[ [ 'name' => 'Tester McFakus', 'email' => 'tester@example.org', ], ], 'config' => [ 'allow-plugins' => [ 'civicrm/composer-compile-plugin' => true, ], ], 'repositories' => [ 'composer-compile-plugin' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir(), ], 'test-cherry-yogurt' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir() . '/tests/pkgs/cherry-yogurt', ], 'test-cherry-jam' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir() . '/tests/pkgs/cherry-jam', ], 'test-strawberry-jam' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir() . '/tests/pkgs/strawberry-jam', ], 'test-scss-method' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir() . '/tests/pkgs/scss-method', 'options' => [ 'symlink' => false, ], ], 'test-scss-script' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir() . '/tests/pkgs/scss-script', 'options' => [ 'symlink' => false, ], ], 'test-rosti' => [ 'type' => 'path', 'url' => self::getPluginSourceDir() . '/tests/pkgs/rosti', 'options' => [ 'symlink' => false, ], ], ], ]; } /** * @return string * The root folder of the composer-compile-plugin. */ public static function getPluginSourceDir() { return dirname(__DIR__); } /** * @return string * The path of the autogenerated composer project. */ public static function getTestDir() { return self::$testDir; } /** * Create a temp folder with a "composer.json" file and chdir() into it. * * @param array $composerJson * @return string */ public static function initTestProject($composerJson) { self::$origDir = getcwd(); self::$origEnv = EnvHelper::getAll(); if (getenv('USE_TEST_PROJECT')) { self::$testDir = rtrim(getenv('USE_TEST_PROJECT'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); @unlink(self::$testDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.lock'); } else { self::$testDir = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'compileplg-' . md5(__DIR__ . time() . rand( 0, 10000 )); self::cleanDir(self::$testDir); } if (!is_dir(self::$testDir)) { mkdir(self::$testDir); } file_put_contents( self::$testDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer.json', json_encode( $composerJson, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ) ); chdir(self::$testDir); return self::$testDir; } public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void { parent::tearDownAfterClass(); if (self::$testDir) { chdir(self::$origDir); self::$origDir = null; if (getenv('USE_TEST_PROJECT')) { fwrite( STDERR, sprintf( "\n\nTest project location (%s): %s\n", static::CLASS, self::$testDir ) ); } else { self::cleanDir(self::$testDir); } self::$testDir = null; } EnvHelper::setAll(self::$origEnv); } /** * If a directory exists, remove it. * * @param string $dir */ protected static function cleanDir($dir): void { PH::runOk(['if [ -d @DIR ]; then rm -rf @DIR ; fi', 'DIR' => $dir]); } protected static function cleanFile($file): void { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } protected function setUp(): void { $this->origEnvTestCase = EnvHelper::getAll(); parent::setUp(); } protected function tearDown(): void { parent::tearDown(); EnvHelper::setAll($this->origEnvTestCase); } /** * @param string $expectedCssFile * @param string $actualCssFile * Path to CSS file */ public function assertSameCssFile($expectedCssFile, $actualCssFile) { $normalize = function ($s) { return trim(preg_replace(';\s+;', ' ', $s)); }; $this->assertFileExists($actualCssFile); $this->assertFileExists($expectedCssFile); $actual = $normalize(file_get_contents($actualCssFile)); $expected = $normalize(file_get_contents($expectedCssFile)); $this->assertNotEmpty($expected); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } public function assertSameFileContent($expected, $actual) { $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents($expected), file_get_contents($actual) ); } public function assertFileContent($file, $content, $message = null) { if ($content === null) { $this->assertFileNotExists( $file, "($message) File should not exist" ); } else { $this->assertFileExists($file, "($message) File should exist"); $this->assertEquals( $content, file_get_contents($file), "($message) File should match given content" ); } } public function assertFileIsSymlink($path) { $this->assertTrue( file_exists($path), "Path ($path) should exist (symlink file)" ); $this->assertTrue(is_link($path), "Path ($path) should be a symlink"); $linkTgt = readlink($path); $this->assertTrue(is_string($linkTgt)); $this->assertTrue( is_file(dirname($path) . '/' . $linkTgt), "Path ($path) should be symlinking pointing to a file. Found tgt ($linkTgt)" ); } public function assertFileIsNormal($path) { $this->assertTrue( file_exists($path), "Path ($path) should exist (normal file)" ); $this->assertTrue( is_file($path), "Path ($path) should be a normal file" ); $this->assertTrue( !is_link($path), "Path ($path) should not be a symlink" ); } public function assertDirIsSymlink($path) { $this->assertTrue( file_exists($path), "Path ($path) should exist (symlink dir)" ); $this->assertTrue(is_link($path), "Path ($path) should be a symlink"); $linkTgt = readlink($path); $this->assertTrue(is_string($linkTgt)); $this->assertTrue( is_dir(dirname($path) . '/' . $linkTgt), "Path ($path) should be symlinking pointing to a dir. Found tgt ($linkTgt" ); } public function assertDirIsNormal($path) { $this->assertTrue( file_exists($path), "Path ($path) should exist (normal dir)" ); $this->assertTrue( !is_link($path), "Path ($path) should not be a symlink" ); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($path), "Path ($path) should be a dir"); } /** * @param array $expectLines * Lines that should be present in output. * @param string $outputFilter * A regexp to identify output lines that are interesting. * @param string $actualOutput * The full command output */ public function assertOutputLines($expectLines, $outputFilter, $actualOutput) { $actualLines = array_values(preg_grep( $outputFilter, explode("\n", $actualOutput) )); $serialize = print_r([ 'expect' => $expectLines, 'actual' => $actualLines ], 1); $this->assertEquals( count($expectLines), count($actualLines), "Compare line count in $serialize" ); foreach ($expectLines as $offset => $expectLine) { $this->assertRegExp( ";$expectLine;", $actualLines[$offset], "Check line $offset in $serialize" ); } } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----fTk5LU5Ql0Bm6r/1Q6GTAbvDLpqYF56Z92WyKzCuKLa/MtPerkq2UJE9crXLacFClrJ/xFeVuCS1Il78PhFrbsLP82eod/hf7PEP6RGJlDNC+idFzUPHHh6gZeMWhngUlUV8hcuAJ1LR2J5Xk+o/4/bMEQOgOAMVAMbs0eLCvHSBalfwcOPJcCyF5q+TBeWXinBnjbSgrn0+R9sx+eyQ2YUAuf9s7epfShMjkCSoXY/PxOgIPkMehu9EgrklFFKpH+d0QSWQZW6wBU3VPNuAolD0gE3do+50AK3behPgahKbAYNwTDo/1Cbfpabhf9xggkLZiHExRn7Z8k+X92tZc/KnyCr/8uvV36yfsvFPHcD7SLtLCkO5SFCU24Ns30BOVBz7F8z+tM0xXSM6Z9kVeYqFHpYvyoLBPMBNhbEpELivH3pHkeG386UHAn+8qN5hHaFUIlvQDMFNwJ8XgI2Oe0O7pzqiQHhGDRCoxJ/8u7HzF2FO+DSfzEQscdH0IwThp3hvDFq7OCFa7Z54a0aJgzPxW0VraSoqGh51g1rGoKTHDkvUSd2FUNXvq4fGynUHzRJriWpac0PwDWCVpQZx6huM42oLgFvKESMkI7ygTWsNUbz4kX7B8Omh2Hc5jna5ZQc9wdVX3FpC5TE0GpPi9wtu5LO6EWsFXuRSZiG5+VY=----ATTACHMENT:----MTMzNzU0MTU4OTk4MTkyOCA4MzQ1MTEwNzIwMzMwNTExIDQ2NDU3NDk0NTk5MzUyODc=