Checksum wildcard

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Technical information

Dot notation:
ASN.1 notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) frdlweb(37553) weid(8) org(1) webfan(8) technical-specifications(1) weid-spec(6) weid-spec-changes(1) weid-spec-change-2022-03-08-marschall-checksum-wildcard(9) }
OID-IRI notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/Frdlweb/weid/Organization/Webfan/1/6/1/9
WEID notation: weid:1-8-1-6-1-9-2
DER encoding: 06:0F:2B:06:01:04:01:82:A5:31:08:01:08:01:06:01:09


Recommendations for WEID notation (as of Spec Change 9):

  • In Spec Change 9 (08 March 2022), an alternative syntax of WEIDs is defined. This alternative syntax replaces the checksum with a wildcard in form of a question mark symbol, for example, weid:root:2-RR-? instead of weid:root:2-RR-2. One useful scenario can be the documentation of incomplete/template WEIDs. Another usage is converters (like our online converter) which can help you replace the wildcard with the correct checksum.

Discussed at 

Registration Authority


Subordinate objects

ID Base36 ASN.1 IDs (comma sep.) IRI IDs (comma sep.) RA Comment Created Updated
No items available

Alternative Identifiers

(No PIX allowed)
OIDplus Information Object Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
guid:5b35c471-4a73-8000-a6d3-921787487697OIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) More information
guid:f3fed43a-5042-3e37-9ff1-414e6fae3c38Name based version 3 / MD5 UUID with namespace UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:d9322aec-de72-54b8-8cd1-8e1796891471Name based version 5 / SHA1 UUID with namespace UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:32-40-A5-6E-AC-35OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Unicast (AAI)
mac:33-40-A5-6E-AC-35OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Multicast (AAI)
weid:1-8-1-6-1-9-2WEID notation More information
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

RDAP (internal)
RDAP (local server)
REST API (Documentation)

Federated OID Info:

  • Handle: @
  • Entity running this (Meta-)Node:
  • Application this node runs in:

RDAP OID Registrar/Registrant Authortive Service:

Special AltIds
  • weid--1-8-1-6-1-9-2.<DOMAIN>
  • weid:1-8-1-6-1-9-2@<DOMAIN>
  • weid:1-8-1-6-1-9-2@<DOMAIN>
  • <DOMAIN>/@weid:1-8-1-6-1-9-2@<DOMAIN>

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Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oidplus:home | Home
pen: | IANA Enterprise Numbers
oid: | Object Identifier (OID)
     oid: | -- weid-spec-changes
          oid: | -- Checksum wildcard
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
other: | Other objects
php: | PHP Namespaces
circuit: | Circuit Definition
uri: | URI objects
web+fan: | web+fan:// [#@resources]
mac: | MAC adresses (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
ipv4: | IPv4 Network Blocks
ipv6: | IPv6 Network Blocks
java: | Java Package Names
domain: | Domain Names
aid: | Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)
fourcc: | Four-Character-Code (FourCC)
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
service: | Services
alloc: | Allocation
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oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Register a free OID
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com.frdlweb.freeweid | Register a free WEID as OID Arc