taskDefinition = array_merge($defaults, $taskDefinition); $task = new Task(); $task->id = $package->getName() . ':' . $naturalWeight; $task->sourceFile = $taskDefinition['source-file']; $task->definition = $taskDefinition; $task->packageName = $package->getName(); $task->pwd = dirname($taskDefinition['source-file']); $task->weight = 0; $task->packageWeight = $this->packageWeights[$package->getName()]; $task->naturalWeight = $naturalWeight; $task->active = $taskDefinition['active']; $task->watchFiles = $taskDefinition['watch-files']; $task->title = $taskDefinition['title']; $task->run = (array) $taskDefinition['run']; $tasks[$task->id] = $task; $naturalWeight++; } $event = new CompileListEvent(CompileEvents::POST_COMPILE_LIST, $this->composer, $this->io, $package, $taskDefinitions, $tasks); $this->composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch(CompileEvents::POST_COMPILE_LIST, $event); $this->tasks = array_merge($this->tasks, $event->getTasks()); } /** * Disable a list of tasks. * * @param string|string[] $taskIds * @return int * The number of tasks which were toggled. */ public function disable($taskIds) { $taskIds = (array)$taskIds; $count = 0; foreach ($taskIds as $taskId) { if ($this->tasks[$taskId]->active) { $this->tasks[$taskId]->active = false; $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Get the list of input files which produced this task-list. * * @return \string[] */ public function getSourceFiles() { return $this->sourceFiles; } /** * @return Task[] */ public function getAll() { return $this->tasks; } /** * @param string $filter * Ex: 'vendor/*' * Ex: 'vendor/package' * Ex: 'vendor/package:id' * @return Task[] */ public function getByFilter($filter) { $tasks = []; foreach ($this->tasks as $task) { /** @var Task $task */ if ($task->matchesFilter($filter)) { $tasks[$task->id] = $task; } } return $tasks; } /** * @param string[] $filters * Ex: ['vendor1/*', 'vendor2/package2'] * @return Task[] */ public function getByFilters($filters) { $tasks = []; foreach ($filters as $filter) { $tasks = array_merge($tasks, $this->getByFilter($filter)); } return $tasks; } /** * @return static */ public function validateAll() { foreach ($this->tasks as $task) { $task->validate(); } return $this; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MzM3ODI2ODkxNTM0MTgzNiA1NzU0NTI5MDg1MDM0NTk4IDY4MzkxODk1NTk4NTA3NjU=