* @author Jordi Boggiano */ class ClassMapGenerator { /** @var list */ private $extensions; /** @var FileList|null */ private $scannedFiles = null; /** @var ClassMap */ private $classMap; /** * @param list $extensions File extensions to scan for classes in the given paths */ public function __construct(array $extensions = ['php', 'inc']) { $this->extensions = $extensions; $this->classMap = new ClassMap; } /** * When calling scanPaths repeatedly with paths that may overlap, calling this will ensure that the same class is never scanned twice * * You can provide your own FileList instance or use the default one if you pass no argument * * @return $this */ public function avoidDuplicateScans(FileList $scannedFiles = null): self { $this->scannedFiles = $scannedFiles ?? new FileList; return $this; } /** * Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes * * @param string|\Traversable<\SplFileInfo>|array<\SplFileInfo> $path The path to search in or an array/traversable of SplFileInfo (e.g. symfony/finder instance) * @return array A class map array * * @throws \RuntimeException When the path is neither an existing file nor directory */ public static function createMap($path): array { $generator = new self(); $generator->scanPaths($path); return $generator->getClassMap()->getMap(); } public function getClassMap(): ClassMap { return $this->classMap; } /** * Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes * * @param string|\Traversable<\SplFileInfo>|array<\SplFileInfo> $path The path to search in or an array/traversable of SplFileInfo (e.g. symfony/finder instance) * @param non-empty-string|null $excluded Regex that matches file paths to be excluded from the classmap * @param 'classmap'|'psr-0'|'psr-4' $autoloadType Optional autoload standard to use mapping rules with the namespace instead of purely doing a classmap * @param string|null $namespace Optional namespace prefix to filter by, only for psr-0/psr-4 autoloading * * @throws \RuntimeException When the path is neither an existing file nor directory */ public function scanPaths( $path, string $excluded = null, string $autoloadType = 'classmap', ?string $namespace = null, ): void { if (!in_array($autoloadType, ['psr-0', 'psr-4', 'classmap'], true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$autoloadType must be one of: "psr-0", "psr-4" or "classmap"'); } if ('classmap' !== $autoloadType) { if (!is_string($path)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$path must be a string when specifying a psr-0 or psr-4 autoload type'); } if (!is_string($namespace)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$namespace must be given (even if it is an empty string if you do not want to filter) when specifying a psr-0 or psr-4 autoload type'); } $basePath = $path; } if (is_string($path)) { if (is_file($path)) { $path = [new \SplFileInfo($path)]; } elseif (is_dir($path) || strpos($path, '*') !== false) { $path = Finder::create() ->files() ->followLinks() ->name('/\.(?:'.implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $this->extensions)).')$/') ->in($path); } else { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Could not scan for classes inside "'.$path.'" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder' ); } } $cwd = realpath(self::getCwd()); foreach ($path as $file) { $filePath = $file->getPathname(); if (!in_array(pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $this->extensions, true)) { continue; } if (!self::isAbsolutePath($filePath)) { $filePath = $cwd . '/' . $filePath; $filePath = self::normalizePath($filePath); } else { $filePath = Preg::replace('{[\\\\/]{2,}}', '/', $filePath); } if ('' === $filePath) { throw new \LogicException('Got an empty $filePath for '.$file->getPathname()); } $realPath = realpath($filePath); // fallback just in case but this really should not happen if (false === $realPath) { throw new \RuntimeException('realpath of '.$filePath.' failed to resolve, got false'); } // if a list of scanned files is given, avoid scanning twice the same file to save cycles and avoid generating warnings // in case a PSR-0/4 declaration follows another more specific one, or a classmap declaration, which covered this file already if ($this->scannedFiles !== null && $this->scannedFiles->contains($realPath)) { continue; } // check the realpath of the file against the excluded paths as the path might be a symlink and the excluded path is realpath'd so symlink are resolved if (null !== $excluded && Preg::isMatch($excluded, strtr($realPath, '\\', '/'))) { continue; } // check non-realpath of file for directories symlink in project dir if (null !== $excluded && Preg::isMatch($excluded, strtr($filePath, '\\', '/'))) { continue; } $classes = PhpFileParser::findClasses($filePath); if ('classmap' !== $autoloadType && isset($namespace, $basePath)) { $classes = $this->filterByNamespace($classes, $filePath, $namespace, $autoloadType, $basePath); // if no valid class was found in the file then we do not mark it as scanned as it might still be matched by another rule later if (\count($classes) > 0 && $this->scannedFiles !== null) { $this->scannedFiles->add($realPath); } } elseif ($this->scannedFiles !== null) { // classmap autoload rules always collect all classes so for these we definitely do not want to scan again $this->scannedFiles->add($realPath); } foreach ($classes as $class) { if (!$this->classMap->hasClass($class)) { $this->classMap->addClass($class, $filePath); } elseif ($filePath !== $this->classMap->getClassPath($class) && !Preg::isMatch('{/(test|fixture|example|stub)s?/}i', strtr($this->classMap->getClassPath($class).' '.$filePath, '\\', '/'))) { $this->classMap->addAmbiguousClass($class, $filePath); } } } } /** * Remove classes which could not have been loaded by namespace autoloaders * * @param array $classes found classes in given file * @param string $filePath current file * @param string $baseNamespace prefix of given autoload mapping * @param 'psr-0'|'psr-4' $namespaceType * @param string $basePath root directory of given autoload mapping * @return array valid classes */ private function filterByNamespace( array $classes, string $filePath, string $baseNamespace, string $namespaceType, string $basePath, ): array { $validClasses = []; $rejectedClasses = []; $realSubPath = substr($filePath, strlen($basePath) + 1); $dotPosition = strrpos($realSubPath, '.'); $realSubPath = substr($realSubPath, 0, $dotPosition === false ? PHP_INT_MAX : $dotPosition); foreach ($classes as $class) { // silently skip if ns doesn't have common root if ('' !== $baseNamespace && 0 !== strpos($class, $baseNamespace)) { continue; } // transform class name to file path and validate if ('psr-0' === $namespaceType) { $namespaceLength = strrpos($class, '\\'); if (false !== $namespaceLength) { $namespace = substr($class, 0, $namespaceLength + 1); $className = substr($class, $namespaceLength + 1); $subPath = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace) . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className); } else { $subPath = str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class); } } elseif ('psr-4' === $namespaceType) { $subNamespace = ('' !== $baseNamespace) ? substr($class, strlen($baseNamespace)) : $class; $subPath = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $subNamespace); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$namespaceType must be "psr-0" or "psr-4"'); } if ($subPath === $realSubPath) { $validClasses[] = $class; } else { $rejectedClasses[] = $class; } } // warn only if no valid classes, else silently skip invalid if (\count($validClasses) === 0) { foreach ($rejectedClasses as $class) { $this->classMap->addPsrViolation("Class $class located in ".Preg::replace('{^'.preg_quote(self::getCwd()).'}', '.', $filePath, 1)." does not comply with $namespaceType autoloading standard. Skipping."); } return []; } return $validClasses; } /** * Checks if the given path is absolute * * @see Composer\Util\Filesystem::isAbsolutePath * * @param string $path * @return bool */ private static function isAbsolutePath(string $path) { return strpos($path, '/') === 0 || substr($path, 1, 1) === ':' || strpos($path, '\\\\') === 0; } /** * Normalize a path. This replaces backslashes with slashes, removes ending * slash and collapses redundant separators and up-level references. * * @see Composer\Util\Filesystem::normalizePath * * @param string $path Path to the file or directory * @return string */ private static function normalizePath(string $path) { $parts = []; $path = strtr($path, '\\', '/'); $prefix = ''; $absolute = ''; // extract windows UNC paths e.g. \\foo\bar if (strpos($path, '//') === 0 && \strlen($path) > 2) { $absolute = '//'; $path = substr($path, 2); } // extract a prefix being a protocol://, protocol:, protocol://drive: or simply drive: if (Preg::isMatch('{^( [0-9a-z]{2,}+: (?: // (?: [a-z]: )? )? | [a-z]: )}ix', $path, $match)) { $prefix = $match[1]; $path = substr($path, \strlen($prefix)); } if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) { $absolute = '/'; $path = substr($path, 1); } $up = false; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $chunk) { if ('..' === $chunk && (\strlen($absolute) > 0 || $up)) { array_pop($parts); $up = !(\count($parts) === 0 || '..' === end($parts)); } elseif ('.' !== $chunk && '' !== $chunk) { $parts[] = $chunk; $up = '..' !== $chunk; } } // ensure c: is normalized to C: $prefix = Preg::replaceCallback('{(^|://)[a-z]:$}i', function (array $m) { return strtoupper($m[0]); }, $prefix); return $prefix.$absolute.implode('/', $parts); } /** * @see Composer\Util\Platform::getCwd */ private static function getCwd(): string { $cwd = getcwd(); if (false === $cwd) { throw new \RuntimeException('Could not determine the current working directory'); } return $cwd; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MTE4Mjk1NjU4NTk1MDI2NSAyMzk0Njg4NDgwNzU0NjU2IDgzMjUxOTUxNjk3MTU5MDk=